OOC: This thread is for international reaction to the establishment of the Hardish Bay Colony. This takes place in 1847. Any responses should be given your nation's form of government that existed at the time. OOC thread.
Whereas I have taken into My Royal Consideration the Value of the Resources produced and sold by the Noble People of the Land known as Hardish Bay, brought to Us by the Crew of the late cargo Vessel known as the Whirlwind, and being desirous of the Protection & Security of the Inhabitants, I have thought proper, with the advice of my Lords Privy, to issue this my Royal Proclamation, hereby publish & declare to my Loyal Subjects that I have, with the Advice of Said Privy Council, granted my Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Plembobria, to erect within the Territory known as Hardish Bay, a Colonial Government, limited and bounded as follows, viz.
The Government of Hardish Bay Colony--Bordering on the West the Republic of Andulus, from thence a Line continuing Southward, at an Angle of 45 degrees, ten Miles, occupying all the land Marked by the Boundary surveyed according to the Wall erected by the Inhabitants on the Southern border, Terminating fifty-five Miles from the Easternmost part of the Bay.
The Land aforesaid shall henceforth be governed by a Legislative Council, which shall consist of the Five Lord Protectors appointed by me.
And whereas it will greatly contribute to the speedy settling my said new Government, that My Loyal Subjects should be informed my Care for the security of the Liberties and Properties of those who are and shall become Inhabitants thereof. The Declaration of Rights and Liberties enacted by my Predecessor shall be the Law of the Land therein, and all Authority therein shall henceforth be bound by it.
Whereas I have taken into My Royal Consideration the Value of the Resources produced and sold by the Noble People of the Land known as Hardish Bay, brought to Us by the Crew of the late cargo Vessel known as the Whirlwind, and being desirous of the Protection & Security of the Inhabitants, I have thought proper, with the advice of my Lords Privy, to issue this my Royal Proclamation, hereby publish & declare to my Loyal Subjects that I have, with the Advice of Said Privy Council, granted my Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Plembobria, to erect within the Territory known as Hardish Bay, a Colonial Government, limited and bounded as follows, viz.
The Government of Hardish Bay Colony--Bordering on the West the Republic of Andulus, from thence a Line continuing Southward, at an Angle of 45 degrees, ten Miles, occupying all the land Marked by the Boundary surveyed according to the Wall erected by the Inhabitants on the Southern border, Terminating fifty-five Miles from the Easternmost part of the Bay.
The Land aforesaid shall henceforth be governed by a Legislative Council, which shall consist of the Five Lord Protectors appointed by me.
And whereas it will greatly contribute to the speedy settling my said new Government, that My Loyal Subjects should be informed my Care for the security of the Liberties and Properties of those who are and shall become Inhabitants thereof. The Declaration of Rights and Liberties enacted by my Predecessor shall be the Law of the Land therein, and all Authority therein shall henceforth be bound by it.