Weekly Update (Wk ending 29th March)



With several big Role Play events coming up it was decieded to postpone the upcoming role play convention for a two week period. This will allow people to focus their time on the bigger RP events.

Meanwhile this week the region got its highest number of members on the NS forum.

Green= Open to anyone, check it out and get involved.
Click on the title to see what's happening.

Birth of A Nation The Union of Nordic People splits in two, Nya Åland will gain its independence amid controversy after its first constitution marginalises all religions except Odinism, as the nation gets born its leadership can expect some scrutiny.

Isanity Retreat Every kidnappers favourite victim Serenity Azurewind gets kidnapped, this time by her boyfriend Isaac Wesley's nemesis The Enlightenment. Their plane gets shot down by Serenity's brother and the two are now standard in the middle of nowhere and will need to channel their inner Bear Grylls to survive.

It's Signed The Second Pan Albion Congress has just finished after all the nations present signed. This see's the beginning of closer co-operation between the members of that continent.

Boats and Birthday Cake Several nations had combined to co-develop the fast frigate class of combat vessel, the constuction of the first six has been completed and the naming ceremonies are due to take place in East Moreland. The next day sees the royal twins first birthday party and several friends from afar are coming for cake and ice cream.

Decapolis Dedication The city of Aquilae have rebuilt the provincial capital and are inviting the world to the rededication of the capitol building. Everyone is invited.

Economic Oppurtunities Various nations have unveiled economic opportunities to outside businesses. Nueva Ardia seems to have a black market on it's hands, while Odmony and Seaforth have also opened themselves up for more legal investment and trade.

The Women's Leadership Summit has begun in Rokkenjima. The aim of the convention is to raise the profile of various issues surrounding women's rights and opportunities. Several female leaders are due to give speeches and discussions on many issues are expected.


Transvaal Budget - The Transvaal budget was released with the main shock being an additional income tax payable by any non native religion. This soon saw the Rosari Church of Rokkenjima given an exemption, it is yet to be seen how other religions respond to this.

Unity Party win Election - The Unity Party of Achkaerin won the recent elections but failed to gain a majority of the seats and will most likely attempt to form a coalition.

Nueva Ardia elect Grand Chancellor Pelita Vasquez won the election for the nations Grand Chancellor following the ending of the monarchy.

Tytor Condem NA Constitution Tytorian media admonished the Nya Åland constitution even before it comes into force. Large numbers of protestors gathered to speak of their nations disgust at the nature of the new nations laws.

Dartfordia Military Expansion The Dartfordian armed forces officially opened their newest military base, this one in Rokkenjima. Akrotiri base will be located in teh far north of the Arovium prefecture and will be the third largest in Rokkenjima.
Thanks for the update, Morheim. And congrats on the increasing regional population!

~ Tomb