Orendi VII
Wintreath Foreign Update
Wintreath Foreign Update

Government of Wintreath
Monarch: Wintermoot
Jarl of Culture: Amalya (Pengu as Acting Jarl)
Jarl of Defense: Chanku
Jarl of Foreign Affairs: Wintermoot
Jarl of Integration: Point Breeze
Jarl of WA Affairs: Reon
A Message from the Monarch
Just another standard photo op for the Monarch. Article by Wintermoot.
Greetings, friends and allies of Wintreath. You may have noticed that this is the first Orendi to be dispatched in quite a few months. As we have worked to overhaul our foreign affairs program, it has become apparent that it takes a great amount of time and effort to put this dispatch together, and because of that we will be scaling the Orendi back from a monthly dispatch to a seasonal dispatch, with each edition covering events from the season before in detail. Between releases, we will continue to send smaller dispatches covering everything from events going on in the region to interviews to tidbits about the region. We feel this is the best way to maintain active relations and embassies with all of our diplomatic partners.
Just another standard photo op for the Monarch. Article by Wintermoot.
I hope that you enjoy reading our latest Orendi, and that relations between our regions continue to grow and prosper.
Judicial Reform Perplexes Wintreath
The fight over Judicial reform! Article by Wintermoot
In a region that has seen few political divisions, the debate and continued failure to come to agreement on judicial reform stands out. While most Citizens agree that the current judicial system isn't working, there are a wide variety different ideas on the system that should replace it. Proposals have included the creation of a jury pool of Citizens whose members would be selected to hear cases at random, the creation of an elected Supreme Court, the transfer of judicial authorities to the Monarch, and the abolition of the judiciary entirely. While the debate has been on-and-off since June, to date no proposal has passed the Storting with the 2/3 supermajority required to amend the Fundamental Laws, the Constitution of our region. Given that proposals most also pass a referendum by the same supermajority, it goes without saying that any judicial proposal has a harrowing journey to passage.
The fight over Judicial reform! Article by Wintermoot
To better understand the diversity of ideas and the mindsets behind them, I've approached some of our current and past members of government that have advocated a particular solution with one question: why do you feel your stance is the right one for Wintreath over the others?
Reon (Underhusen Skrifa): You have recently authored and introduced the Omnibus Judicial Repeal, stating that it was in anticipation of another amendment bringing judicial authorities to the Monarch. Why do you feel this is the best approach for Wintreath?
Joshua Bleuteisen (Underhusen Skfria): In the current debate, you have openly supported abolishing the judiciary and going as far as stating you wouldn't support any other judicial reform proposal. Why do you feel abolishment is the best approach for Wintreath?To me, our current system is a lie. It places power quite fictionally in the hands of people when of course, this is not possible in a monarchy. I see this as a good step to a more honest, more flexible, more visibly pro-monarch law.
Unlike my compatriot, Chanku, I feel that traditionalism is a danger to society. A way to ignore our problems and claim that they are in fact strengths. I feel a more flexible law is a more powerful law and that in a monarchy with a highly trusted Monarch this is highly possible.
Thank you for giving me this chance to speak.
We're a small community; a community this small is better off with a powerful executive, versus a slow and ineffective judiciary.
If we were to implement one, I feel that it would be best to have a fresh start versus trying to fix our current, haphazardly put-together system.
Wintermoot (Monarch): You authored the first judicial reform attempt, the Administration of Justice Amendment Act, which would have created a jury pool with members selected at random for each court case, but withdrew support for it after it failed in the Storting not once, but twice. Why did you feel this was the best approach for Wintreath?
Chanku (Underhusen Speaker): To date, you have opposed all proposals for judicial reform and have instead recently proposed two Acts, the Judicial Offices Omnibus Amendment Act and the Case Selection Procedure Act, both of which aim to fix the current system. Why do you feel fixing the current system is the best approach for Wintreath?I don't believe that the issues with the current system are in the ideas behind it, but the implementation. The current system was designed so that we would have a slate of potential judges knowledgeable about Wintrean law for each case instead of an inactive judicial branch with the same people deciding each and every case, which raises the potential for arbitrary decisions and abuses of power. I felt that the Administration of Justice Amendment Act resolved the loopholes and issues by removing judicial authorities from the Storting and creating a formal pool of judges that anyone meeting the requirements could apply for.
However, I've accepted that this is not the direction the region wants to go in, and since withdrawing support I'm mostly listening to the other proposals and chiming in when I feel I have something constructive to contribute to the debate.
My answer lies in what I politically am in Wintreath, and my history in Wintreath in some part, along with my line of thought in the other part. You see, I've been here since the start, and I helped write the Fundamental Laws as well. I'm also a traditionalist, in the sense that I prefer not changing things constitutionally unless necessary, as in if there was an error that if not fixed could cause a bit of a disaster or there is proof that it fails to work.
Therefore I want to preserve our current system. I do acknowledge it has it's faults, as with any system, however I am unsure if it actually works due to a lack of cases to date to actually see if it works.
However it should be noted that I will compromise, while I initial opposed the Administration of Justice Act, I later decided to come out in support as I felt it was the best compromise at the time. Although at this time it should be noted that I would probably abstain on all vote should it pass through the chambers. I do however oppose the abolishment and the passing of the Judicial System to the Monarch. The main reason being that there is no reason, other than that we are a fictional monarchy, which holds little weight in my opinion.
Games, Games, and more games to come!
A collection of Wintreath's many games to play! Article by Pengu
If there's anything that we know anyone loves, it's games, and this may be something that is slowly becoming what Wintreath can be known for. What started as a single Werewolf game has exploded into much more because of the astounding participation from both our citizens and residents, as well as our growing tourist population. In fact, as of writing this, Werewolf is in the works of its 4th game with one of our newest citizens, Laurentus, taking the helm. 
A collection of Wintreath's many games to play! Article by Pengu
Spyfall was also introduced into Wintreath, and was met with much enthusiasm. Now, our acting Jarl of Culture is working on more ideas to cook up on what to bring to Wintreath in the form of regional games and contests. Some of his ideas include Clue, Resistance, 20 questions, and even an interactive form of Choose your own Adventure. We're looking forward to see just what other games will be popping up around Wintreath, and we hope to see all of you taking part when they do.
Citizen of the Month Contest Established, Amalya First Winner
Citizens discuss what makes someone a Citizen of the Month. Article by Wintermoot.
Wintreath recently had its first Citizen of the Month election, where Citizens can nominate and then choose an outstanding member of the community that has had a great impact on the region and the people in it. The Citizen of the Month then gets a special forum mask with the colour of their choice and the opportunity to be interviewed so everyone can get to know their Citizen of the Month and their reflections on their time in the region.
Citizens discuss what makes someone a Citizen of the Month. Article by Wintermoot.
The first person to be recognized by our Citizens is our Jarl of Culture, Amalya, who is someone I can safely say has touched so many of us in the community for the better through her openness, honesty, charm, humour, and strength to stand up for who she is and what she believes in. She's been a true role model for everyone here, and it's an absolute honour to be able to interview her.
Congrats on being elected as Wintreath's first Citizen of the Month! Of course, you have previously been recognized by the Monarchy when you were made a Countess, but how does it feel to now be recognized by your fellow Citizens?
It feels great. Recognition from the Monarchy is fantastic, but being recognized by the other citizens of our great region is fantastic, and heartwarming.
Let's go back to the beginning, when you first joined our community back in May. What brought you to Wintreath in the first place, and what were your first impressions as a new Citizen starting out in the region? Did anything surprise you?
In May, I was returning to NS after an absence, and looking for a new home. Honestly I'm still not sure why I chose Wintreath, perhaps it was fate, I just know I'm glad I did. When I first arrived, the thing that struck me the most was the openness, and how approachable everyone seemed to be. I didn't really know what to expect coming here, so nothing really surprised me.
Since then, you've become a vital part of our community and you've done so much for the region. What do you consider to be your proudest accomplishment in the region, and how has the community itself impacted you?
My proudest accomplishment in the region cannot be measured. The thing I pride myself on most in the region is all the smiles I am able to bring to all the citizens faces. I cannot measure my success by contributions to the region in such a way that would allow me to pick just one, because without the community support, and without the citizens as a whole, I would have nothing to succeed at. The biggest impact that Wintreath has had on me is definitely giving me confidence, both in dealing with my current illness, and in dealing with every day life. Contrary to anything Jone has to say on the matter, I came here with less of a view of myself, but now hold my head up proudly.
Being a veteran of the region and all its antics now, if you could give one piece of advice to new and potential Citizens of the region, what would it be?
Get involved. Seriously, not necessarily in the government side of things if that's not your style, but get involved in the culture side of things at least. Wintreath is a very unique place, and will quickly become a second family to you if you let us in. Speak up if there is anything you are unsure of. Wintreath is a vibrant community, your involvement will make it that much better for you, and everyone else in the region.
When you imagine Wintreath in the future, what does it look like to you? Anything you'd like to see happen?
I'd like to see Wintreath continue to grow, not just in numbers but in activity as well. We already have a great sense of community, and that will only continue to get better and better. Wintreath's future will have a lot more of myself in it as well, since I refuse to be kept down by my illness any longer. I'd like to see our roleplay section have a little more variety to it again, to appeal to all citizens.
It's wonderful to hear that you'll be with us more often again. Any final thoughts or remarks for the region and the world at large?
Thank you Wintreath, for not only accepting me as I am, but embracing me as well. The region is a better place for having each and every one of you in it. You all are amazing.
It's the Great Election Day Wintermoot!
This new election term is already full of surprises! Article by Pengu.
Last term, we had a list of candidates run for office, though none of the candidates had campaigned. It was something that was dreaded to happen in the future, because it was something that had potentially foreshadowed what the term itself was going to be like.
This new election term is already full of surprises! Article by Pengu.
This term however, has proved quite the opposite! Very shortly after elections had opened, candidates began to pop up like daisies. And in an equal amount of time, campaign threads began to pop up as well! While only half of the candidates have started campaigning as of writing this, it's definitely a welcome change compared to last term.
And it's proving to be quite exciting so far too! Almost immediately after campaign threads came up did questions start pouring in for our candidates. Between answering those, the debates being sparked in the campaign threads, and the action that it's sparked in candidates taking the initiative to do things in other parts of the forum...let's just say it's been quite an exciting election process so far for Wintreath, and no matter who gets elected this term, it'll be an election to remember.
News in Briefs
Happy news makes for happy briefs!

Happy news makes for happy briefs!
- Wintreath held a successful festival with The North Pacific which lasted from February 8th to the 13th and included a AMA for Wintermoot and McMasterdonia, an event to match people up with new friends from the other region, and an icebreaker that led to discussion of everything from hobbies to music.
- Wintreath committed to eventually adopting a regional currency later in the spring. A regional contest gave us the name of this future currency, the Krone.
- A Sunshine Policy was announced regarding discussions of the Riksråd, the regional Cabinet. Cabinet discussions will now be made public after one year.
- Acting Jarl of Culture Pengu brought Werewolf (Mafia) games to the region, which have become a huge success and has thus far resulted in three very fun games. Plans are under way for a fourth game hosted by new Citizen Laurentus in the near future.
- Wintreath entered into a treaty pact with The Rejected Realms in November, and just recently entered into a treaty of friendship with Ainur.
- Since the publication of the last Orendi, Wintreath has established relations with Taijitu, Mordor, and The South Pacific(again). Hello, new friends!
Thanks for reading!