ARCHIVED: Eden Uprisings


~The Smithworks Gazette~

An image of several rioters being forced away from the steps of Smith's Palace with Canned Tear Gas by riot police.

With the recent murder of Eden Hall in Syrixia and lack of official statements given by the Cronaal Parliament, a large group of 1500 rioters stormed the streets of the Central Smith District of the Cronaal capital of Smithworks. Many of the violent rioters held banners and signs proclaiming that the government should blame Syrixia for the Orderian terrorism and enter a bloody, vile war with Rhuvanland after it's recent unification and peace whilst other rioters began looting stores and mugging innocent passers, being no worse than the Orderian's themselves. The riots, in the end, caused 1.2 million Aldits in damages and left 250 people injured with 10 dead, on the International Day of peace no less.

Almost instantly after the riot, Queen Diana Wrokford II gave out a statement on her thoughts of the riots,
"The riot, only several hours ago, was caused by ridiculous and idiotic opinions. I agree that Syrixia is part of the blame and cause of Eden Hall's death and that they should've kept a closer eye on the citizens of Rhuvanland during unification but I wish not to war with Rhuvanland and to insult Syrixia and their allies. I, personally, condemn the actions of the rioters and wish the swift arrest of any whom stole. vandalized or killed."

General Martin Rose, Cronaal's primary General, also gave out a statement on the riots,
"B*******, these rioters have no reason for their actions, they only with to exploit the death of my dear friend so they can steal from the stores and kill innocents and then run away as if nothing happened due to the panic. I will not stop until these people are brought to justice and I shall personally protect the Smith's palace myself and increase the security across many national landmarks to avoid these riots from escalating to such scale again."
President Franz Erhard protested Queen Diana Wrokford II's words. "The Cronaalian Queen's words are unfortunately misguided. Rhuvanland is not a protectorate of Syrixia. Only the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland is responsible for herself. The Order of the Loyal was a purely Syrixian-based organization and has nothing to do with the ideals, beliefs, or actions of the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland. The fault does not lie with Rhuvanland or Syrixia; the fault lies within the lax security that allowed the late Mr. Eden's capture."
President Franz Erhard protested Queen Diana Wrokford II's words. "The Cronaalian Queen's words are unfortunately misguided. Rhuvanland is not a protectorate of Syrixia. Only the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland is responsible for herself. The Order of the Loyal was a purely Syrixian-based organization and has nothing to do with the ideals, beliefs, or actions of the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland. The fault does not lie with Rhuvanland or Syrixia; the fault lies within the lax security that allowed the late Mr. Eden's capture."
Queen Diana responded,
"I understand that theyw ere based in Syrixia but the reasons for their attacks was their disagreement with the control over Rhuvanland and then the government chosen."
Official Communicate from the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia:


To: The Provincial State of Cronaal
From: The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia
Subject: Reaction to the Smithworks Riots

The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia has received word of the riots following the death of Eden Hall. While we regret that Mr. Hall was murdered, we find the rash opinions of the rioters simply ridiculous, as the extremist Order of the Loyal was behind Hall's death. As the Order has been found and dismantled by a battalion of Syrixian and Ceretian troops, as well as the new Federal Republic of Rhuvanland given full independence and reunified, the rioters are clearly exploiting the death of Eden Hall to plunder and loot stores and innocent passersby.

Let it be known, however, that Syrixia is indeed part of the blame concerning this situation. The square outside Parliament Hall was meant to be a public agora, not a heavily guarded park of sorts; and as such we did not staff it with guards. Thankfully, Parliament is now in the process of passing the Security Act, which, if passed, will exponentially strengthen Syrixian security and create several new Homeland Security and Defense departments to boot. With more security, terrible events like Mr. Hall's kidnapping will never happen again.

However, we cannot change the past and what has happened has already happened. As such, the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia would like to issue a statement of apology for the events that have transpired, though we note that this would never have happened if the terrorist Order of the Loyal had not kidnapped him in the first place. If we are to end threats like that which was presented by the Order of the Loyal, we must end terrorism. Thus, Syrixia has decided to declare a "War on Terror". Together Syrixia and her allies can eliminate terrorism once and for all and bring peace to the North Pacific. Never again will the plague of terrorism hit anyone or anything once we banish it.

Once again, Syrixia apologizes for the lax security that led to the Order's kidnapping of Mr. Hall and hereby CONDEMNS the rioters and their exploitation of Mr. Hall's death. Eden Hall was a great man, dedicated to his job, and always kind. He will be dearly missed. The rioters' exploitation of this tragic loss in order to plunder and pillage will not be taken lightly, and we join Her Royal Majesty, Queen Diana II, in wishing swift arrests for those who did this. These people sacrificed and interrupted the sanctity of the International Day of Peace and ruined what would've otherwise been a historical day for the region. Words cannot describe the contempt we have for these rioters.

Nevertheless, we urge the region and especially Cronaal to go on. We will not stand for the International Day of Peace to be ruined. This atrocity will never happen again. The surging flame of war and conflict will never evaporate the calm waters of peace; not if we have anything to say about it. The North Pacific is better than this; let us rise above our hatred and celebrate equality, freedom, peace, and happiness! Let the region sing! Let the people celebrate!


John Yse'qi
Syrixian Minister of Homeland Security​


To: The Provincial State of Cronaal
From: The Republic of Callaici, The Confederation of Kalti
Subject: Reaction to the Smithworks Riots

It is unfortunate that these rioters are exploiting the unfortunate death of Eden Hall. While it is nice to see The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia apologize, do remember that the Kaltian Estate did have two of its own on the ground that were able to utilize Hall's murder to neutralize the Order. We urge calm on all sides and are willing to send in the Royals to act as a peacekeeping force. We also have diplomats within Oiche na Ruin who can mediate any discussion.

All the best,
Sora Vassidia
Department of Home and Foreign Affairs
Council of Five
The Republic of Callaici
(I was thinking about how close we could be to war, since everyone's ticking each other off, and that if a war started, it would probably be my fault. But now, I can sit back and watch the fun!)
(OOC: Apologies if this post is messy, I'm not good with news articles and ordering.)

~The Smithworks Gazette~

The destruction of the Astaertan Colossus in Astaerta, formerly The City State of Astaerta-Loette.

The riots over Eden Hall's death and the disagreement with Syrixian reaction has escalated by the thousands as a tenth of the population of the city of Asterta, in Cronaal's Northern province of Oir, rose up in riot in the Imperial Docks that are globally famed for the Astaertan Colossus, the Colossus itself is 500 meters in height, 100 in width and 50 in depth proving it to be a marvel of ancient architecture and attracts thousands of tourists a year. 13,000 rioters ravaged the Imperial Docks, destroying 28-million Aldits worth of architecture, property and recreational grounds. 4,000 people have been injured, 200 have also been killed or murdered during the outrageous, savage attacks on innocent civilians by rioters.

The military of Cronaal have also been criticized during this wave of rioting, instead of protecting the civilians from the rioters, many joined the rioters or killed the rioters instead of pacifying or subduing and are also the main reason that the Astaertan Colossus collapsed and destroyed most of the Eastern side of the Imperial Port. A grenade was thrown at the Colossus which then fractured the legs of the colossus, weakening the entire structure and causing it's collapse which crushed crushed ~2500 people, injuring most. The national government has shown mostly negative reactions to the events in Astaerta and places their hearts with those who've been lost.
This is absolutely insane. These rioters are clearly taking things way too out of hand and have become murderers of hundreds, as well as the destroyers of an important Cronaal landmark, all because of a telegram which was as sincere as a telegram could get. Now they've crossed the line. They must either be pacified or pushed back. These rioters threaten the integrity and peace of Cronaal, and as a dear ally of Syrixia, we will not stand for the suffering Cronaal is undergoing right now thanks to these riots. If the government of Cronaal needs any kind of support, Syrixia is here to offer it.
The Ryccian Government has released a statement on this issue:

"Making millions of Aldits in damages, destroying a Cronaal landmark... Its unacceptable. These rioters have become something more than rioters. They are a threat to Cronaal's stability. They must either be pacified or be eliminated. If Cronaal needs aid of any kind, we will gladly provide it. This is insane!"
(OOC: Psst. This is outdated. Heavily outdated. Cronaal as a united entity no longer exists.)