McMasterdonian Political Crisis

I just had the best idea; what if during when the Flemingovianist fighters were fighting against whoeever, Flemingovia comes down? He could tell them to keep going or tell them to stop or to whatever, but it'd be a really cool scene.

Plus, then we can look into the magical posting genius that is Flemingovia.
For those of you confused by my posting in the thread, I was asked to replace Insaniac, playing Rosemary Whent and the Senate, because of his RPing LOA.
Attention to all who read this...

I've been enjoying this RP with those involved in it, it has been great. I enjoyed when Syrixia asked the NPTO to intervene. Unfortunately though there hasn't been much of an international response to the atrocities being committed. The Flemingovianists wiped out an entire ruling family, including the children. They attacked the SDKY research centre and murdered hundreds of their workers and scientists.

They have been destroying cities, forcing people to convert. Meanwhile the Government in Intelligentsia is paralyzed by incompetence and superstitions. It would be good to see more people condemning the atrocities of the war, and if necessary, adding support to the government, or at least a statement of support for their war effort.

Just a suggestion.
Sorry for the gravedig but this seemed like the best thread to put it in. I had a convo with Grim and Cro and I decided to retcon the whole fanfare and the cheering for the emperor by his guards.

He will still enter with his guards, but without the two things. And there will only be 12 guards. See, I wanted to test out the Imperial fanfare, but Grim notified me that a funeral was perhaps not the best place.

So I will do the fanfare at the Novrith Conference. As for here, it didn't happen.
Should I be getting involved in this, seeing as Archegnum is geographically close to McMasterdonia and has strong cultural and familial ties to the McMasterdonian Royal Family? Not necessarily direct military involvement, but receiving refugees, providing asylum for dissenters from the Flemingovians, stuff like that. Providing naval and air bases, helping with logistics, if needed.

What do you think?