NPTO-DU Sistership


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation
To the beloved members of NPTO and the DU:

While these organizations are completely different in leadership styles, applications, and other things, in the end, we are both alliances that are helping TNP either bring peace or promote democracies. Therefore, I suggest that we officially recognize the other organization as an equal, and promise to stick together when chaos strikes.

I may be crazy, but hey, I try.


The Khan gives this his support but would like assurance that the NPTO will maintain it's open membership policy to non-democratic governments (Including Meritocracies, Stratocracies, Theocracies, Geniocracies, etc...) under which we were accepted. We also would like to encourage members of both organisations to maintain at least non-aggression policies towards one another.
All of The United States of New Sekai is supporting for The North Pacific Treaty Organization and The Democratic Union should form a alliance.
I have nothing opposed to individual nations having treaties with other individual nations, whether apart of separate organizations or not, but I find that the NPTO and the DU are different in some ways that would not allow a sistership. I can agree that some sort of non-aggressive pact could benefit both organizations and the members that are apart of them.
I concur with Dalies; perhaps just jumping full on into sisterhood isn't a good idea.
While my term is almost over as Chairman, I'd like my successor to work with the Democratic Union on a non-aggression pact. Both organizations are strong in their ideologies and war between these organizations (which would technically destroy NPTO's policy of peace, but whatever) would be detrimental.