Misael G. Bartlet

TAS-TAR Merger
The Allied States and the Allied Republics have merged!
Greetings members of The North Pacific,
We would like to inform you after a few long weeks, the Allied States and the Allied Republics are now fully merged and we just had our first government elected.
When we merged, we decided prior to our merger that we would be keeping the Allied Republics forum because it was older and there were more posts, we decided to keep the region name the Allied States and the Allied States RMB to equalize the the merger between the two regions. If your region has no forum embassy with the Allied Republics, but used to have one with the Allied States, we ask that you re-apply for an embassy on the forum now being used, Here. If your region has both an Allied States embassy and an Allied Republics embassy, we will be merging into the old Allied Republics embassies, this means your moderators will receive a message from our ambassador asking for the deletion of the old Allied States embassy and the re-naming of the old Allied Republics embassy to the Allied States. We would also like to ask you to get your current ambassador to our region to re-apply or apply for ambassadorship Here.
With your help we can have this issue resolved very shortly. We thank you for your cooperation during this busy time.
Zachary Drakan,
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Misael Drakan,
Ambassador to The North Pacific