[GA] At Vote: Repeal Nuclear Power Safeguards Act [Complete]

Repeal "Nuclear Power Safeguards Act"

A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: GA#315

Proposed by: Jean Pierre Trudeau

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #315: Nuclear Power Safeguards Act (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly,

Applauding the efforts of General Assembly Resolution #315 to protect the environment from harmful radioactive byproducts associated with associated with nuclear reactor failures,

Concerned clause 3(1) defines nuclear power as "as the use of sustained nuclear reactions of fission to generate heat and do useful work", whilst failing to take into account the nuclear reactions from fusion which produce highly energetic gamma rays which are known to be fatal to living organisms,

Confused that clause four "LIMITS the resolution to facilities not mobile under their own power to protect facilities which may have other means of protection" whilst failing to take into account devices such as radioisotope thermoelectric generators, and nuclear reactors aboard spacecraft and satellites, which if entering the atmosphere of a habitable celestial body can spread radioactive material over vastly larger distances than a single non-mobile nuclear reactor,

Befuddled by the confusing and very technical wording of clause 5(2), which can be very difficult to understand, let alone implement in nations that are just developing nuclear power to meet their energy needs,

Further confused that clause eight states "MANDATES nations to establish procedures and arrangements to maintain safety and update them as deficiencies are discovered", yet clause seven clearly states "REQUIRES reactor plant agencies to abide by advisories and mandates of the NSO" leading to confusion as to who actually has authority over the safety of nuclear plants,

Disappointed in the lack of clear language and punctuation that make this resolution a travesty to international law,

Hoping the World Assembly passes clear and concise guidelines that actually prevent unaffiliated persons from being affected by nuclear power disasters in the future,

Hereby repeals "GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION # 315 "Nuclear Power Safeguards Act".

For, Against, Abstain
Ministry Determination
Vote Recommendation: Against

This resolution seeks to remove important safeguards on nuclear power. Ordinarily, it is expected that whatever backwards, shoddy safety procedures a nation wishes to enact to restrict itself is its own business, but in the case of nuclear power, with long lasting and border-crossing impacts, the issue is much more international by its very nature.

Additionally, the arguments in the repeal are weak and subject to highly circumstantial conditions to be valid in the first place. The Confused clause takes into account extremely specific situations that would be readily addressed by any reasonable nation in the first place! The following clauses seem to expect the average nation to be run by a string of buffoons incapable of looking out in their own self-interest, let alone that of the international community.

As such, it is the determination of the Ministry that this resolution is not only not in the best interests of The North Pacific, but is outright insulting to the collective intelligences of nations in the World Assembly, and, as such, recommends a vote AGAINST.
Present. I think Chester has an unhealthy obsession with nuclear business.
To the best of my knowledge, its peripheral to his Real World career, so I understand. Much like Mouse writes a lot of medical stuff.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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