Let's be nice and let her or him audition for the position of
Chef of
The North Pacific.
For your first entree you are given a Turducken, a Tarsier, and a Mouse. Additional ingredients include a pint of double clotted cream, a bottle of rum, raw sugarcane, a Sopophorous bean, and some sprigs of catnip. There are any number of cheeses you may use; just bear in mind (and mind the bear) that the pellet-shaped one from the goat tastes suspicously like dirt.
You are given a sledgehammer for any tenderizing that must be done. You may cook on a shield or on horseback -- we really don't care. If you choose to make a kek, most of us prefer 355/113.
Your taste tester for this first trial will be the
Cat. She licks her butt, so it is a pretty low bar we've set for you.
Let's see what you can do!!