ARCHIVED: Establishment of the Hardish Bay Colony


OOC: This thread is for international reaction to the establishment of the Hardish Bay Colony. This takes place in 1847. Any responses should be given your nation's form of government that existed at the time. OOC thread.




Whereas I have taken into My Royal Consideration the Value of the Resources produced and sold by the Noble People of the Land known as Hardish Bay, brought to Us by the Crew of the late cargo Vessel known as the Whirlwind, and being desirous of the Protection & Security of the Inhabitants, I have thought proper, with the advice of my Lords Privy, to issue this my Royal Proclamation, hereby publish & declare to my Loyal Subjects that I have, with the Advice of Said Privy Council, granted my Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Plembobria, to erect within the Territory known as Hardish Bay, a Colonial Government, limited and bounded as follows, viz.

The Government of Hardish Bay Colony--Bordering on the West the Republic of Andulus, from thence a Line continuing Southward, at an Angle of 45 degrees, ten Miles, occupying all the land Marked by the Boundary surveyed according to the Wall erected by the Inhabitants on the Southern border, Terminating fifty-five Miles from the Easternmost part of the Bay.

The Land aforesaid shall henceforth be governed by a Legislative Council, which shall consist of the Five Lord Protectors appointed by me.

And whereas it will greatly contribute to the speedy settling my said new Government, that My Loyal Subjects should be informed my Care for the security of the Liberties and Properties of those who are and shall become Inhabitants thereof. The Declaration of Rights and Liberties enacted by my Predecessor shall be the Law of the Land therein, and all Authority therein shall henceforth be bound by it.



This Notion of a New colony of the Kingdom of Plembobria disturbs Me without reservation, and giveth upon Me great Anger and Contempt. Thus I have Met with my top General, Ske'yin Tuyhyo, to discuss this Matter of Plembobrian tyranny and mercantilist Slavery over the People of Hardish Bay, and we have Henceforth Determined to issue a Declaration, of which whomever it May Concern is now Reading, to the Kingdom of Plembobria. The people of Hardish Bay should Not be taken Advantage of purely for Wealth, as this is Treason on the part of Plembobria against all Known Factors of Morality. Even If, for which we do Not for a Moment believe, that the People of Hardish Bay have Civil Rights and Liberties, it would Not be the Same as if the People of Hardish Bay were free.

Henceforth, our armies shall march from Stonessfurd to Balamb, and sail to your New colony of Hardish Bay. There shall be Blood, however also Upon Hardish Bay shall Be Glorious Liberation, and under the Golden Star of the Syrixian Empire and in My arms as Sovereign Emperor of Syrixia shall We Carry Hardish Bay away from your Evil and into Safety and Freedom. And if the Kingdom of Plembobria Insists that this is To Be Avoided, then they shall Heed this Ultimatum.

The Kingdom of Plembobria is Hereby Ordered by My Imperial Authority to stand Down from Hardish Bay, remove all Plembobrian Authorities, and allow My Imperial soldiers to enter the Territory, or face Just and Total Defeat.

My Armies are larger and more powerful in all Respects than those of the Kingdom of Plembobria, and I am Not Afraid to Use them. Consider this Ultimatum closely, for if My Standards of Compliance are not met by the Kingdom of Plembobria, as I have duly noted before, there will be Blood on the city streets of every city and town in Hardish Bay, and the Kingdom of Plembobria shall Wish it had Never Colonized Hardish Bay and enslaved a Free People. The Kingdom of Plembobria and its Authorities in Hardish Bay are thusly urged once more to comply. I expect a Response soon.

Sovereign and Magnificent Emperor of the Invincible and Magnificent Empire of Syrixia​

The Lady sat in a wooden chair behind her desk. Her white dress flowed down from her body and gave an impression of air, of lightness. But the Lady was very much grounded in her work. Her eyes were focused on the paper in her hands. The chair she sat on was straight and upright. It was not meant to be comfortable, unlike the sofa beds in the next room. Rather, it kept her upright and alert as she shuffled through piles and piles and paperwork. All were business of the Kaiserreich, the Lady's own domain.

She set down the paper by her silver inkstand. Taking her pen, she scribbled her acknowledgement. "Oh, guter Gott." As a lady of Kannex, and especially as the Lady of Kannex -- die Dame Kannexes -- she did not curse. There were only two other people in the chamber. One was her personal maid, who was racing down with a teapot on a plate. The other was her chancellor, attired in black, standing before her. He nodded with gravity manifest in his countenance.

Syrixia and Plembobria had recently begun a feud over Hardisch-Bucht. The kaiser of Syrixia, who the Lady suspected was rather unstable in the mind for calling himself 'magnificent', 'invincible', 'the conqueror', and such and such, threatened war against Plembobria's naval empire. That meant one thing, that Syrixia planned to intercept Plembobrian forces in the West Sea. War in the West Sea would disrupt the Reich's prized commerce -- that would be unacceptable. "Prepare the Reichsmarine for deployment," she ordered the chancellor.


W e ,The Federal Council Of Golfia and I Grand Duke Charles Bernadiné III, are Expressing our Outmost Disgust at what is Happening right Now concerning the Kingdom Of Plemboria's Unlawful Annexation Of Hardish Bay. After several Discussions with the Federal Council and the Federal Assembly, The Grand Duchy of Golfia has Decided to request the Withdrawal of Plemborian Troops and Government Officials at Once from Hardish Bay and let the Free People's living There continue with Their Lives, as it Was Before. We believe to that the Kingdom Of Plemboria has also acted Dishonarably by Manipulating and Taking Advantage of a Peaceful People such as These.

The Grand Duchy has also Had Colonies such as This one, However during this Year, We granted Independence to Every Single One of Them as we and Surely other Good Hearted Nations know that these are Modern Times Ahead of Us and there are Better and More Efficient Ways to Achieve Economic Growth and Stability than Acquiring new Colonies.

Golfia is on Syrixa's side when it comes to This Matter, as If the Kingdom Of Plemboria does Not abide by the International Decrees, will proceed to March in To Hardish Bay to Force Plemborian Troops Out with the Help by Syrixa. Though, We would like to Ask Syrixa first to Solve This Issue by Diplomatic Talks before proceeding with Unnecessary Lives Lost.

We Request that Both Plemboria, Syrixa AND Kannex (Yes We knew all about it, Thanks to some Helpful Ears) Governments would Meet in The Newly established Capital City of Golfia, Golvestros, In the Federal Palace itself for Eventual Peace Talks and other Mutual Agreements, and If it Comes to it, Everyone would Work Together instead of bickering amongst ourselves and Help each Other achieve Peace, Stability and Economic Growth between Us. We Expect Glorious Responses from All Nations Involved in this Mess as Soon as Possible.

Nethermost Hall, 12:46 AM
Golden Palace
Balamb, Syrixia

Emperor Vulnus III had just ascended to the throne of Syrixia around 16 years prior, and things couldn't be better for him. Now, there he sat, on his throne in the Nethermost Hall; the deepest and grandest chamber of the Golden Palace, Balamb's Imperial palace and the seat of the Syrixian government. The Syrixian Empire was at its height of power, however this would be ended and soon reversed by the war against Plembobria and, later, a war against Eumenor and the men and dragons of Darcania. However, that was to come in the future and the Emperor knew nothing of it. Naturally, of course, the Emperor's promises of bringing freedom to Hardish Bay were cold and meaningless lies.

Syrixia's real motive was to establish a new colony in Hardish Bay to ensure protection against the Andulan Republic, the practical antithesis of his Empire, which was right next to the Hardish Bay Colony. Syrixia's colonial programs started quite early in the Empire's history, as Syrixians had a large interest in naval ventures. Thus, the Syrixian Empire had a respectable roster of colonies strewn across the North Pacific. One of them, Vulon Nur'Khar, an island loosely named after Emperor Vulnus himself, was not more than a day or two's sailing distance from Hardish Bay.

Thus, the Emperor knew how to get to Hardish Bay quickly. He also knew there was a decent amount of forces stationed at the island, as it was in a very important and strategic location. At that, he knew his plan was possible and indeed doable. He knew Plembobria would not back down and was prepared for war. His forces had won a string of wars against other nations under the reign of his father and predecessor, Senlok I, and he himself had won many too, and earned the epithet "the Conqueror". He beckoned his Generals to come before him, and soon a plan was formulated in a top-secret construction area. The Imperial Army would move from Volun Nur'Khar to the eastern parts of the Hardish Bay Colony, and from there move west, eventually conquering the entire territory...

Gen. Matthew Pierce
St. Jarvis, Hardish Bay Colony
April 9th, 1847​

Honorable Members of the General Council of the Andulan Republic,

We are aware of the Tension between our Nations. We understand that we occupy land envied by your Republic. Nevertheless, our Security and Safety is at stake. The Empire of Syrixia threatens us. With the consent of the Lord Protectors, I entreat you, come to our Aid.

The Kingdom of Plemboria lies thousands of miles away, it will be too long before we can obtain the Reinforcement that we need to defend against this impending Terror.

I give you my Word, our Kingdom and your Republic shall live in Peace and Harmony together. The King and the Privy Council in Rethel, will greatly appreciate your Assistance. Our nations will live in peace. Together we can defend that noble Cause of Liberty which so many Nations and Men have fought for.

I adjure you. Help us in our hour of need. It will be well for you, and the relationship between our noble Empires.

Awaiting your Assistance,

General Mathew Pierce, head of the Hardish Bay Army.