May 2015 ~ Update VIII
"Our single-hearted unity is the greatest foundation and most powerful weapon of our revolution!"
NationStates Region ~ Regional Forum ~ Zennyism ~ The Independent Manifesto ~ Anthem
WA Delegate: Tommy Winter
WA Delegate Endorsements: 309
WA Endorsement Percentage: 79.5%
WA Member Percentage: 28.7%
Regional Population: 1,355
May 2015 ~ Update VIII
"Our single-hearted unity is the greatest foundation and most powerful weapon of our revolution!"
NationStates Region ~ Regional Forum ~ Zennyism ~ The Independent Manifesto ~ Anthem
WA Delegate: Tommy Winter
WA Delegate Endorsements: 309
WA Endorsement Percentage: 79.5%
WA Member Percentage: 28.7%
Regional Population: 1,355

The People's Executive
President: Zenny Winter
Vice President: Tommy Winter
Founder: Kovatsk
The Cabinet
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Brunhilde Winter
Minister of Immigration: Jacob Grox
Minister of Information: Josh Conure
Minister of Defence: TBA
Minister of Culture: Dareth Knoxon
Chief of Staff: Phazon
Attorney General: Charli[c]
The People's Democratic Assembly Council
Chairperson of the Council: Phazon
Elected Members of the Council
Dmitry Konstantinov
Tommy Winter
Jacob Grox
The People's Court
Chief Justice: Phazon
Senior Justice: Zuper
Junior Justice: Dmitry Konstantinov
Presidential Election Ends In Zennyist Win
Our Republic's 6th Presidential election opened on May 1st. In the most crowded field yet, 5 different tickets made their bid for the Presidency, all with very differing platforms and ideas. Raider constitutionalist Vichtander, Zennyist & RP-activist Romochka, leftist-unity candidate Jacob Grox, and Christian Communist Party Chairman Dmitry Konstantinov all ran for the Presidency against incumbent Zenny Winter. Some of the key issues during the election were how to maintain or grow our Republic's current population, how to better organize our social integration efforts, the Lazarus conflict, and how to restructure our growing role play community. Turnout dropped from the previous Presidential election, from 47 voters in February's Presidential election, to a sizeable 36 voters. The Great Leader Zenny Winter maintained a lead throughout the time polls were opened, with Socialist Party candidate Jacob Grox posing the most serious challenge to her campaign. A little over a week prior to elections opening, a multi-party merger of the Democratic Action Front, National Zennyist Party, One Country Party, and Progressive Marxist Party formed the newly-founded United Zennyist Front. In her speech to the Democratic Action Front on its dissolution, former Party Chairwoman Zenny said the following "As with all other areas of our region, we much learn to adapt to ever-changing circumstances to meet the challenges our region faces, that is the Zennyist way. We must adapt ourselves to continue our bright revolution, lest we become apathetic and allow it to slip through our fingers."
This newly found united front for Zennyist principles has proved effective in the organization of their base of support, proving vital in Zenny's 58% re-election as President, her 3rd term in office. Even as our Great Leader remains the most beloved figure of the hundreds whom inhabit our Republic, she has publicly stated that this will be her final consecutive term in office, wishing to return to legislative and ministry work as a new generation of leaders brought up under her loving care takes the reigns.

Legislative Activity of the Last 90 Days
The People's Democratic Assembly has been busy for the last 90 days, putting forth and passing plenty of legislation. In the February-April term, five treaties were passed, the Treaty of Fife with British Isles, the Treaty of Aurora with Albion, the Treaty of Anslow with United Kingdom, the Treaty of Gdansk with The United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Treaty of Vlore with The Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Arnhelm Declaration of Recruitment Standards. The passing of these treaties has strengthened TCBs international ties and will take on a much larger role in the future in carrying out foreign and military policy.
In the April-June term so far, a flurry of legislation has been proposed and debated. Since the beginning of April, TCB has seen several bills pass, including the Elections Act, Persona Non Grata Act, Citizenship Act, and most notably, the new Constitution of The Communist Bloc. Since January, citizens of The Communist Bloc have been working on a new Constitution, refining it, polishing it, and making it more concise. In early April, The Communist Bloc's Assembly Chairperson, Phazon, headed up the project, working on implementing changes and making it more concise. The new Constitution was brought to vote in the Assembly Council in mid-May, passing with a unanimous 6-0 vote. Despite the new Constitution passing, work on this project was not done yet, as bills on Elections and Citizenship were still to follow. The Elections Act has passed, as has the Citizenship Act.
As well as the bills passed, the Assembly Chairperson has been hard at work establishing and formalizing new procedures in the People's Democratic Assembly, including procedures for non-binding motions, standardizing bill naming formats, and mid-vote amendments. Work is currently underway on an official decorum for the Assembly, to keep discussion and debate civil and productive.
Headlines From The Bloc!
- Our Republic now stands at 6th in total WA Delegate endorsements, moving past Europeia and The South Pacific on May 26th. With over 300 endorsements, our Delegate & Vice President Westnesia now stands as one of the most largest and most important votes in the World Assembly. This comes as we quickly approach 1,400 nations, with 23% growth during the last 30 days.
- A special by-election was run by our Republic during mid-May to fill the vacant seats of our sadly departed comrade ASSR and defector Volkstrad. Jacob Grox (SPCB) and Navbot (UZF) finished at the top of the people's choices, earning them the honor of remaining on the Council for the remainder of this term.
- On May 28th, the Great Leader Zenny Winter announced that Dmitry Konstantinov would be removed as Minister of Foreign Affairs. This was due to a lack of progress in the Ministry, a fact that the former Minister acknowledged and apologized for due to RL concerns. Brunhilde Winter has been appointed to the position. In an address to the region on the state of Foreign Affairs, she listed all the problems the Ministry faces from problems in the diplomatic corp program to a lack of representation in some GCRs. She then went on to list detailed solutions to these problems, from overhauling the entire diplomatic program to tripling our efforts in GCR outreach.
- Praising him for his constant efforts in organization and activity in his roles as Chair of the Assembly Council and Chief Justice of the People's Court, our Sun of the Revolution, the Dear General Zenny said the following about comrade Phazon:
"Comrade Phazon does everything he can to solve any problem I am concerned with. No one has equaled him in solving problems for the well being of the people and the acceleration of our Revolution's progress. He is loyal and devoted to the Republic and its citizens. I can rest easy knowing that all the problems in my mind are already being dealt with under his continued leadership of the Legislative and Judicial."
- The Ministry of Immigration began in early May a manual recruitment program as apart of a growing push to either maintain of grow our current massive numbers. As the Republic quickly approached 1,400 nations the Ministry is committed to becoming more aggressive as sources of new funds for recruitment become available and we train a complete team of recruiters.
- After many weeks of consideration and talking with users all over the Bloc, Culture Minister Dareth Knoxon has revived plans to produce a radio program for the Republic. 191.7 CB's first program is scheduled to release soon. Original plans were scrapped due to last-minute withdrawals.
And Now For Something Less Serious

This Foreign Update brought to you by the Foriegn Ministry of The Communist Bloc