Weekly Issue #2


Peaceful demonstrators attacked and demand justice!

Citizens within the island were having a peaceful demonstration until it was hijacked by a rambunctious group seeking more violent demonstrations, often stating that violence is the only thing that will get the leaders' attention. This violent outburst and confusion led to several injuries of peaceful protestors, varying from bruises to broken bones and lacerations. The leader of these peaceful folk are calling for justice while the self-declared leader of the violent group says that "... [the protests] were all justified, them vegan pacifists are making our cause seem weak! We need to show the leaders that we are serious about this." It is up to the general assembly to choose what to do in this delicate situation and to restore peace to the Democratic Union Headquarters.
The Andulan Fifth Fleet maintains a special flotilla of 4 Destroyers and 8 Corvettes as well as a division of the 7th Special Rangers (Paratrooper division) at the Liren Central Naval-Aviation Compound roughly 165 km from the DU Island.
The government of Dalies offers a more peaceful solution.

"Why not have a designated area on the island to hold such demonstrations. Democracy is all about getting the people's say in matters, and allowing these pacifist citizens to be attacked by these violent members of this group is, in my mind, purely undemocratic. These members must be banished from the island along with the violence they promote."