CLOSED: Condemnation of Nebula


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation

As proposed by Kannex and debated HERE.

Debate should be conducted in that thread. This thread is for voting only.

You may vote in this thread by posting "aye" "nay" or "abstain" in black, normal sized text with only the capitalization of the first letter, or the use of a period/full stop next to the vote allowed. All other votes on this thread will not be counted towards voting for any of the three options, or be counted for quorum purposes. Votes cast by any other means than a post in this thread will not be counted. A simple majority is needed to pass.

The vote will remain open for 3 days, until (time=1435347852) in your time zone (NOTE: if you are in an area affected by daylight savings time, you may need to check a box in your forum settings to see the correct time here).

The motion put:

The North Pacific Treaty Organization Assembly,

APPALLED at the Empire of the Watching Nebula's gross violation of the national sovereignty of the Empire of Kannex,

ALARMED that the Nebulan Government has explicitly and undeniably expressed support and shipped weapons to terrorist groups in the Kannexan protectorate of Pelhafor, such as the Republican Guard,

NOTING that these terrorist groups have targeted civilians and police officers in Pelhafor in indiscriminate attacks,

SHOCKED that the Nebulan Government has openly called for anarchy and violence especially against authorities in Pelhafor,


CONDEMNS the Watching Nebula for the violation of international law;

URGES NPTO nations to stop the sale or purchase of all goods to Nebula that fall under the category of:
small arms and munitions, offensive and defensive in nature,
heavy weaponry of any kind, including armed vehicles and missiles,
warships and aerial craft,
heavy metals and other materials used to produce vehicles,
automobiles of any kind,
and natural gas;

FURTHERMORE URGES any bank operating from Nebula to prohibit itself from doing business in North Pacific Treaty Organization Member-States;

EFFECTS these measures into place until such time as the Nebulan Government satisfactorily apologizes to the Empire of Kannex, pledges to never interfere in Kannexan sovereignty again, and withdraws support from terrorist groups.