Delegacy Transition Aided by North Pacific Army

Pauline Bonaparte

Her Worshipfulness
TNP Nation
The Democratic Republic of Tomb, elected Delegate of the North Pacific last month, formally took the World Assembly seat in-game this week. The campaign to formally induct him as the in-game World Assembly Delegate was a team effort, combining the endorsements of the people of the North Pacific, her allies, and the hard work of the North Pacific Army.

The North Pacific Army (NPA), the region's military force, devoted itself fully to endorsing Tomb in order to get him in the delegate seat as quickly as possible. Coordinated in its first phase by Minister of Defense Eluvatar, and in its latter phase by Gladio, the operation was a rousing success. Despite some hiccups, Tomb took his seat in a timely fashion considering a region of 8,000 had to be organized to deliver him from an endorsement count of zero to over five hundred.

When asked about the most challenging part of the operation, Minister Eluvatar said (quote). When asked about how he thought the NPA could improve for the next delegacy transition, he said (quote). Third quote maybe.

Even though the transition presented some challenges to the NPA, it met them head-on and ensured that Tomb was put in his seat. With each new delegate, the NPA becomes more practiced and more efficient at helping them take their seat. If you could say one thing for certain, it is that the North Pacific Army will never stop serving its region in whatever capacity it can.

Still waiting on some quotes from Elu, but here's what I have so far. Will rewrite third paragraph.
Looks good - just a factual note: Tomb didn't have 0 endos when he was elected. I think he had 38 at the beginning of his campaign, but more than that by the time the transition officially began. I don't have the number off-hand, but you can use the SC Records page to find out exactly.
In the final paragraph, I might change "it met them" to "they met each one" - for some reason the it/then there now makes me need to reread the sentence to follow it.
The Democratic Republic of Tomb, elected Delegate of the North Pacific last month, formally took the World Assembly seat in-game this week. The campaign to formally induct him as the in-game World Assembly Delegate was a team effort, combining the endorsements of the people of the North Pacific, her allies, and the hard work of the North Pacific Army.

The North Pacific Army (NPA), the region's military force, devoted itself fully to endorsing Tomb in order to get him in the delegate seat as quickly as possible. Coordinated in its first phase by Minister of Defense Eluvatar, and in its latter phase by Gladio, the operation was a rousing success. Despite some hiccups, Tomb took his seat in a timely fashion considering a region of 8,000 had to be organized to deliver him from an endorsement count of 231, at the beginning of the transition, to over five hundred.

Minister of Defense Eluvatar, when asked about the most challenging part of the operation for the NPA, touched on the difficulty of endorsing the right person at the right time, saying it was challenging to "restrict operations to make sure to keep endorsing the Vice Delegate or Delegate-Elect as appropriate during the transition time." Minister Eluvatar continued by saying that one way the NPA could improve for the next transition would be to "directly campaign in the region to encourage WA nations to endorse or unendorse [the Delegate-elect/Vice Delegate] appropriately at an earlier stage".

Even though the transition presented some challenges to the NPA, they met each one head-on and ensured that Tomb was put in his seat. With each new delegate, the NPA becomes more practiced and more efficient at helping them take their seat. If you could say one thing for certain, it is that the North Pacific Army will never stop serving its region in whatever capacity it can.

Some changes and added quotes.