Two Suggestions


Of air and darkness
I have seen various modding forums for our host and think some ideas might be interesting. But for the moment I have two:

1) When you're writing a PM, sometimes you'd like to have a 'full reply screen' as you'll be using BB code a lot and would rather just tap the button than type it out and such. I'm not sure if there is a code mod out there for this but it'd be nice.

2) An internal instant messenger system. I've seen the mod for this elsewhere and it seemed very interesting. You can save the transcript of the conversation and all. It'd be useful for those times you are working on something quick and need to bat things back and forth. Maybe discussing an item you're kicking back and forth in PM or are coordinating something in a thread. Substantial things would still be in PM. The messenger doesn't seem to be for big messages, but allows for quick dialogue between members.

3) [roll] A BB code for a dice roll.

OK, three.
(For number 2, we have IRC for that if it comes to it)
Feel free to investigate the Zetaboards support forums and codes for add-ons you think might be useful. Be aware though that Zetaboards updates its code periodically and not all add-on work when tested. (We had that problem with a multiple recipient feature, and the code for that has never been updated.)

Ones thought to be worth being checked out are tested out at the test forum Elu maintains before they are introduced here.

Same rule for skins and other features.

In all instances, please provide a link.