Brighten Your Day!


Had a bad day? Need some cheering up? Read the jokes in this thread and have a laugh! Feel free to contribute your own jokes too, and give your opinions on other jokes!
Just a couple of rules to this, however. Please, no racial, ethnic, gender, etc. slurs. If you're doing a joke about a group, think it through: for instance, a joke about lawyers would be fine, but jokes about ethnic groups are a no-no. Jokes that toe the line-of-appropriateness are okay (innuendos & slightly raunchy). Generally, nothing R or X rated. The guideline is you want to brighten their day, not attack them.
(Thanks to SillyString for help on the rules).

I have few starting (dog) jokes. They'll be terrible, but here we go...

Rex the Labrador was sitting upright in his seat at the movies. He was wagging his tail, growling at the villain and barking excitedly at the hero's escapades. The man behind Rex tapped Rex's owner on the shoulder and said, "That's an incredible dog. Extraordinary behaviour."
Rex's owner replies, "He's surprised me too. He absolutely hated the book!"

A dog goes into a grocer's with a basket in its mouth. In the basket is a shopping list and a purse. The grocer reads the list, puts the goods requested into the basket, takes some money from the purse and puts back the change. The dog then runs off home. This happens every week for months and the grocer becomes extremely impressed by the animal's intelligence and its dedication to its task. One day he decides to follow the animal home and see if its owner would be willing to sell it. The dog eventually leads the grocer to a run-down house where it puts the basket on the doorstep and rings the door-bell with its nose. After a few seconds an old woman opens the door and starts hitting the dog with a stick. "Stop!" shouts the grocer. "What are you doing? That's the most intelligent dog I've ever seen in my life."
"Intelligent, my arse!" shouts the old woman. "That's the third time this week he's forgotten his keys!"

"With my dog I don't get no respect. He keeps barking at the front door. He don't want to go out. He wants me to leave." Rodney Dangerfield

Feel free to contribute more jokes, and give your opinions on these ones!
After being accused of the latest assassination attempt on the Pope, the Russian Intelligence Bureau decided to personally investigate the matter.
After many, many weeks of analysing the data- from watching the CCTV footage to examining fingerprints found at the scene- they eventually came to a solid conclusion.
The Pope had opened fire first.
Yeah, I think that's the best one in this thread so far. Well, since I'm the PM of Australia, I'd like to remind you that you Americans have it easy. Aussies have to persevere through all kinds of things. Like this gal, for instance:

George and Harry are playing golf. Unfortunately, they're behind two really slow players. Impatient and fed up, Harry says to George, "Ya know what, I'mma just go up to them and ask if we can play ahead." Of which he does. However, a minute later he comes back, shaking his head. He says to George, "You won't believe this. One of them is my wife, and the other's my mistress! You're gonna have to ask 'em if we can go ahead." George agrees, but then, he too, comes back after a minute. "You will not believe this, but..."
My friend told me he was going to a fancy dress party as an Italian island. I said to him 'Don't be Sicily'
If you ever get cold, just stand in a corner for a bit. They're usually 90 degrees.