So, What About Shei Ren?


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
I don't think we ever talked about this. Plus, I wanna get it onto the map since we've RPed about it a bunch. What should be done with Shei Ren? Should they stay a Nebulan puppet? Be independent? Become democratic or stay socialist? What?

Thoughts and comments?
It becomes autonomous under Nebula, or it gains independence under a socialist state and I get to use it for RP. :P
Shei Ren's populace are mostly emigrants from Syrixia. That wouldn't make sense.

Except if you were the Sheireni government.

Plox no war. Plox peaceful revolution. Plox democracys?
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Socialism does not equal a lack of democracy, Syrixia.
Yeah, usually doesn't happen. The Nordic countries are free-market economies. Give me a planned economy that isn't a tyrannical dictatorship.
In an NS context, if someone wants to RP as a workable socialist system then just let them. It does not need to turn into an ideological argument in the context of RL world application.

TNP =/= RL
The discussion is irrelevant anyway. Please try to keep things on topic in future.
Inhabited by Syrixians? I was under the impression that it was unowned and uninhabited before I showed up.
It was unowned. The Empire used to send their convicts there, but after 1947 the island was abandoned. Its new population eventually evolved into the current Sheireni people.

Anyways, I do think Nordic model socialism would be applicable, as it has both elements of Syrixia and Nebula.
It's kind of a nationless land where the people live and work together to survive and thrive. Shei Ren is sort of like a peaceful, rich anarcho-syndicalist commune.

Or was, before Nebula arrived.
I have one question.

Where the hell even is Shei Ren?
I have yet to place the claim for it, since it's a small island. I planned to after we settle what is gonna happen to Shei Ren here.
Aw, shuddap. :rofl:

Anyways, back on topic. If I remember, we were discussing how Shei Ren could be a Nordic-model socialist nation to satisfy Nebula, and democratic to satisfy Syrixia? Shei Ren could be an ally of both, and would probably land observer status in the Faibuaizu and Helmebaine Alliances.
Not exactly. You may run Shei Ren's socialist party if it has one or whatever, but since I made up the island and its backstory and basically 90% of everything about it, I get control over its government and citizenry.
We need demographics here. How big is the island and how many people lived on it before the Nebulan annexation?
Probably around 20,000. The island is around as big as what Hawaii would be if all the islands were one island.
They're not.

The original Sheireni people were of many races, as they were convicts sent to the island and were not all one race. Over time, they slowly created their own race, which is different from the Syrixian race. Because of this as well as various other factors, Shei Ren has steered away from being annexed into Syrixia.
Syrixia isn't maintaining a military presence there, so Nebula shouldn't either. Shei Ren will be being assisted by Syrixia to create its own military, called the Shei Ren Island Defense Force, or SRIDF.
Not really. I'd say as the creator of the Sheireni history they'd have an equal bargaining position with both Syrixia and Nebula, leaning more towards the former, but still open with the latter.

That doesn't mean only one country of the two gets negotiations, though. Perhaps a conference in Sydea, Shei Ren's largest town, would be able to iron such things out?
Malachit, the Nebulan liaison officer that handled relations between the Nebulans and the locals, and a few guards.
Malachit no longer holds political office. Why would he be going? I suggest sending Antlerio.
Because Malachit's a diplomat now, and one of Antlerio's favorites. He always stays calm. He never gives ground unless the only alternative is failure to come to any agreement at all. He's ex-AFI. His appearance is somewhat intimidating, in a subtle way. And everyone's heard of him.
I'll give him a chance. I'll be sending Shaw Atlas, James Dolan, and a few guards.