NPTO Waste Bin


Welcome to the NPTO Waste Bin, where NPTO officials can dump split posts and old threads that are no longer in use.
I had a feeling you'd say that. If possible could you do that? Paintbrush does not support curved letters.
Syrixia, this was not authorized by the Office of the Chairman nor discussed by the charter. You cannot just create an official thread without permission like this. Wolfsea is admitted, but NPTO cannot accept any more applicants until the charter is written.
There's one on the main NPTO page already, so I see this as unnecessary. Therefore, I request you get rid of this page.
Actually, there is not. This is meant to be just a single post so that future chairpersons can update this one. I ask that these last two posts by Syrixia and myself be split out and the thread locked.

EDIT: I also request that this thread be pinned.
Well, there was, but I'm not in the mood for an argument over where the Charter is. XD

I deleted the Charter from the main page and I have pinned this page. Now I gotta figure out how to split posts.
Thank you for your application, Archegnum. Consider it accepted pending Deputy Chair approval.
Once again, the charter vests the power to accept applications to the chairman. Only.
Thank you for your application, Archegnum. Consider it accepted pending Deputy Chair approval.
Once again, the charter vests the power to accept applications to the chairman. Only.
Like RPI said, it does not say directly that the Chair can't allow the Deputy Chair to accept the application too before it is approved.
(Can the chair, or anyone else with mod powers here, split all posts regarding debate on who can accept applications be split for clarity.)