
Minister of Culture
TNP Nation
Dear members of the NPTO Assembly,

I come before you today with the organization's proposed treaty. The member nations listed in Article Eleven of the Charter must present an instrument of ratification from the government of the respective nations before signing the charter. Once all member nations have ratified the Charter and signed it, the Charter will take effect and all member nations must comply with its rules and provisions.

Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization
Ratified <Date ratified> at NPTO HQ in Augustus Town, GU


Our nations, gathered here on this <date the Charter is ratified> day in [May], come together to ratify the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization or NPTO. NPTO shall represent peace through its actions and declarations, and shall be charged with the duty of maintaining peace between its member nations. All member nations of NPTO pledge to never engage in conflict with any other members of NPTO, protect the other member nations in their time of need, and to only use our armies for the good of the other member nations. We will break the barriers between government types and work together; our organization will not be the battle ground between dictatorships and democracies, but instead it will be the shield of peace surrounding its member nations that we shall protect.

Article One: The Flag

The following flag shall be established as the official flag of the North Pacific Treaty Organization:


The flag's central symbol, a silhouette of Nelly, symbolizes the goal of peace and security established by this charter and by the founding member nations. The ellipse and the cross symbolize the fortitude and willpower of the organization. The blue and white also symbolize peace.

The flag should only be used in a ratio of 1.3:1, or 320 pixels:240 pixels

Article Two: Nelly

The mascot of NPTO shall be the dove, with the nickname being Nelly. Any graphic having appearance of Nelly or NPTO material will be asked by the organization to cease-and-desist.

She will be a symbol of peace and willpower, and shall be used as a momentum to propel the organization into the future like a dove uses its wings.

Article Three: NPTO HQ

The primary headquarters of NPTO shall be located in the port city of Augustus Town, Guslantis. Its building shall be maintained by Guslant teams in association with the member organizations. The headquarters shall be referred to as North Pacific Treaty Organization Headquarters, or NPTO HQ.

The address of the headquarters is as follows:

1 Nelly Avenue
Augustus Town, GU 43768


Additional sub-offices will be established per assembly law.

Article Four: Applications

Nations wishing to join the NPTO must submit an application to the Chairperson who shall have the power to accept or reject it. If the Chairperson rejects an application, the applicant nation may be admitted by a three fifths majority vote of the Assembly. By applying, a nation pledges to abide by this Charter and all other rules of the NPTO.

Article Five: The Assembly

The Parties hereby establish an Assembly on which each shall be represented.

Any member of the Assembly may call a meeting of said Assembly by making a proposal to it or bringing forth an issue for discussion to it.

The Assembly shall oversee the activities of the NPTO, and shall have the power to:
  1. Establish subordinate offices and committees as its members shall think proper.
  2. Elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces, and holders of any other office which it shall think proper to create.
  3. Recall NPTO officials by a two thirds majority vote.
  4. Cancel any operations of the Peacekeeping Forces by a two thirds majority vote.
  5. Override any vote of the Peace Council by a two thirds majority vote.
Article Six: The Executive

The Assembly shall elect the Chair by plurality vote every four months. The Assembly shall elect the Deputy Chair by plurality vote every four months.

The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Assembly. When the Chair is unavailable, the Deputy Chair will take their place. If both the Chair and Deputy Chair are unavailable, the Council Chair will preside over the meeting. The Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after it is called for, and the Deputy Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after that.

The Chairperson shall have the power to set all manner of policy related to the execution of all acts, resolutions, or laws passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson is required to keep this Charter up to date with all amendments passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson may delegate any of their powers or duties to the Deputy Chairperson at his or her discretion. The delegation under this section does not relieve the Chairperson of any of their powers or duties.

In the case of the resignation, removal, or other vacancy in the Chairperson's office, the Deputy Chairman shall become Chairman.

Article Seven: NPTO Peacekeeping Forces

There shall be group of armed force for peace within the NPTO called the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces.

The Peacekeeping Forces shall composed of teams volunteered by the Parties at their discretion. Each team shall be led by a commander subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be elected by the Assembly every four months.

All operations of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be approved by the Peace Council before they are to be executed.

The Peacekeeping Forces shall not be used to invade sovereign territory unless the Peace Council be presented with evidence of compelling interest to do so. In such a hearing, the government to be invaded shall have the right to debate such evidence. The Peace Council shall then decide if the aforementioned evidence evinces compelling interest for an invasion.

Article Eight: Peace Council

There shall be a Council charged with the duty of overseeing the Peacekeeping Forces and the NPTO Executive.

The members of the Peace Council shall be the representatives from the following nations: Eumenor, Plembobria, and the Republican Pacific Islands. Only one representative from each nation may serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council. These representatives will serve on the Peace Council until their publicly announced resignation or until recalled or expelled. There may be no more than seven Councilors on the Peace Council.

The Peace Council shall elect a Council Chairperson by a majority vote every three months. Candidates for the Council Chair must be nominated by another member of the Peace Council.

The Council Chairperson will administer votes of the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson will administer the rules of the Peace Council; where no rules exist, the Council Chairperson may use their discretion.

Members of the Assembly may apply to join the Peace Council, and the Council Chairperson may bring these applications before the Peace Council for discussion. If the Council Chairperson brings an application before the Peace Council, the discussion will last a minimum of two days. The Council Chairperson may schedule a vote after two days of discussion, though they are not obligated to schedule a vote. A two thirds majority vote of the Peace Council is required to admit applicants.

The Peace Council may expel a Councilor from the Peace Council by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on a proposed expulsion must last for three days. After three days, the Council Chairperson will begin a vote on the recall once two motions to vote have been made.

The Commander-in-Chief of the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces must present proposed operations, along with the reasoning as to why the Peacekeeping Forces should carry out said operations, to the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson must then bring the proposed operation before the rest of the Peace Council for discussion. The Council Chairperson shall schedule a vote once two motions to vote have been made. The Peace Council may approve an operation by a three fifths majority vote.

The Peace Council may reverse any executive decision or policy made by the NPTO Executive by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on such a proposal must receive a minimum of three days for discussion.

The Peace Council may make formal recommendations to any body of the NPTO, and these recommendations must be taken into serious consideration by said body. Formal recommendations may be made by a majority vote of the Council.

Quorum for any vote of the Peace Council is three fourths the number of Councilors. If a vote of the Peace Council does not reach quorum, the Council Chairperson may extend the vote. The maximum duration of a vote is seven days.

The Council Chairperson may not serve in any other elected position within the NPTO.

Article Nine: Elections

The Council Chairperson will be the Election Commissioner for all elections within the NPTO, with the exception of the election of a Council Chairperson. They may appoint up to two Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections. The Election Commissioner and their Assistants may not run in an election that they are overseeing.

Every election will have a three day candidacy declaration period. Once the candidacy declaration period has ended, there will be a four day voting period. Any member of the Assembly may vote in an election, with the exception of the election of a Council Chairperson.

The Election Commissioner for the election of a Council Chairperson will be the NPTO Chairperson. They are subject to the same restrictions as the Council Chairperson is when they serve as Election Commissioner. They may also appoint Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections.

Article Ten: General Provisions

No member of the Executive may simultaneously serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council.

The Executive consists of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the NPTO.

Article Eleven: Ratification

This Treaty shall be ratified by the Parties in accordance with their respective government processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Guslantis, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.

The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of Syrixia, Eumenor, Malvad, Trinster, Plembobria, the Republican Pacific Islands, and Guslantis have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article Twelve: Amendments

The Assembly may amend this charter by a two thirds majority vote.

I will be taking my copy of the Charter to our capital city this evening to His Royal Majesty to formally declare our ratification of this Charter. Other members are asked to do the same.


Leah Charles
NPTO Chairwoman
NPTO Representative Alec Durand transmits the following to the Guslant government:

Royal Proclamation

I, King Tozian, announce and certify that I, under the advice my executive council led by the Right Honorable Prime Minister Sydney Briggs MP, that I approve of treaty 00365, (or the NPTO charter) and in accordance with Chapter II, Section 1, Clause F of the Constitution of Plembobria, transmit the treaty to the Royal Senate for its consideration and consent.


Memento Mori

The Senate will proceed to consider the treaty, and will return its decision in three days time.
Both I and Syrixia itself are extremely excited to see that the long-discussed charter of NPTO is finally up for ratification. As such, Deputy Prime Minister John Sirus and I, Prime Minister Alfred Nursson, shall bring this charter before Parliament and conduct a vote pertaining to its ratification. Expect a response in one to two days.

Alfred Nursson

Upon reading the Charter and discussing it with the immediate Cabinet members, I, King Hunter Hilley of Guslantis, officially grant my heir apparent, Duchess Leah Charles and Chairwoman of NPTO, the ability to sign this Charter with the full intention that we will formally ratify it, being its founding nation, and that it shall bring tranquility to our nation and the region. In addition, we will be using funds from our ministries to provide a check directly to a nation that we believe deserves it. Zemnaya Svoboda, a nation we attacked one year and six months ago, we offer you this final gift from us, not as repayment, but as a gift of friendship to a nation who deserves it. We did not mean harm, and only wanted to expand our fabulous nation's territory. Therefore, it is my honor again to formally declare Guslantis as the first nation to ratify the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization.

Hunter Hilley
His Royal Majesty, King of Guslantis

Jordan S. Tucker
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Emily Akerman
Minister of Defense

Kyle Hall
Minister of Information

Greg Baldwin
Minister of Finance

Madam Leah M. Charles
Minister of Human Services

Dr. Andrea Reeder
Minister of Science

RPI House Committee on Foreign Affairs

To the NPTO and its members:

The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives has reviewed this proposed Charter and has approved it for a vote. The vote is scheduled to take place in the House of Representatives tomorrow at around 10 AM CDT. If it passes by a simple majority, it will be sent to the Senate where another committee will review it. If they approve it and it passes the Senate, it will be sent to His Excellency, President Benjamin Walker to be signed. The process is expected to take about four days if it passes each chamber on the first round.

Yours Sincerely,

George Foreman
Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs​
The Eumenorian National Assembly has been called to discuss the charter. Results of the sitting will be made available by The Spokesman's press office by this time tomorrow.
The Eumenorian ambassador to the NPTO sees fit to indicate to Executives his personal satisfaction with the charter in its present state, and feels confident that the National Assembly will ratify the charter following only a brief period of formalities.
After a vote in support of bringing the Charter before Parliament on the part of the Executive Cabinet, Parliament, by way of an overwhelming 8/9ths majority vote, has decided to ratify this Charter, thus making Syrixia the second signatory to the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization. We hope this charter will bring NPTO prosperity and propel it quickly into the future.

Alfred Nursson
Prime Minister of Syrixia

John Sirus
Deputy Prime Minister of Syrixia

Shaw Atlas
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture

Auel Vist
Minister of Defense

John Yse'qi
Minister of Homeland Security

Savus Archelius
Minister of Justice

Ross Jub'uy
Minister of Finance
The Council of Three shall take this treaty to the Great Commons for ratification.

Triumvirate Jamie Rees, Head of Government.

Triumvirate Lachtna McTaggart, Head of State.

Triumvirate Jared Hannigan, Military Minister.

The Malvadian Parliament has ratified the charter and the President has signed it into Malvadian law.
The Xentheridan Senate and House of Representatives have both ratified the charter, after a plurality vote in each governmental level. Both Prime Minister Adam Reitano and King Christian III have signed it, too.
The Great Commons has agreed to ratify this charter. The results were a 13 for ratification and 3 for denial.

Triumvirate Jamie Rees, Head of Government.

Triumvirate Lachtna McTaggart, Head of State.

Triumvirate Jared Hannigan, Military Minister.


RPI Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs

To the NPTO and its members:

This Charter has passed the House of Representatives and has been received by our Committee. We have approved this Charter for vote within the Senate, and that vote is scheduled to take place tonight at about 9:30 PM CDT. If it passes there, then it will then be sent to the desk of His Excellency, the president by tomorrow morning where he has said he will sign it immediately. It is also likely that it is signed tonight, but it will definitely be signed by the morning.

Yours Sincerely,

Marcus Iuvenali IV
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs​
(OOC Note: all those who have ratified the Charter, please post the signature of your head(s) of government so that they may all be compiled into the document.)

Senate Resolution 00293
A Resolution to ratify the proposed North Pacific Treaty Organization Charter​

The Senate of the Kingdom of Plembobria resolves to ratify treaty 00365 (or, the charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization), approved by His Majesty the King and transmitted to this body for its consideration.

The Senate declares that the Treaty is hereby ratified, and its provisions are binding on the legislatures, executives, and judiciaries of all authorities under the Crown.

ENACTED: Sweetmorn Discord 73rd, YOLD 3181

Vote Count:

Aye: 53
Nay: 6
Present: 7

Janet Seward, President of the Senate

OOC: Use the signature of the king in my above post.

Ratification of the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization

The Republican Pacific Islands Congress has resolved to ratify the Charter presented to it. Congress affirms that it has ratified the Charter and establishes it as the official international law of the North Pacific Treaty Organization. It has been presented to His Excellency, President Benjamin Walker for a signature, and he has signed said document.

This document declares that the Charter of the NPTO has been ratified by the Republican Pacific Islands.


President of the Republican Pacific Islands
Alright, here is the the official document. We just need Eumenor's and Malvad's head of government's signatures for it to be official.
Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization
Ratified <Date ratified> at NPTO HQ in Augustus Town, GU


Our nations, gathered here on this <date the Charter is ratified> day in [May], come together to ratify the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization or NPTO. NPTO shall represent peace through its actions and declarations, and shall be charged with the duty of maintaining peace between its member nations. All member nations of NPTO pledge to never engage in conflict with any other members of NPTO, protect the other member nations in their time of need, and to only use our armies for the good of the other member nations. We will break the barriers between government types and work together; our organization will not be the battle ground between dictatorships and democracies, but instead it will be the shield of peace surrounding its member nations that we shall protect.

Article One: The Flag

The following flag shall be established as the official flag of the North Pacific Treaty Organization:


The flag's central symbol, a silhouette of Nelly, symbolizes the goal of peace and security established by this charter and by the founding member nations. The ellipse and the cross symbolize the fortitude and willpower of the organization. The blue and white also symbolize peace.

The flag should only be used in a ratio of 1.3:1, or 320 pixels:240 pixels

Article Two: Nelly

The mascot of NPTO shall be the dove, with the nickname being Nelly. Any graphic having appearance of Nelly or NPTO material will be asked by the organization to cease-and-desist.

She will be a symbol of peace and willpower, and shall be used as a momentum to propel the organization into the future like a dove uses its wings.

Article Three: NPTO HQ

The primary headquarters of NPTO shall be located in the port city of Augustus Town, Guslantis. Its building shall be maintained by Guslant teams in association with the member organizations. The headquarters shall be referred to as North Pacific Treaty Organization Headquarters, or NPTO HQ.

The address of the headquarters is as follows:

1 Nelly Avenue
Augustus Town, GU 43768


Additional sub-offices will be established per assembly law.

Article Four: Applications

Nations wishing to join the NPTO must submit an application to the Chairperson who shall have the power to accept or reject it. If the Chairperson rejects an application, the applicant nation may be admitted by a three fifths majority vote of the Assembly. By applying, a nation pledges to abide by this Charter and all other rules of the NPTO.

Article Five: The Assembly

The Parties hereby establish an Assembly on which each shall be represented.

Any member of the Assembly may call a meeting of said Assembly by making a proposal to it or bringing forth an issue for discussion to it.

The Assembly shall oversee the activities of the NPTO, and shall have the power to:
  1. Establish subordinate offices and committees as its members shall think proper.
  2. Elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces, and holders of any other office which it shall think proper to create.
  3. Recall NPTO officials by a two thirds majority vote.
  4. Cancel any operations of the Peacekeeping Forces by a two thirds majority vote.
  5. Override any vote of the Peace Council by a two thirds majority vote.
Article Six: The Executive

The Assembly shall elect the Chair by plurality vote every four months. The Assembly shall elect the Deputy Chair by plurality vote every four months.

The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Assembly. When the Chair is unavailable, the Deputy Chair will take their place. If both the Chair and Deputy Chair are unavailable, the Council Chair will preside over the meeting. The Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after it is called for, and the Deputy Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after that.

The Chairperson shall have the power to set all manner of policy related to the execution of all acts, resolutions, or laws passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson is required to keep this Charter up to date with all amendments passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson may delegate any of their powers or duties to the Deputy Chairperson at his or her discretion. The delegation under this section does not relieve the Chairperson of any of their powers or duties.

In the case of the resignation, removal, or other vacancy in the Chairperson's office, the Deputy Chairman shall become Chairman.

Article Seven: NPTO Peacekeeping Forces

There shall be group of armed force for peace within the NPTO called the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces.

The Peacekeeping Forces shall composed of teams volunteered by the Parties at their discretion. Each team shall be led by a commander subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be elected by the Assembly every four months.

All operations of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be approved by the Peace Council before they are to be executed.

The Peacekeeping Forces shall not be used to invade sovereign territory unless the Peace Council be presented with evidence of compelling interest to do so. In such a hearing, the government to be invaded shall have the right to debate such evidence. The Peace Council shall then decide if the aforementioned evidence evinces compelling interest for an invasion.

Article Eight: Peace Council

There shall be a Council charged with the duty of overseeing the Peacekeeping Forces and the NPTO Executive.

The members of the Peace Council shall be the representatives from the following nations: Eumenor, Plembobria, and the Republican Pacific Islands. Only one representative from each nation may serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council. These representatives will serve on the Peace Council until their publicly announced resignation or until recalled or expelled. There may be no more than seven Councilors on the Peace Council.

The Peace Council shall elect a Council Chairperson by a majority vote every three months. Candidates for the Council Chair must be nominated by another member of the Peace Council.

The Council Chairperson will administer votes of the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson will administer the rules of the Peace Council; where no rules exist, the Council Chairperson may use their discretion.

Members of the Assembly may apply to join the Peace Council, and the Council Chairperson may bring these applications before the Peace Council for discussion. If the Council Chairperson brings an application before the Peace Council, the discussion will last a minimum of two days. The Council Chairperson may schedule a vote after two days of discussion, though they are not obligated to schedule a vote. A two thirds majority vote of the Peace Council is required to admit applicants.

The Peace Council may expel a Councilor from the Peace Council by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on a proposed expulsion must last for three days. After three days, the Council Chairperson will begin a vote on the recall once two motions to vote have been made.

The Commander-in-Chief of the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces must present proposed operations, along with the reasoning as to why the Peacekeeping Forces should carry out said operations, to the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson must then bring the proposed operation before the rest of the Peace Council for discussion. The Council Chairperson shall schedule a vote once two motions to vote have been made. The Peace Council may approve an operation by a three fifths majority vote.

The Peace Council may reverse any executive decision or policy made by the NPTO Executive by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on such a proposal must receive a minimum of three days for discussion.

The Peace Council may make formal recommendations to any body of the NPTO, and these recommendations must be taken into serious consideration by said body. Formal recommendations may be made by a majority vote of the Council.

Quorum for any vote of the Peace Council is three fourths the number of Councilors. If a vote of the Peace Council does not reach quorum, the Council Chairperson may extend the vote. The maximum duration of a vote is seven days.

The Council Chairperson may not serve in any other elected position within the NPTO.

Article Nine: Elections

The Council Chairperson will be the Election Commissioner for all elections within the NPTO, with the exception of the election of a Council Chairperson. They may appoint up to two Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections. The Election Commissioner and their Assistants may not run in an election that they are overseeing.

Every election will have a three day candidacy declaration period. Once the candidacy declaration period has ended, there will be a four day voting period. Any member of the Assembly may vote in an election, with the exception of the election of a Council Chairperson.

The Election Commissioner for the election of a Council Chairperson will be the NPTO Chairperson. They are subject to the same restrictions as the Council Chairperson is when they serve as Election Commissioner. They may also appoint Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections.

Article Ten: General Provisions

No member of the Executive may simultaneously serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council.

The Executive consists of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the NPTO.

Article Eleven: Ratification

This Treaty shall be ratified by the Parties in accordance with their respective government processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Guslantis, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.

The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of Syrixia, Eumenor, Malvad, Trinster, Plembobria, the Republican Pacific Islands, and Guslantis have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article Twelve: Amendments

The Assembly may amend this charter by a two thirds majority vote.


Alfred Nursson

<Eumenor's head of government's signature goes here>


<Malvad's head of government's signature goes here>


Leah Charles should have the signature on the document, as Hilley designated that to her in his ratification as she is heir.
Psst, can you use the program you used to make a real sig for Charles? Something curly and fancy will do.
The official ratified Charter with all dates filled in:
Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization
Ratified 27 May, 2015 at NPTO HQ in Augustus Town, GU


Our nations, gathered here on this 27th day in May, come together to ratify the Charter of the North Pacific Treaty Organization or NPTO. NPTO shall represent peace through its actions and declarations, and shall be charged with the duty of maintaining peace between its member nations. All member nations of NPTO pledge to never engage in conflict with any other members of NPTO, protect the other member nations in their time of need, and to only use our armies for the good of the other member nations. We will break the barriers between government types and work together; our organization will not be the battle ground between dictatorships and democracies, but instead it will be the shield of peace surrounding its member nations that we shall protect.

Article One: The Flag

The following flag shall be established as the official flag of the North Pacific Treaty Organization:


The flag's central symbol, a silhouette of Nelly, symbolizes the goal of peace and security established by this charter and by the founding member nations. The ellipse and the cross symbolize the fortitude and willpower of the organization. The blue and white also symbolize peace.

The flag should only be used in a ratio of 1.3:1, or 320 pixels:240 pixels

Article Two: Nelly

The mascot of NPTO shall be the dove, with the nickname being Nelly. Any graphic having appearance of Nelly or NPTO material will be asked by the organization to cease-and-desist.

She will be a symbol of peace and willpower, and shall be used as a momentum to propel the organization into the future like a dove uses its wings.

Article Three: NPTO HQ

The primary headquarters of NPTO shall be located in the port city of Augustus Town, Guslantis. Its building shall be maintained by Guslant teams in association with the member organizations. The headquarters shall be referred to as North Pacific Treaty Organization Headquarters, or NPTO HQ.

The address of the headquarters is as follows:

1 Nelly Avenue
Augustus Town, GU 43768


Additional sub-offices will be established per assembly law.

Article Four: Applications

Nations wishing to join the NPTO must submit an application to the Chairperson who shall have the power to accept or reject it. If the Chairperson rejects an application, the applicant nation may be admitted by a three fifths majority vote of the Assembly. By applying, a nation pledges to abide by this Charter and all other rules of the NPTO.

Article Five: The Assembly

The Parties hereby establish an Assembly on which each shall be represented.

Any member of the Assembly may call a meeting of said Assembly by making a proposal to it or bringing forth an issue for discussion to it.

The Assembly shall oversee the activities of the NPTO, and shall have the power to:
  1. Establish subordinate offices and committees as its members shall think proper.
  2. Elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces, and holders of any other office which it shall think proper to create.
  3. Recall NPTO officials by a two thirds majority vote.
  4. Cancel any operations of the Peacekeeping Forces by a two thirds majority vote.
  5. Override any vote of the Peace Council by a two thirds majority vote.
Article Six: The Executive

The Assembly shall elect the Chair by plurality vote every four months. The Assembly shall elect the Deputy Chair by plurality vote every four months.

The Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Assembly. When the Chair is unavailable, the Deputy Chair will take their place. If both the Chair and Deputy Chair are unavailable, the Council Chair will preside over the meeting. The Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after it is called for, and the Deputy Chair is unavailable if they have not recognized a meeting for twenty-four hours after that.

The Chairperson shall have the power to set all manner of policy related to the execution of all acts, resolutions, or laws passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson is required to keep this Charter up to date with all amendments passed by the Assembly.

The Chairperson may delegate any of their powers or duties to the Deputy Chairperson at his or her discretion. The delegation under this section does not relieve the Chairperson of any of their powers or duties.

In the case of the resignation, removal, or other vacancy in the Chairperson's office, the Deputy Chairman shall become Chairman.

Article Seven: NPTO Peacekeeping Forces

There shall be group of armed force for peace within the NPTO called the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces.

The Peacekeeping Forces shall composed of teams volunteered by the Parties at their discretion. Each team shall be led by a commander subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be elected by the Assembly every four months.

All operations of the Peacekeeping Forces shall be approved by the Peace Council before they are to be executed.

The Peacekeeping Forces shall not be used to invade sovereign territory unless the Peace Council be presented with evidence of compelling interest to do so. In such a hearing, the government to be invaded shall have the right to debate such evidence. The Peace Council shall then decide if the aforementioned evidence evinces compelling interest for an invasion.

Article Eight: Peace Council

There shall be a Council charged with the duty of overseeing the Peacekeeping Forces and the NPTO Executive.

The members of the Peace Council shall be the representatives from the following nations: Eumenor, Plembobria, and the Republican Pacific Islands. Only one representative from each nation may serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council. These representatives will serve on the Peace Council until their publicly announced resignation or until recalled or expelled. There may be no more than seven Councilors on the Peace Council.

The Peace Council shall elect a Council Chairperson by a majority vote every three months. Candidates for the Council Chair must be nominated by another member of the Peace Council.

The Council Chairperson will administer votes of the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson will administer the rules of the Peace Council; where no rules exist, the Council Chairperson may use their discretion.

Members of the Assembly may apply to join the Peace Council, and the Council Chairperson may bring these applications before the Peace Council for discussion. If the Council Chairperson brings an application before the Peace Council, the discussion will last a minimum of two days. The Council Chairperson may schedule a vote after two days of discussion, though they are not obligated to schedule a vote. A two thirds majority vote of the Peace Council is required to admit applicants.

The Peace Council may expel a Councilor from the Peace Council by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on a proposed expulsion must last for three days. After three days, the Council Chairperson will begin a vote on the recall once two motions to vote have been made.

The Commander-in-Chief of the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces must present proposed operations, along with the reasoning as to why the Peacekeeping Forces should carry out said operations, to the Peace Council. The Council Chairperson must then bring the proposed operation before the rest of the Peace Council for discussion. The Council Chairperson shall schedule a vote once two motions to vote have been made. The Peace Council may approve an operation by a three fifths majority vote.

The Peace Council may reverse any executive decision or policy made by the NPTO Executive by a three fourths majority vote. Discussion on such a proposal must receive a minimum of three days for discussion.

The Peace Council may make formal recommendations to any body of the NPTO, and these recommendations must be taken into serious consideration by said body. Formal recommendations may be made by a majority vote of the Council.

Quorum for any vote of the Peace Council is three fourths the number of Councilors. If a vote of the Peace Council does not reach quorum, the Council Chairperson may extend the vote. The maximum duration of a vote is seven days.

The Council Chairperson may not serve in any other elected position within the NPTO.

Article Nine: Elections

The Council Chairperson will be the Election Commissioner for all elections within the NPTO, with the exception of the election of a Council Chairperson. They may appoint up to two Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections. The Election Commissioner and their Assistants may not run in an election that they are overseeing.

Every election will have a three day candidacy declaration period. Once the candidacy declaration period has ended, there will be a four day voting period. Any member of the Assembly may vote in an election, with the exception of the election of a Council Chairperson.

The Election Commissioner for the election of a Council Chairperson will be the NPTO Chairperson. They are subject to the same restrictions as the Council Chairperson is when they serve as Election Commissioner. They may also appoint Assistant Election Commissioners to assist in overseeing elections.

Article Ten: General Provisions

No member of the Executive may simultaneously serve as a Councilor on the Peace Council.

The Executive consists of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the NPTO.

Article Eleven: Ratification

This Treaty shall be ratified by the Parties in accordance with their respective government processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Guslantis, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.

The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of Syrixia, Eumenor, Malvad, Trinster, Plembobria, the Republican Pacific Islands, and Guslantis have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.

Article Twelve: Amendments

The Assembly may amend this charter by a two thirds majority vote.


Alfred Nursson



Grant Alexander


Congratulations, we now have an official Charter. :w00t: :D
All signatures have been collected and the charter is officially ratified per Article Eleven.

Have a nice day!

-Madam Leah Charles