Repeal "The Prisoners of War Accord"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal | Resolution: GA#18 | Proposed by: Jean Pierre Trudeau
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #18: The Prisoners of War Accord (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The World Assembly,
Commending the efforts of General Assembly Resolution #18 "The Prisoners of War Accord" to protect the rights of those captured or otherwise detained due to armed conflict,
Believing those captured or otherwise detained due to armed conflict deserve protections from indignities,
Concerned however General Assembly Resolution #18 contains several flaws that necessitate this repeal,
Bemoaning 5(b) which states "Replacement uniforms and/or clothing. In the case of PoWs, such uniform is to reasonably resemble the uniform with relevant insignia he is entitled to in his own force, and bear no markings to distinguish the wearer as a PoW", whilst failing to account for the sometimes large technological differences between opposing nations thus requiring the detaining nation to spend exorbitant amounts of resources developing the same technology to supply detained combatants with replacement clothing: also concerned detaining nations may not mark replacement uniforms with any identifying markers to distinguish detained combatants,
Concerned 5(c) states "Methods by which they may contact and be contacted by relatives & friends in their homeland, although the detaining nation may censor such correspondence if desired", possibly allowing the the release of highly sensitive information to detained combatants home nations revealing locations of sensitive targets, no matter how much censorship applied to said information,
Concerned clause 6(b) which states "PoWs may be questioned to establish their name, rank, number (be it regimental, unit, service or commissioning), and pertinent medical and religious information not of military importance. Such information is to be freely given by PoWs" may be interpreted as preventing the questioning of members of a detained military force who may be suspected of committing war crimes or crimes against humanity, thus preventing those detained from being prosecuted for such offences as permitted by World Assembly legislation,
Unsure why clause 6(c) states uncommissioned members of a detained military force may be used as laborers by a detaining nations, yet commissioned members are exempt, thus creating and placing an undue and unfair burden upon uncommissioned members of a detained military force,
Disappointed at the lack of flow, grammatical inconsistency, and lack of punctuation that makes this resolution unfitting of a World Assembly resolution,
Sincerely hoping The World Assembly passes new, more comprehensive legislation on the matter of detained military forces that adequately addresses the concerns brought forth in this repeal,
Hereby repeals GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION # 18 "The Prisoners of War Accord".