Separatist Peoples
Preserving Antimicrobials
A resolution to modify universal standards of healthcare.
Category: Health | Area of Effect: Research | Proposed by: Imperium Anglorum
Description: Recalling the gradual evolution of organisms through natural selection over many generations and the growing resistance of microbes to chemical therapies due to that evolution,
Remembering that resistant microbes are spread through international borders without consideration of the state of public health in those countries,
Believing that the success of modern health initiatives is due in part to our effective use of antibiotics and antimicrobials,
Concerned about the consequences of inaction on this front and resulting effects on later generations,
Worried about how previously helpful interventions may no longer be effective and the resulting increase in the lethality of infections for all people leading to the end of an era free from constant epidemics,
Convinced that immediate action is necessary to stay ahead of this evolved resistance to chemical interventions,
The World Assembly hereby:
Instructs the World Health Authority to create a mechanism of monitoring the spread of antimicrobial resistance in all member nations and international zones or borders as well as publish a report on a periodic basis to inform about the status and prevalence of such resistance;
Establishes an ‘Antimicrobial Resistance Workgroup’ inside the World Health Authority to coordinate between nations on this topic and inform member nations about relevant consequences of possible public health policies;
Mandates immediate action to be taken to lower infection rates in all places of treatment as well as public and private areas to improve public health and lower the need of chemical therapies, actions which may include:
education of medical practitioners on the correct usage of antimicrobials,
educational literature on the necessity of completing a full course of antimicrobials,
severely limiting the amount of antimicrobial substances exposed to livestock, and
large investments in infection control;
Recommends that nations keep detailed statistics to monitor the prevalence and spread of resistant microbes;
Encourages development of new antibiotics through government-sponsored contests and grants to stay ahead of evolving resistance to already widespread chemical therapies for infection.
For, Against, Abstain.