ARCHIVED: Closure of Waterways to Military Aggressive Parties

St George

RolePlay Moderator
He/Him, They/Them
Missive on the Subject of Shei Ren and Military Conflict Arising Thereof​
The Great War - as it is being called - was largely resolved following the end of fighting in various theatres, after opposing sides agreed to come together to negotiate a settlement concerning various territories and causes through a series of conferences. The tiny island of Shei Ren, located just off the coast of the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia, is the focus of one this meetings of nations. It has come to the attention of the Eden of Nierr that during this conference, the Watching Nebula - which seized the island during the preceding conflict - has threatened further military action over the status of Shei Ren. It is the opinion of the Eden of Nierr that such an outcome would be unacceptable to the international community.

It has therefore been decided, proposed and organised, that the waterways by which the fleets and navies of the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia and the Watching Nebulan would travel, meet and clash upon will be closed to military traffic from the named nations, and any military vessels identified to belong or have belonged to those nations that change their flag or standards. It is the hope of the Coalition on Waterways that any and all military vessels of the Most Serene Republic and the Watching Nebula remain within their own territorial waters.

Coalition fleets will blockade, patrol and close all waterways between the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia and the Watching Nebula for the duration of the conference on Shei Ren. Following a positive outcome of those talks, restrictions on the travel of military and other vessels from both nations will be reviewed and eventually lifted. Until that time, the following restrictions are in place:

1. The Imperium Augustum has closed the strait passing through their nation to military traffic and will inspect commercial vessels traversing the waterway.
2. The Guslantis-Funkadelia strait has been closed by those nations, supported by a detachment of vessels from the Nierran Navy.
3. Xentherida with the support of Callaici have closed the waters around that nation and the Nebulan exclave of Port Florrantia, supported by the Fifth Fleet of the Nierran Navy.
4. New Haven American and the Lancerian Empire have closed the strait between their nations.
5. McMasterdonia, supported by the navy of Naizerre, have closed their waters to military traffic between the nations of Syrixia and Nebula.
6. The Third Fleet of the Nierran Navy has passed through the Imperium Augustum strait and taken position in the interior seas. Detachments from the Navies of other Coalition partners will arrive in the area as well.
7. Wolfsea, and a fleet from Nierr have closed the southern entrance to the interior seas to military traffic and will patrol and monitor the Southern Ocean for aggressive military convoys.
8. The Archeregnum Strait has been closed by that nation and monitors from the Lancerian Empire dispatched.

The Coalition encourages further positive dialogue between the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia and the Watching Nebula over this issue, and advises all parties that Coalition members are entitled to take further non-aggressive action if they deem it necessary, working with other nations or unilaterally. The Coalition urges parties not to test the blockade for fear of further military escalation. The Coalition also wishes to make it known that uninvolved nations are welcome to join and support the Coalition in these actions.

Coalition Partners: Archregnum | Aurora Orb | Callaici | Floresque | Funkadelia | Guslantis | Imperium Augustum | Lancerian Empire | Malvad |McMasterdonia | Naizerre | New Haven America | Nierr | SillyString | Wolfsea | Xentheridia​
Gonfaloniere's Palace
Piazza della Signoria, Floresque




Today, with the consent of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic, I directed my second-in-command and First Director Maria d'Avelocci to form a task force dedicated to inspecting all Nebulan- and Syrixian-flagged ships entering the Port of Floresque. The First Director will be working closely with the Gendarmerie of the Republic, the Floresque Police Department, and the Floresque Port Authority to devote increased resources towards this objective, and it is likely that the Port Authority will choose to extend these inspections to merchant ships previously flagged Nebulan that have been reflagged to another nation.

Recent tensions between the Watching Nebula and Syrixia over the sovereignty of the island of Shei Ren have led to concerns abroad that war or violence may break out. The Republic unambiguously condemns all acts of violence and supports a peaceful resolution to this crisis.

However, in the event that a peaceful resolution proves impossible, these measures will ensure that no weapons or soldiers belonging to either the Watching Nebula or Syrixia enter or leave our port. In addition, the frigate RFS Leonardo Pazzi and her compliment of sailors will be participating in a multinational coalition to prevent Nebulan or Syrixian warships from using peaceful waterways. In particular, the Navy will be working closely with our partners in the Pax Latina to ensure the security and safety of the straits to our south, one of the most heavily-used international waterways in the world.

It is in the best interest of the Republic to prevent nations at war from bringing weapons or soldiers into our port. To do so would jeopardize our long-standing tradition of neutrality and prevent legitimate merchant ships from participating in our economy. I understand that these measures may concern investors in Syrixian or Nebulan products, especially considering that ships from these nations are already being subjected to inspections from our Coalition partners.

I can assure those concerned that these inspections are necessary for the safety and security of the Republic, and that they will be as swift and painless as possible. We have no desire to cease trade with either Nebula or Syrixia, and will take measures to ensure that these inspections are undertaken with professionalism and care, both for the cargo that our merchant friends carry and for the safety of the Republic.

I would also like to remind merchants carrying goods into the Port that these blanket inspections will only concern ships flagged to Syrixia and the Watching Nebula, or to ships recently reflagged that were once flagged to those nations. All other merchants will be subject to the same conditions that they have been since the Maritime Inspection and Security Act of 1978.

I would like to thank the Gendarmerie of the Republic, the Floresque Police Department, and the Floresque Port Authority for their hard work and understanding of these new regulations. I would also like to thank the Floresque Navy and Coast Guard for their participation in the multinational Coalition to preserve the safety of our merchant fleets. Thank you to the sailors of the RFS Leonardo Pazzi and their families for their service to this nation. May these tensions subside quickly and peacefully, and may normality return to the Port of Floresque quickly.



The Free Republic of Syrixia has no plans to go on any sort of naval offensive against Nebula. Sheireni independence is a notion we back without a doubt, and we applaud this coalition for its cause and its efforts to carry out such a cause. Eras does not need another war; not now and not ever. Syrixia is interested in joining this coalition so Nebula does not attempt to attack Syrixia itself. Coalition ships are welcome in Syrixian territorial waters.
The government of Nebula denies any plan of action that would involve the use of naval vessels against Shei Ren.
Any attempt to seize or halt Nebulan cargo from passing through will be seen as equivalent to a blockade, and will be met with similar consequences.
OOC: A *-Magister is the highest authority of their respective service, of which there are 12 in Imperium of varying relative importance. They take the place of what would in the US system be a Chief of Staff. The Bounder-Magister handles the coast-guard and border patrols - the Boundary Service. A Dux is translated to Duke, which is both a four-star rank and a non-hereditary noble title.

On behalf of the Imperial Services: Regarding Operation Underbelly (Operation Garibaldi)
Authorised by Naval-Magister Dux Gaius Plinius Secundus
Joined by Bounder-Magister Dux Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, & Aerial-Magister Dux Titus Statilius Taurus

A Public Statement Regarding the Coalition Blockade

With the escalating size and scale of the international response to tensions on Shei Ren, the Naval-Magister sees fit to organize Imperium Augustum's response within the purview of the current Operation Garibaldi. Operation Underbelly is the name by which operations within August territorial waters under the auspices of the Nierr-convened Coalition will be designated.

To that effect, the Naval-Magister wishes to release a public statement to instruct its Coalition partners and inform third parties as to how Operation Underbelly is to be conducted.

The Coalition is to be organized in two parts - the first, being members of the Pax Latina. The Pax Latina, during Operation Underbelly, will report to Aerial-Magister Dux Titus Statilius Taurus. Pax Latina vessels intending to operate long-term within our territorial waters are strongly encouraged to take on an August naval officer for the duration of the operation. This is not a requirement for vessels transiting through our territorial waters. Note that civil and military vessels sailing to and from Floresque, New Intelligensia, and Silly String are permitted free transit, with the expectation that they will be searched at port, and held if necessary, noting the importance of military access through the blockade for the civil security of the aforementioned territories. These three ports are the ONLY exception, apart from Imperium's own vessels, to the closure of the waterway to combatant vessels without specific approval from the office of the Naval-Magister.

The second part, the Coalition Proper, will remain under the command of Bounder-Magister Dux Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa. The Coalition Proper is permitted to stop and escort both civil and military vessels freely. However, it is requested that the Coalition Proper do not search civilian vessels without Pax Latin oversight, and do not board or search military vessels without Augustan oversight. Furthermore, Coalition ships may not exit the interior sea except through the strait by which they entered, unless they submit to a search by Pax Latin personnel. This is to protect the integrity of the operation as a blockade, and not an offensive maneuvere.

In the case that hostile vessels are identified, Coalition and Pax Latin vessels at risk or within reasonable response range are ask to volunteer themselves into a direct-command structure under the Naval-Magister, Dux Gaius Plinius Secundus. The two standing command structures under the Bounder-Magister and Aerial-Magister will remain operational, and will be informed directly if Imperium wishes to give the order to fire at will.

This statement is an accurate depiction of our current situation, as declared by Dux Gaius Plinius Secundus, Equestrian Senator of the Naval Service, joined by Dux Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Equestrian Senator of the Boundary Service, & Dux Titus Statilius Taurus, Equestrian Senator of the Aerial Service.
A public statement on the Coalition of Waterways by Prime Minister of The Lancerian Empire Issac Oudinot.:
This statement is to confirm that The Lancerian Empire will be closing the North Strait of Archlancer to military vessels of the Watching Nebula and the Most Serene Republic Of Syrixia. Merchant ships from these nations will be searched to ensure that weapons and materiel is not being covertly transported. In addition, we will be assisting Archegnum in the closing of the South Strait Of Archlancer with the same goals. This is not meant to be an aggressive move, but instead an action taken in the interest of peace throughout the region. I'd also like to commend Nierr and all other nations involved for their dedication to preserving peace in taking these actions. I've instructed Admiral Blücher to begin the closures immediately and dispatch ships as necessary. That is all for now.

Orders from Admiral Friedrich Blücher to relevant officers of the Royal Lancerian Navy regarding the closure of the Straits.:
The Prime Minister has instructed me to make the necessary arrangements to begin the closure of the North Strait Of Archlancer to the military vessels of the Watching Nebula and the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia. In addition, merchant vessels of the above nations are to be searched for military supplies or weapons. As such, I am reforming RLN Battlegroup I to the North Strait to assume responsibilities of this mission, now referred to as Operation Lock. RLN Battlegroup I will consist of the following ships.


Light Aircraft Carrier, HES Bonaventure (LAC-1)
Guided Missile Cruiser and Flagship of the battlegroup, HES Hood (GMC-1)
Destroyers, HES Masséna (DDG-3) and HES Ney (DDG-1)
Frigates, HES LeMat (FFH-1), HES Shaw (FFH-5), HES Bonneau (FFH-11), HES Legrand (FFH-12)

In support of Operation Lock, Coastal Defense Ships HES Junot (CDS-6) and HES Beauharnais (CDS-8) are being temporarily reassigned from Coastal Area of Operations (CAO) West to CAO Northeast to assist in patrolling coastal areas of the North Strait.

Finally, the last deployment orders for Operation Lock are to the frigates HES Havilland (FFH-9), HES Davout (FFH-2), HES Moncey (FFH-3), HES Rainier (FFH-8) and the destroyer HES Lannes (DDG-2) who will assist the Archegnum Navy in patrolling the South Strait. Coastal Defense Ships HES Brune (CDS-9) and HES August (CDS-10) will continue to patrol the coast based out of Île Sudhommes just north of Archegnum's southern strait shores.

All other RLN ships are to continue in their assigned areas but are hereby ordered to also stop Nebulan and Syrixian ships under the same guidelines posted in the first paragraph.
(OOC: Psst. Free Republic of Syrixia. Also, we don't really want a war so you won't see any Syrixian naval vessels to block. XD)
I will say this once, and only once, any attempt to bring weapons through our sphere of influence will be dealt with swiftly... the second and third fleets are both in position and both have strict orders to confiscate and destroy any shipments either by sea or by air. The Adventure Galley floating fortress is currently en-route to act as both a resupply base for coalition ships and to handle the inspection of any transport aircraft crossing through the area.

(OOC: the Adventure Galley is basically the equivalent of 12 drilling platforms bolted together to form a small mobile naval base, tis a bugger to move but it gets the job done. btw Sebt is back in charge now... and a little narked at having had to leave his wife and daughter behind)
We urge the governments of the North Pacific to halt this dangerous activity. The conference is already bearing fruit. It is our sincere belief that peace will be reached within a month.
The Kannexan Reich expresses its wish to partake in the Coalition activities. With all due haste, the Imperial Navy shall send its Westflöte (Western Fleet) under Admiral Wilhelm Jang to join the Coalition formations, especially in the Guslant Strait. Any attempt by the target parties to ship weapons through the Western Sea will turned away. This includes by air or sea.
If the Kannexan navies could secure the strait near Portmantea, that would be much help. We believe that Funkadelia and Guslantis has secured the areas near the north of the strait, but we only have so many ships.

-Nancy Scottsfield
Minister of Defense
Guslantis Armed Forces
We urge the governments of the North Pacific to halt this dangerous activity. The conference is already bearing fruit. It is our sincere belief that peace will be reached within a month.
Syrixia does not agree with the above statement.

It is in the best interest of peace that the Coalition does what it is doing, and Syrixia commends its activities. The Coalition is preventing an attack on Shei Ren by Nebulan forces, and SAFF forces are also on alert incase anything happens. The NPTO Peacekeeping Forces have been called to assist and SRF medics are sending humanitarian aid to those affected by the Nebulan yoke. If Nebula wishes for peace to be reached, Nebula must leave Shei Ren. No questions asked.
Chancellor Sinad Tore? entered the Royal Council chambers, visibly irritated. The Lord Councilors eyed him warily - it was bad enough that His Majesty had appointed a commoner to the Chancery, not to mention his fixation on the doings of other nations.

Tore?: It would appear, gentlemen, that Wolfsea and Nierr have formed a blockade barring entrance to the interior seas. They claim to only be blocking military traffic - something about a conflict between Syrixia and Nebula - but I think it would be wise to seek confirmation that our scientific expeditions therein will be unhindered.

Tol Muldahar: You would have us resume contact with the outsiders? This is foolishness.

Osrad Vadhi?: It is a necessity, Muldahar. For that matter, how do we know this "blockade" is not merely preparation for an invasion?

Rokor Mapura: If they breach our waters, it will be the fault of your fleet, Vadhi?. Let them come and die on our beaches.

The oldest of the Lord Councilors, Imir Na?a, cleared his throat pointedly. He was ordinarily silent during Royal Council meetings, and the rare moments when he did speak were often of great importance.

Na?a: The Chancellor has the right of it, gentlemen. We must approach Wolfsea and Nierr in order to ensure that their intent is indeed benign. It's been nearly twelve years since the last official communication with any foreign nation - plenty of time for them to have dismissed us, or to have plotted against it.

The Council nodded in assent, Mapura and Muldahar's reluctance apparent. Tore? exhaled deeply. "I'll have a message sent to our consulates in Nierr and Wolfsea. Council is adjourned."

BY ORDER OF Belrak Sahas, High King of Vazos,

The Office of the Chancery and the Royal Council request a binding covenant from the navies of Nierr and Wolfsea:

that the fleets currently blocking passage to the interior seas will not hinder the progress of Vazosian expeditions for the purposes of scientific research;

that the naval forces of Nierr and Wolfsea will make no movement into Vazosian waters without prior authorization;

and that the naval forces of the Kingdom of Vazos will be unhindered in their movements within the southeastern seas.

TO: The Members of the Waterways Coalition
FROM: Nutius Lympne, Archegnuman Envoy to the Waterways Coalition and upcoming Envoy to the Archlancer Pact

This is a short message to confirm that His Imperial Majesty's Government in Parliament has indeed closed the South Archlancer Strait to military naval forces of the aggressive nations. The frigates HMS Hyaline, HMS Quachel, HMS Topaz and HMS Argent have been dispatched to patrol the Strait, along with the Archipelegian Kingdom's two battleships; HMS Stour and HMS Iluvatar (flagship and command vessel of the Imperial Fleet).

One of Archegnum's Minor-Class aircraft carriers, HMS Marinus, has sailed from Port Kent to assist the Lancerians in the closure of the North Archlancer Strait. It shall function as a refuelling point for aircraft operating from the Isle of Canterbury and Port Kent, and also for Lancerian aircraft should its services in this capacity be required for the Lancerian Airforce.
(OOC: Omg, how may times must I post this? Syrixia is not aggressive now! This coalition was created because Nebula is "looming" over Shei Ren, per se, and there is a fear that Nebula would attack. Syrixia has no interest in such a war and is strongly trying to prevent it. We strongly sympathize with and encourage the coalition.)
Coalition air patrols begin as fleets take position
Fleets of what's been dubbed as the Coalition on Waterways moved into position to block bodies of water being traversed by military vessels from the Free Republic of Syrixia and the Watching Nebula from engaging or moving to engage each other. Almost all waterways between the homelands of the two nations are blocked but Nebula retains a sizeable force on the disputed territory of Shei Ren, located just off the coast of the Free Republic. Current tensions have almost erupted during a conference held on the island to decide its future. Nebula maintains that it owns the island but many of the inhabitants - backed by the Free Republic - support an independent state.

The Third and Fifth fleets have taken position in the central interior sea, with the Fifth Fleet blocking a potential breakout from Port Florrantia and the Third located more centrally, near Malvad and its deployment. The Fourth Fleet has taken position at the southern passage and are working with Wolfsea and other partners there. A Detachment from the Fourth Fleet will reach the Guslantis Strait today and join the combined forces there. A spokesman for the Nierran Leadership Council said that naval and air patrol will stay out of national waters and airspace unless granted permission by the sovereign nation that space belongs to to enter. The spokesman also replied to a statement from Kingdom of Vazos and confirmed that their ships would be unmolested so long as they did not make "aggressive movements" towards Coalition deployments.

Separately, a statement put out from the Leadership Council welcomed the membership of the United States of New Sekai, the Kannexian Reich and the Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana to the Coalition, as well as announcing that Sytarenne had also closed their strait to military traffic from both the Free Republic and the Watching Nebula. The statement also praised the restraint of both nations thus far, especially that of the Free Republic who have publicly backed the Coalition.
The Western Fleet under Admiral Jang will secure the Phoenix Strait region off the coast of Portmanteau, basing itself in Rhuvanland. The Kannexan General Staff will keep Syrixia informed of naval movements to avoid any misunderstandings. Meanwhile, three carrier battle groups patrol the seas off Rhuvanland and Portmanteau, guarding against aggression.
The Federal Republic of Rhuvanland hereby expresses and notifies the Coalition of its wish to become a member. We do not believe Syrixia is a problem as they have never maliciously attacked our country, however Nebula has attacked us many times. Aggression from them will not be tolerated by Rhuvanland.
I do not think that would be appropriate in this case, for Rhuvanland to be a member. The nation of Rhuvanland is already pre-disposed against Nebula and this alliance is not intended to act aggressively towards Nebula. At this time, the McMasterdonian Government is not prepared to support the addition of Rhuvanland as we are concerned that Rhuvanland may be prepared to unnecessarily respond militarily to non-aggressive actions by Nebula. This is intended to be a neutral alliance to end hostilities not to facilitate them.

~Official Document from the United States of Cronaal~

Dear Coalition,

Cronaal has recently taken note of the waterway blockade against both The Free Republic of Syrixia and The Watching Nebula and has decided to remain neutral on such matters. To clarify, we shall allow Nebula, Syrixian and other international vessels to pass throw the Oak Channel and the large ocean north of Cronaal as we believe this is in our best interests at the current moment.

Cronaal is a very weak nation, with no outstanding military and a bare sliver of a government and congress, and does not believe it should provoke or weigh favor nation(s) whilst it continues to persevere and rebuild itself, slowly. If Cronaal were to be invaded by either Nebula or Syrixia, Cronaal may very well never recover from such an act, and may possibly remain under permanent control of said invaders.

I do not think that would be appropriate in this case, for Rhuvanland to be a member. The nation of Rhuvanland is already pre-disposed against Nebula and this alliance is not intended to act aggressively towards Nebula. At this time, the McMasterdonian Government is not prepared to support the addition of Rhuvanland as we are concerned that Rhuvanland may be prepared to unnecessarily respond militarily to non-aggressive actions by Nebula. This is intended to be a neutral alliance to end hostilities not to facilitate them.
The government of The Lancerian Empire strongly agrees with this analysis. The bias in this scenario is too pronounced to allow Rhuvanland to participate. We recommend that this offer of help be denied indefinitely.
I do not think that would be appropriate in this case, for Rhuvanland to be a member. The nation of Rhuvanland is already pre-disposed against Nebula and this alliance is not intended to act aggressively towards Nebula. At this time, the McMasterdonian Government is not prepared to support the addition of Rhuvanland as we are concerned that Rhuvanland may be prepared to unnecessarily respond militarily to non-aggressive actions by Nebula. This is intended to be a neutral alliance to end hostilities not to facilitate them.
Rhuvanland has no intention of military action against Nebula. We desire to join this coalition in order to protect others from what Nebula can do. We have seen it firsthand.
The Khan appreciates the candour of the Rhuvhish Government and commends their desire to assist in this venture but agrees with Nierr that it is in the best interests of Rhuvanland not to be directly involved.
That may well be the case. However such knowledge can lead to a biased perspective on Nebulas current actions. Given than Rhuvanland has had no involvement in international affairs since the Great War. It has no major relations with any major power in this coalition. I'm not certain what status Rhuvanland even has on the international stage. Is it independent? Is it even recognised as a state in its own right? All these matters considered I reiterate my strong opposition to this.
That may well be the case. However such knowledge can lead to a biased perspective on Nebulas current actions. Given than Rhuvanland has had no involvement in international affairs since the Great War. It has no major relations with any major power in this coalition. I'm not certain what status Rhuvanland even has on the international stage. Is it independent? Is it even recognised as a state in its own right? All these matters considered I reiterate my strong opposition to this.
Perhaps, and we are fine with whatever decision is made. However, it is a fact that our country is independent and recognized.