DD, what will the Vice-Delegacy look like under your leadership style?
Much the same as it did the last time I was Vice Delegate. I am already a member of the Security Council, and have enjoyed working within that organization. I intend to maintain my activity level game side, as I personally view that as an important role for those government positions that are more directly integrated into the game mechanics.
What do you expect to accomplish, if anything, during your term as Vice-Delegate?
I intend to accomplish a few things. I think the current SC policy could use a good going over, and a new outline of that policy could be posted in the SC public area. I would also like to see an initiative to increase the activity of certain members within the Security Council. I am not sure that going bigger in terms of membership is as important as having members that can maintain a high endorsement count, rather than barely meeting the minimums. The World Assembly Development Progrma has been a stunning success, and now we need to address the natural consequences of that program, namely the upsurge in the endorsement counts of many member nations. A more active SC, endorsement wise, will be necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the institution.
What do you see as the day-to-day duties of a security council member? As vice delegate, what will do you to promote the success of security councilors in those duties?
I see the day-to-day as being actively involved in endorsing the WA members of the region, and a part of that is noting nations that appear to be gaining endorsements very quickly. We have a number of Councilors who are very effective and diligent about their endorsement gathering, and then there are some that could do more. I do not wish to offend anyone, that is simply the fact of the matter. While it may not have been a huge deal in the past for members to fall behind, that behavior needs to be curtailed for two reasons: decaying influence in the feeders, and the World Assembly Development Program. While it may have been okay in the past to have low endorsement numbers while steadily accruing influence, the decay prevents that approach from working, and the addition of the WADP (active endorsers) means there are more nations collecting a finite share of overall influence. In order to maintain the effectiveness of the SC as a security apparatus the issue of activity is one that needs to be addressed.
Alta Italia:
DD, what's the one thing that differentiates or will differentiate you from the other candidates for VD?
Oh, I don't know! What differentiates your question for me from the same question you have asked every other candidate?
My name for starters.