For everybody's information -
Article Eight: Peace Council
There shall be a Council charged with the duty of overseeing the Peacekeeping Forces and the NPTO Executive.
The members of the Peace Council shall be the representatives from the following nations: Eumenor, Plembobria, and the Republican Pacific Islands. Only one representative from each nation may serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council. These representatives will serve on the Peace Council until their publicly announced resignation or until recalled or expelled. There may be no more than seven Councilors on the Peace Council.
The Peace Council shall elect a Council Chairperson by a majority vote every three months. Candidates for the Council Chair must be nominated by another member of the Peace Council.
The Council Chairperson will administer votes of the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson will administer the rules of the Peace Council; where no rules exist, the Council Chairperson may use their discretion.
Members of the Assembly may apply to join the Peace Council, and the Council Chairperson may bring these applications before the Peace Council for discussion. If the Council Chairperson brings an application before the Peace Council, the discussion will last a minimum of two days. The Council Chairperson may schedule a vote after two days of discussion, though they are not obligated to schedule a vote. A two thirds majority vote of the Peace Council is required to admit applicants.
The Peace Council may expel a Councilor from the Peace Council by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on a proposed expulsion must last for three days. After three days, the Council Chairperson will begin a vote on the recall once two motions to vote have been made.
The Commander-in-Chief of the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces must present proposed operations, along with the reasoning as to why the Peacekeeping Forces should carry out said operations, to the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson must then bring the proposed operation before the rest of the Peace Council for discussion. The Council Chairperson shall schedule a vote once two motions to vote have been made. The Peace Council may approve an operation by a three fifths majority vote.
The Peace Council may reverse any executive decision or policy made by the NPTO Executive by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on such a proposal must receive a minimum of three days for discussion.
The Peace Council may make formal recommendations to any body of the NPTO, and these recommendations must be taken into serious consideration by said body. Formal recommendations may be made by a majority vote of the Council.
Quorum for any vote of the Peace Council is three fourths the number of Councilors. If a vote of the Peace Council does not reach quorum, the Council Chairperson may extend the vote. The maximum duration of a vote is seven days.
The Council Chairperson may not serve in any other elected position within the NPTO.