ARCHIVED: Independence for Pelhafor?


"Für unsere Nachwelt und ihre Zukunft, fordern wir pelhaforische Unabhängigkeit!"

Since 1899, this land called Pelhafor has been under the rule of the Kannexan Reich. German has long replaced Spanish as the administrative language, but Spanish, Portuguese, and the various indigenous languages of Pelhafor are still in use by the populace.

Pelhafor is governed by the Pelhaforan Senate (der Senat), consisting of 100 members elected by proportional representation. The Senate, elected every four years, chooses among them a Senate President (der Präsident des Senats). The Senate President, along with the Imperial Viceroy, govern the Protectorate of Pelhafor.

Military, foreign affairs, and monetary policies of Pelhafor are the responsibility of the Kannexan motherland, specifically the Kannexan Imperial Congress. While all 60 million Pelhaforans are technically Kannexan citizens and subjects of Kaiser Franz, they have no direct say in the Kannexan Congress, relying instead on lobbyists. The local government in Pelhafor is delegated other matters -- fiscal and domestic.

This situation is not guaranteed by any codified constitution -- certainly not the Kannexan Constitution, written before Pelhafor was a Kannexan protectorate. The delegation of powers and rights to the people and government of Pelhafor are listed in a series of legislative acts by the Kannexan Congress, all passed after 1968. What happened in 1968? The Kannexan military junta fell, allowing for democracy to flourish in both Kannex and its protectorate, Pelhafor. But theoretically, Kannex has every right to take away the powers of self-government from Pelhafor.

The latest elections for the Senate have yielded a plurality for the Pelhaforan National Party. The Catholic majority in Pelhafor has expressed discomfort over the rise of evangelical Protestantism in Kannex. There are concerns that the Kannexan government may try to prop up the weakening Protestant state church in Pelhafor against the Catholic Church, as well as threaten the Catholic Church's tax-exempt status. The winding-down of the economic boom of the last decade and growing income inequality has also contributed to a Pelhaforan desire for independence or, at the very least, autonomy.

The National Party of Pelhafor maintains its desire for a peaceful solution and explicitly mentioned its renunciation of any of the violent tactics associated with the historical independence movement. The National Party demands negotiations for greater self-government, especially the establishment of a separate Pelhaforan currency and the power to regulate Pelhaforan trade with foreign countries. The demands come after large street demonstrations have spilled out in major Pelhaforan cities, such as the capital of Zarya.

Chancellor Hans Kreutzer of Kannex has said, "Any reevaluation of Pelhafor's status within the Kannexan Reich is out of the question. Pelhafor is a fundamental part of the Reich." Many right-wing groups in Congress, especially the nationalist wing of the ruling Liberal Party and the strongly Protestant Fatherland Front, have advocated increasing military presence in Pelhafor.[/i]
"Sir, the situation in Pelhafor is growing... unstable."
"Excellent. Excellent! We need not even foment revolution. All we must do is wait for the independence movement to grow to a significant point. We'll send an agent to offer aid to the leaders. They will then openly, publicly request Nebulan aid, and we'll have to accept. Should they gain independence, we'll ask for a plot of land to build an airbase on. From there, we'll be able to threaten Kannex should another proxy war begin."
"So should we do anything yet, sir?"
"No. We'll wait for the movement to expand on its own. We may have to send in agents to get it back up, but that can wait."
Following the situation in Rhuvanland, the government of Syrixia has declined to pick a side in this conflict and instead requests negotiations be hosted by Syrixia between the leaders of the Pelhaforan independence movement and the Kannexan government. After Rhuvanland, war is something we know Kannex would not want to see.
While the protests for Pelhaforan independence in Zarya had hardly been newsworthy before, the official acknowledgement of the independence movement by Syrixia and Nebula gave it legitimacy and a slow, steady momentum. The Aussenministerium of the Empire meanwhile reacted angrily against Nebula, decrying "Nebulan meddling in the Reich's internal affairs."

"These calls for separation are as much as the work of the devil as much as they are the work of foreign socialists and radical agitators!" the Liberal's voice boomed in the Pelhaforan Senate chamber. The Nationalists on the opposing side began shouting, crying out louder and louder as the Speaker of the Senate banged his gravel. "This is a plot to divide our strength and the good people of Pelhafor will not tolerate such a wicked undertaking!"

In the Pelhaforan city streets, pro-independence demonstrations have been met by loyalist counter-protests by Protestant and conservative groups. The issue is becoming increasingly polarized, particularly as a bill to remove funding from Catholic schools is being considered.
In a response to the increasing amount of independence movements in Pelhafor, the Xentheridan government asks the Kannexian senate for a referendum for Pelhafor's independence. However, we request that the referendum is held by a third party, to reduce the potential risk of a biased/corrupted referendum. A referendum would decide whether the majority of Pelhafor wants independence, or whether it is a minority who are protesting.

Regardless, however, we would like to see Pelhafor have some degree of independence; its own government, or, most likely, the ability to have a say in the Kannexian Senate. At the current moment in time, it is clear that Pelhafor needs at least a small amount autonomy from Kannex.
Democratic Party opposition leader Lorenz Amano spoke to Congress, arguing for a referendum in Pelhafor to decide the question of greater political self-rule for the protectorate. His sentiment was not only echoed by his party members but also a few backbenchers in the ruling Liberal Party as well as the Christian Social Party, the Catholic-dominated junior coalition partner of the Liberals. The nationalistic Fatherland Front opposed the proposition, as did the Liberal Party leadership. Chancellor Hans Kreutzer has stated he opposes a referendum, but will support whatever is the Pelhaforan Senate's wish.

Meanwhile, protests have risen up in Pelhaforan slums and colleges. Many low-income members of the primarily Catholic majority are protesting against what they view as housing discrimination and income inequality. The alleged monopolization of business by the Kannexan-backed Protestant minority is another complaint. In colleges, student protesters have spoken out against unemployment and discrimination. The protests seem to have become as much about economic and religious tensions as they are about any question of autonomy. In Zarya, a riot allegedly instigated by the pro-independence paramilitary group the Republican Guard led to three injuries and eleven arrested.
"Things continue to heat up in Pelhafor."
"Good. Send a few warships into the area, under the guise of defending our merchant ships. And have an agent visit the leadership of this Republican Guard."
The Müsel Task Force has been dispatched to the Pelhaforan port city of Zarya. The Müsel group consists of several escorting vessels surrounding the aircraft carrier Lohenstadt. The Müsel Task Force has been ordered to defend Kannexan imperial waters and maintain Kannexan and Pelhaforan sovereignty.

In a small, dimly-lit room somewhere in the northern suburbs of Zarya, a group of six pale-skinned men sat around a round table. A small window let in some sunlight, enough to illuminate the smoke rising from the men's cigars. A small TV hung on the wall near the window. The door on the other side opened and the bartender came in with six bottles of beer. These were the Republican Guard.
A man entered the room. Unconsciously, the others reached for holstered guns.
"Who are you?" asked one suspiciously.
"I'm a Nebulan agent. I've been sent here to negotiate with you gentlemen."
The man in charge, a chestnut-bearded man with pointed green pupils, eyed the Nebulan man from head to toe. Two men beside him stood up and pointed their pistols at the newcomer. "He might be a Kannexan spy," spat one in guttural Spanish. "We should kill him!"

"¡Espera!" The capo turned to the agent. "Who are you," he spoke in accented English, "and how did you find us?"
"I talked to one of the smugglers at the docks. Everyone knows that you give them business. Enough money and cheap liquor and he sang like a canary. If I were you, I'd get my own smugglers."
The capo filed that information for later. Find that smuggler, fix him good. He reclined in his chair, relaxing. With one hand he took a shot of a beer. With the other, he pointed at the empty chair in the corner of the room. "Sit," he ordered. His henchmen's guns were still pointed at the Nebulan agent. "Now, go on. What do you want?"
"The rumors say that Kannex has been selling arms to the rebels in New Sekai. Now, the alliance terms don't require us to do anything. Really, we shouldn't. But they have thick ties with Syrixia and Rhuvanland, and there's a reason right there."
"Get to the point!" snarled the capo. "Show me proof that you are a Nebulan.

"And if you are, are you suggesting," the capo started, eyes like tigers', "that the watchful eye of Nebula is willing to throw their support for the Republican Guard of Pelhafor?"
The agent pulled out his identification and wordlessly handed it to the man, who inspected it. After a few seconds he handed it back.
"Gentlemen, I am suggesting that the Nebulan government wants to support you in your fight. However, we cannot simply send a cargo ship filled with weapons and hope for the best. Secrecy will be needed."
"And what do you propose?" the capo responded. A dagger sat snugly between his thumb and his forefinger and he played with it as he eyed the Nebulan agent. But the Nebulan seemed to be on their side. As if by unspoken agreement the men on either side of the capo lowered their guns, though they still stood facing the agent, battle-ready.
"If you can achieve some level of legitimacy- that is, you promise to set up a nice little socialist democracy- you'll then ask us for supplies. We'll give them to you because, well, we're supporting democracy, independence, and socialism. And we look good and you look good for promising democracy."
A video surfaced first on the internet, then on all major news networks across Pelhafor and Kannex. Flanked by black-masked men with assault rifles, a bearded, green-eyed man gripped a turquoise banner with one hand. With the other, he made a first and pounded it to his heart. "I, Commander Lorenzo Cianano, hereby proclaim the founding of a socialist government in free Pelhafor. I and my comrades of the Republican Guard here and forever pledge ourselves to the cause of the establishment of the Republic of Pelhafor. We call on all good Catholics to rise against the Kannexan imperialist infidels and serve with us -- bring your rifle, bring the warrior spirit of your ancestors, Pelhaforans! We shall drive the Teutons over the seas!"

The video was subtitled in English and German.

A little while later, the official Twitter account of the Republican Guard asked for Nebulan aid in overthrowing the Kannexans.
The Emperator smiled sardonically. "Twitter's an odd way to ask for help, but it's good enough. Send out a response approving their request for help."
The Aussenministerium of the Kannexan Reich strongly condemns the interference of Nebula in Kannexan affairs and Nebulan support for a known terrorist organization.

(EDIT: I will post something more substantial later.)
In a press conference, the Emperator declared, "The Kannexan government fails to take into account the fact that the Republican Guard asked for our help first. We did not declare that they were a cause worth supporting, they decided that we were a power worth asking."
He continued, "And the fact that Kannex would condemn us for supporting their rebels--- well, they would do that, wouldn't they?"
Several hundred people marched in the streets, led at the front by white-robed Father Lebello. They chanted and held banners reading FREEDOM FOR PELHAFOR, END DISCRIMINATION AGAINST CATHOLICS, and WE DEMAND A REFERENDUM. The police stood nearby, peering out of visors and with batons at hand. Their riot shields were stacked inside police cars parked along the streets. Cops smoked and watched the protesters pass by. Some ate sandwiches and leaned against cars and walls.

Two miles away, in the Zarya downtown, glass shattered as a woman's scream pierced the air. The alarm sounded and three men with rifles and black ski masks burst into the bank. "Get down! Get down, all of you! We are the liberators of Pelhafor! We are armed Catholics appropriating what has been stolen from us!" A masked man fired his gun into the ceiling, then jabbed his rifle head at a clerk's back. The cowering clerks surrendered their bags of cash. Exiting, the three men spotted a white-and-blue police car appear from around the corner. Without any more words, the men dropped their bags of money onto the asphalt and sprayed fire at the car. Bullets flickered off the hood of the car as its windows cracked. The vehicle turned and crashed resoundingly into the corner store. Grabbing their loot, the three bandits entered the back of their getaway vehicle, an nondescript white van. The van doors closed and raced off. A flyer left at the bank read WE ARE THE REPUBLICAN GUARD.

"We eschew violence of any kind. We of the National Party have always called for a reevaluation of the relationship between Pelhafor and the Kannexan Empire, but we have always promoted a peaceful solution -- " Resounding boos and hisses interrupted the speaker and the next few words were inaudible. The man, Vittor András, finished his address to the Senate and returned to his seat.

In National Party headquarters, the mood was somber. The party leader Vittor András sat in his chair, hand over his face, as he tried to light a cigarette with his free hand. He had drawn the shade and now the room was lit only with the bird-shaped lamp on his desk. Papers were spread out across his desk. All needed to be taken care of. "Julia, prepare a brief statement for the press. Say we oppose the Republican Guard -- oppose and condemn, Julie -- and Nebula, too. We eschew all violence. We are a peaceful party. The deaths of the two policemen and one civilian in that bank robbery bring us great commiseration."

Julia, who had stood there silently in the light, sunk back into the shadows to deliver the message. András flicked the lighter and a bright yellow flame shot out. He placed it at the tip and inhaled. He knew that to not condemn the Republican Guard would be political suicide for the National Party. The National Party prided itself in its moderateness; it had so far managed to appeal to both Catholics and Protestants of Pelhafor. The violence caused by these new paramilitary groups... these socialists, Catholics, whatever kind of extremist they were... they were bad news for the movement.

The door opened. "Perhaps this can be a good thing," a soft voice spoke from the shadows. It was Julia. András raised an eyebrow. "If this keeps going and causes as much of a headache to the Kannexans as it does to you, they may be forced to the negotiating table. But they wouldn't ever negotiate with the terrorists, so they'll be negotiating with you. With us. The moderates."

In a predominantly Protestant suburb of Zarya, a riot broke out as nationalist demonstrators pass through. Bottles were thrown and cars were left burning. Some of the violence spilled over into a nearby Catholic neighborhood as a few stores were ransacked.

The Pelhaforan Imperial Volunteers have declared their reestablishment in reaction to the "Catholic nationalist attempt to take over Pelhafor."
The Nebulan government condemns the senseless violence committed by the Republican Guard. The only violent acts that we will condone would be against the Kannexan army. Until the violence against civilians stops, we will stop sending aid.
The Pelhaforan Autonomy Referendum Bill failed to pass today in the Pelhaforan Senate as a persistent coalition of Liberals and Democrats united to oppose the Nationalist vote. The bill would have implemented a referendum in no more than three months over the status of Pelhafor within the Kannexan Reich. Hot disputes over the constitutionality of the bill erupted, followed by charged accusations that the Nationalists were Nebulan agents by certain far-right Liberals, in turn followed by sharp rebukes. Most alarming according to many analysts was that the vote split largely along religious lines. Protestant Liberals and Democrats voted against the bill, whereas many Catholic senators in both parties voted in favor. All Nationalist senators, however, regardless of faith, voted in favor of referendum.

Chancellor Hans Kreutzer of the Kannexan Reich welcomed the vote, calling it a true reaffirmation of Pelhaforan loyalty to Kannex.

The rejection of the referendum, however, seems to have sparked off tensions throughout the cities of Pelhafor. In the major cities of Gadeira, Trento, Ambers, Atreo, and the capital Zarya, pro-independence demonstrations have broken out. Thousands of people are marching in the streets with banners in German and Spanish. Violence broke out in some areas as Imperial Volunteers flying the Protestant blue-and-white colors attacked demonstrators. It is reported that Republican Guard members have attacked loyalist demonstrators in return.
The Kannexan war with Nebula, the Great War, occurred in the meanwhile. At the end of the Rhuvanland theater, Pelhaforan ports saw itself briefly bombarded by Nebulan warships. The Nebulan naval forces, however, were quickly driven back by defense forces of the Protectorate of Pelhafor. Gadeira saw some damage in its harbor, but the other ports remained untouched.

The brief Pelhaforan campaign galvanized both movements. In the next Pelhaforan senatorial elections, the Liberal Party grew to a majority, though the National Party still held a sizable portion of seats. Almost all other parties saw losses as the landscape between polarized between the strongly anti-independence Liberals and the pro-independence National Party.

"There will only ever be peace if we stay in the Reich," stated Max Trunicht, Pelhaforan Liberal. "The recent war demonstrated this clearly. Through our united strengths, we beat back the foreign invaders from our waters. Nothing can come between Pelhafor and her motherland. I will say this now: Pelhaforans are Kannexan. And Pelhaforans will remain Kannexan!"

"We were independent before the Teutons came, before the Hispanians came, and we will be independent again!" roared Lenart Aviva, Nationalist. "Pelhaforans want no part in the Kannexan cold war. The imperialist war-machine of the Kannexan Reich can find some other colony to bleed dry! Do you want a Pelhafor decimated by the most advanced and powerful weapons ever seen on this God's Earth? To see our cities decimated because of Kannexan foolhardiness, Kannexan gambits... I say, no! Pelhafor wants no part of it!
Two bills have come up in the Pelhaforan Senate, perhaps at the worst time possible. The Pelhaforan economy has been suffering since the end of the last decade. Markets have crashed and the protectorate government is out of cash. One bill proposes to remove the tax-exempt status of the Catholic Church in Pelhafor and tax Church properties. The second bill deals with welfare reform, an unpopular subject.

Demonstrators have responded by continuing to occupy the streets in Zarya. "Where are the bills against housing and job discrimination?" cried one protester to reporters. "They only pass bills punishing us further -- they know we are hard on money, but the people at the top -- they don't care for us." Gadeira, Ambers, and Trento are also seeing demonstrations. Reports come in of Republican Guard members attacking police stations and banks in Aznabel. Police have responded with rubber bullets and tear gas. The protests in Zarya have increased up to an estimated two thousand protesters in the administrative district alone. Demonstrators block highways and storm major businesses, waving red flags. Police have fought to open up roads and keep protesters from storming government buildings.
AFI funds were flowing. Protests repeatedly grew violent when bribed police officers fired into the ground. Nebula was doing its best to nudge Pelhafor closer and closer to socialist revolution.
John Sirus stepped into the Prime Minister's office. Nursson had summoned him for a private conversation.

"Have you seen the latest news clippings from Pelhafor?"
"Yes I have, sir."
"The demonstrators were waving red flags."
"Oh no...Nebula could use this to their advantage in order to set up..."
"A satellite state. Damn commies. We have to stop them."
"What should we do?"
"Things could heat up any time now. We have no need for a formal meeting of Parliament. Get a survey done on whether Parliament thinks we should support Pelhafor or not. I want the results within two hours."
"Got it."

One hour and fifty-two minutes later, Sirus re-entered the room.

"I have the results. 86% for, 3% against, 11% abstain. We have a huge majority."
"Good. Parliament's made its decision. Declare Syrixian support for the Pelhaforan government and the Kannexan Empire should things get violent. Urge negotiations to occur."
"Got it."
The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia urges negotiations to occur between the protesters and the Kannexan government in Pelhafor in order to maintain peace and avoid unnecessary deaths. However, should things get violent, Syrixia shall support Kannex and its government in Pelhafor.
An AFI agent was in the headquarters of one of the main groups of leftist nationalists.
"I think it would make a statement if you were to stage your next protest in front of the police station," he said.
"Well---" one of the organizers said uncertainly.
"Meanwhile, you have volunteers driving around the city, ready to respond to any crimes. That would demonstrate your ability to run your own affairs."
The organizers had a huddled discussion. Finally one turned back to the agent. "We'll do it."
Even after Pelhaforan authorities had caught several AFI agents, the protests went on. They learned that the unrest was not merely the result of foreign interference. For years, the rage of the poor, marginalized Catholic majority grew, and now reached a boiling point.

A sizable portion of the Kannexan population held Pelhaforan ancestry, hence the prevalence of Hispanic names. The Trennung would not be easy...

Generalgouverneur des Protektorats Pelhafor (Governor-General of the Protectorate of Pelhafor) Gawan Maschengo wore a slim-fitting suit the color of blueberries. He sat cross-legged across the glass table from his guest. On his wrinkled face was a gray beard and twinkling eyes of brown. He took a sip of tea, then regarded his guest. Across the table was a much paler and younger fellow with an easy smile. He wore a sleek black suit and his short, dirty blond hair aligned neatly in place. He was the President of the Pelhaforan Senate, the leader of the Pelhaforan Liberals.

"Herr Trunicht," Governor Maschengo began, addressing the young man. He gestured to the cup of tea on the table. "Drink, please."

Max Trunicht nodded, the corners of his lips curling upward in response to the request. "Danke, Herr Gouverneur." But he did not drink.

The Governor set down his cup and regarded Trunicht for a moment. "Now, you know why you're here, I presume." He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "The situation in Pelhafor is untenable. We fought a war here three decades ago, against communism. Back then we had the support of the Catholic Church and the common Pelhaforan man. Today we have neither."

"You have the support, sir, of my party and all our people," responded Trunicht.

"Protestants such as yourself, yes. But we don't wish to see the situation devolve into a Thirty Years' War. Catholics back home in Kannex would not allow that. And you know, the Christian Social Party is part of Herr Chancellor Kreutzer's governing coalition."

Trunicht's eternal smile drooped ever so slightly. "Do you mean to say that Kannex is giving up hope on her eighty million Pelhaforan subjects?"

"No government can run without popular support, Herr Trunicht. Kannex realizes this." Governor Maschengo sighed. From his pocket he took a cigarette and placed it to his lips. "Danke," Maschengo added as Trunicht took his lighter and lit his cigarette. The old governor took a puff. "Chancellor Kreutzer is giving the green light for an independence referendum. Non-binding. All other details are up to your discretion.

"If the voters vote no, then the question is resolved. Pelhafor stays in the Reich. I'm sure you can find some clever way to appease the nationalists. And the Catholics.

"If the voters vote yes, then we will be forced to grant Pelhafor independence.

"But in that possibility, we will ensure that an independent Pelhafor will have you, Herr Trunicht, as leader. The Kaiser will remain the sovereign head of Pelhafor. And peace will be restored to the Reich."
AFI agents in Pelhafor and Kannex picked up on the news of the referendum. The Nationalists licked their chops. More AFI funds flowed into gaining a victory for independence by means of advertising. Politicians began organizing broadcasted debates. Protests continued.
A cacophony of noises, angry shouts and cheers, filled the Pelhaforan capital of Zarya as the referendum results were announced 8 AM on Sunday morning, the day after. On what seemed to be a loudspeaker, the majestic anthem of the Kannexan Empire sounded echoed through the Zarya suburbs, waking the good middle-class folk from their weekend slumber. Cars next to the sidewalk started up, one by one, as some folk drove to the city center.

Driving towards Zarya downtown, the streets became wider, the buildings became taller, the atmosphere became louder. People appeared everywhere, mulling about in the commercial streets. Some were old couples shopping in the supermarkets. Some were businessmen in their suits and ties, watching the commotion. And, causing the commotion were a large number of university-aged youths marching with banners and flags.

The atmosphere resembled that of a football game. A faction of marchers called themselves the Pelha Youth and waved teal and blue flags, colors of Pelhaforan independence. The opposing faction called themselves the Loyalists, and consisted of marchers waving red, white, and yellow, the imperial colors.

Like molecules coming down to absolute zero, cars came to a complete standstill as they approached the city center. Nearing the government district, the noise grew louder and louder as masses of bodies filled the streets. It became obvious that all across the city, an argument was occurring. An argument between the teal banners and the red, white, and yellow. Ground zero was the city hall square.

All the television channels ran the numbers. The pro-Empire forces had won the referendum with a majority of 70%. Yet television cameras beaming down on the city square from helicopters showed the mass of teal-waving pro-independence protesters was far larger than the opposition. Pelha Youth members carried banners with big, bold, black letters reading "DAS PLEBISZIT WAR EIN BETRUG" (THE REFERENDUM WAS A FRAUD) and "WER IST EIGENTLICH DIE MEHRHEIT?" (WHO IS ACTUALLY THE MAJORITY?). At the forefront, riot police in full riot armor stood in a line, separating the two sides. All officers wore the same black vests, helmets with plastic visors, batons, and rifles at the side. They faced the pro-independence protesters.

"They're a rowdy bunch of college dropouts and university students. Some have red banners," the police captain reported to the news camera. He was a hardened, scowling man with police cap covering his bald head. "But we have the situation under control."

Scuffles began along the line as Pelha Youth pushed into the police lines. The students, armed with everything from sticks, stones, pepper spray, and textbooks threw what they had at the cops. They ripped barricades, screaming obscenities.

Behind the crowd of protesters, a lady in a form-fitting, knee-length pink dress held a microphone to her mouth. Accompanying her was the cameraman, a mustached brown man in a T-shirt who rested the giant news camera on his shoulder. They briefly arrested the attention of a nearby protester, a college student by the looks of his baggy hoodie and tight jeans. "Sir, what brings you here today? What are you protesting for?"

The student smiled and looked into the camera, imagining himself talking to the millions of middle-class Pelhlaforans back home. "We are fighting here for the future of Pelhafor. All along we have been fighting for the freedom -- Pelhafor's freedom to choose their own destiny. Right now we have been robbed of that freedom. Do you honestly think it is possible that, looking at this crowd, the motion for independence could lose by such a large margin?"

The correspondent hesitated. "Well -- "

"No! The referendum was clearly rigged. The Kannexans never wanted us -- they never wanted to give us independence at all. But they know what we know. They know that the Kannexan Empire is coming to an end, and that the Empire can't silence the voices of eighty million Pelhaforans who want freedom!"

Along the forefront, some police had stepped a few paces forward, creating bulges in the line. They surrounded some students that had fallen in the scuffles, wrestling them to the ground and handcuffing them. The other students charged back and fought off the armored cops with sticks and stones, kicking and punching. Many protesters began using the banners to strike at police, knocking down some unfortunate cops. The crowd pulsated forward, shouting and screeching. A cry united the massive mob as they charged the lines. "TRU-NICHT, TRITT ZU-RÜCK!" (Trunicht, resign!) The protesters tore down the barricades, knocking over cops.

At last the order came to clear the square. "Verlassen Sie den Platz!" a voice spoke through a megaphone. The riot police marched forward in lock step, like legionnaires. They pushed their shields up against the protesters. The united mass of the police formation, several lines deep, advanced. But the protesters reacted. They charged the lines, at several times holding back the police advance. Cops fired tear gas and clashed with the frontline protesters, brandishing batons. Heads cracked, blood spilled in the streets. Screams sounded as a vodka bottle hit a riot shield and erupted into flames. A police captain cursed as a non-flammable bottle hit him in the nose. He barked an order as he fell backward.The police raised their guns. Then they fired.

Rubber bullets shot into the crowd. Most of the bullets were aimed high over the protesters' heads, but others struck into flesh and broke bones. At any rate, the bruised and battered crowd shrunk back. Tear gas filled the square. Yet a vocal group of protesters continued to run forward and fling bottles and rocks. Some, armed with their own batons and vests, charged the police, knocking a couple of them back. But the police onslaught was disciplined. The cops forced them back. After a pitched battle and some looting in the vicinity, the square was cleared. The pro-Empire protesters on the other side were told to please go home.
The Nebulan government condemns the actions taken by the Kannexan government. We demand that Pelhafor be given independence at once.

Meanwhile, more AFI agents were entering Pelhafor, ready to raise hell. The ones that were already there were doing their best to keep the protests and riots going.
"We demand --
"the end of discriminatory policing practices by all-Protestant police departments against Catholic neighborhoods, including the unwarranted harassment of peaceable Catholic citizens,
"an end to discriminatory hiring practices that deny Catholics positions solely based on religious faith,
"prevention of discrimination in the allocation of public council housing that denies homes to Catholic families
"a fair and impartial realignment of electoral districts to ensure the views of the voters are accurately represented, and an end to gerrymandering that produces artificial Unionist majorities,
"the removal of the property requirement to vote, which unfairly bars many Catholics from the pollbox,
"an end to all discrimination against the Catholic majority of this nation by the governing authorities of Pelhafor,
"and an affirmation of the Pelhaforan citizen's right to free speech, assembly, and association."

"Good morning, I am your news anchor, Georg Schöller.

"There is growing outrage today over the death of a pro-independence activist in police custody, in the city of Ambers, Salento. But there are conflicting reports of what happened.

"Police say 19-year-old Thiago Braun was arrested for public drunkenness and mischief in a Pelha Youth rally in Ambers Central Square last night. They say Braun was taken into custody, where he attacked officers and was shot in self-defense.

"The autopsy, however, shows numerous bruises and cracked ribs in addition to the gunshot, leading many activists to call Braun's death a police homicide. They allege that Braun died of police maltreatment while in custody.

"In Ambers, Salento, hundreds of demonstrators have marched on Central Square to express their outrage and anger at Braun's death. They have called for an investigation into the death of Thiago Braun and the release of the names of those police officers who arrested him.

"In other news, three unarmed Catholic men were gunned down in the streets of Atreo, Flandes, allegedly by members of the unionist militia group, the 'Imperial Volunteers'. The horrific murder has left the city in a state of shock. Clergy from all denominations have called for peace and prayer..."
"The situation in Pelhafor is worsening."
"Excellent! Tell the agents it's almost time."

The AFI agents were dispersed throughout the city. Any sign of armed violence was to be responded to with immediate violent action against the instigators, particularly if they were radicals or cops.

And once a few of these incidents had played out, new orders would come down, and Pelhafor would fall apart...