New forum sections


Of air and darkness
I would like to see two new section added to the forum if possible:
The North Pacific > Port Thel > Role Play > The Future
The North Pacific > Port Thel > Role Play > The Past

Currently RP is based on modern day, and I think we need a better location to RP the broader range of our national story.

The Future section would vary in time, but would generally (usually) take place +50 or more years into the future. This would allow us to create fun what-if scenarios and advance existing policies and events into their natural end. These future RP pieces would be more of a fun concept and their relevance may change as standard RP advances.

The Past section would also vary in time and would be more for building lore, national history, and past relations with nations, people, etc. Interesting events that may in some way tie into modern / standard RP or might just be an interesting nugget. I could see stories of past homelands being lost, and in modern RP archeological discovery of these events. These events may even play through modern and into the future section.

The two sections would allow for a better distinction of the RP sections and allow for 'Future RP' and 'Past RP' to have a place to live. So if one night you're on a history kick you can read up on others' history or RP in the section. Maybe you want to go shoot off a few lasers... to the FUTURE Marty!!
Can't you just do what every other roleplayer does and use your title properly? i.e. [Past] xyz, or [Future] xyz?
Absolutely zero.

This is not supported by those currently in charge of roleplay.

Edit: What might be useful is a subforum for the Minister/Ministry of Entertainment - either in the Government section or in the Roleplay subforum itself, perhaps in the Drafting Plane subforum.
Lord Ravenclaw:
Can't you just do what every other roleplayer does and use your title properly? i.e. [Past] xyz, or [Future] xyz?
[me] gasps.

Are you suggesting we do things like normal people, thats crazy.

(note: needless to say I am against this xP)
Lord Ravenclaw:
Can't you just do what every other roleplayer does and use your title properly? i.e. [Past] xyz, or [Future] xyz?
You actually seem open to discussion unlike some others in this thread. My suggestion is to help organize the section better so that the Future and Past don't get lost in the shuffle holding on only by one word in their title. If you're hoping to read a bunch of history or future it'd be nice to go to one section and just read through knowing they're all history or all future. It'd also make for nicer titles without some cataloging tab [Word] that signifies that it is different from the rest. It's not like there have only been one or two history or future threads, and their number is growing enough that they deserve their own section.

The next part is that having specifically a Future section and a Past section would spur the RP players/writers to engage more in these alternate timelines making for a far richer RP section, lore creation, etc. Asking why we need these sub sections would be like asking why we need a 'Diplomacy' or 'Economics and Trade' section, just title it [Diplomacy] xyz, or [Economics and Trade] xyz.

In short it's reasonable organization that will spur creativity in a creative section.

As for the rest who didn't bring constructive discussion but only snide comments:
Sorry, what is your standing to be asking for forum rearrangement ?
I'd say a citizen in good standing, speaking in what appears to be an unrestricted forum suggestion section? Seems like enough to me and to reason.

Absolutely zero.
Cool that you shoot down an open forum discussion that'd improve the RP section so it has a more logical layout. We would HATE to have any improvements or make it easy for RP players to enrich their story without clutter.

Hersfoldton > Forum Operations:
Any ideas for forum improvement? Post 'em here! Great place for polls. All kinds of forum-related discussion.
Apparently this needs to be changed to say we don't want improvement, only to heckle those who do. Also you should probably change the permission on this section to some upper level orgy status only... you wouldn't want some pleb walking in here with ideas.

As for the more amusing:
Lord Lore:
Lord Lore gasps.

Are you suggesting we do things like normal people, thats crazy.

(note: needless to say I am against this xP)
Kinda funny, reminds me of Kahan

Also the lack of interest in organizing this as more future and past RPs are being produced reminds me of this:
There's definitely an argument for re-organising the RP forums, but your suggestions would just add two empty forums. There's just not enough interest for Future and especially Past tech RPs at the moment - and if we're going to split the existing national or character roleplay forums into techs then we should also add a fantasy forum then, as there are several more RPers in TNP who rp fantasy - or elements of fantasy - than there are who would be interested in RPing FT or PT.

I'm unsure as to whether this would be the place to suggest what I'd believe to be an appropriate reorganisation - but I can if people would like me to.
How much FT or PT RP would need to exist before you'd be interested in opening one of the sections?
So I think what Nierr means is we need to do more PT and FT RPs for there to be new subforums for such RPs.
I think people need to do more RPs full stop, so long as they are quality RPs.
Edit: What might be useful is a subforum for the Minister/Ministry of Entertainment - either in the Government section or in the Roleplay subforum itself, perhaps in the Drafting Plane subforum.
Now there is a suggestion that merits actual discussion. If the delegate would like to add that to the executive area then I would support that since it is an actual ministry.
Apologies, Ceretis, I took your original post to be a request for a forum change, not a suggestion.

From time to time admins (well, me basicially) have acted on what looks like an offician request for masking changes, forum reorganisation etc, only to find that the person making the request had no right to do so which has both pissed off the ministry officails and has caused a lot of extra admin work. So when I see what looks like a request but i cannot see obviously that the person making it is a government official, i tend to ask first and act later.

But please keep making suggestions. Most suggestions made tend to be unworkable for one reason or another; but sometimes you get a diamond in the coal that improves life here greatly.
All is well Flem, I understand what you mean and how that'd be a headache. I'll post other suggestions in the future as they happen.

Nierr, thank you for the guidelines and help on how to make that all happen. I think there will be more FT/PT RP coming up which, depending on if it all happens, may make this or part of this more relevant.