I'm happy with the content now. Just some small nitpicks:
A new Section 3 entitled "[Conflicts of Interest] and Recusals," will be introduced into TNP Legal Code Chapter 3 containing the following Clauses 8, 9, 10, and 11:
I'd take out the brackets there, otherwise they will be included in the final bill and put into the legal code. I also think it might make sense to combine this with the existing Section 2,
à la:
Chapter 3, Section 3.2 of the Legal Code will be amended to read:
Section 3.2: Recusals and Hearing Officers
4. If one or more Justice positions are vacant, or any Justice is absent or has recused themselves, the remaining Justices will promptly appoint replacements from among available citizens to participate as temporary Hearing Officers.
5. If all Justices are either vacant or absent or have recused themselves, the Delegate will promptly appoint the needed Hearing Officers from among available citizens with the agreement of the Speaker.
6. Hearing Officers are government officials in the judicial branch, and are subject to the same restrictions and requirements as other judicial officials. Any recusal or absence from a Hearing Officer will be treated as a vacancy.
7. A conflict of interest occurs when a Justice or Hearing Officer is unable to rule in a fair and unbiased manner on a question before the Court.
8. Justices and Hearing Officers are required to recuse themselves from matters where they have a conflict of interest.
9. The Court may recuse any Justice or Hearing Officer by majority vote, and is required to hold such a vote when publicly requested by the petitioner or defendant in the matter at hand, or by a member of the Attorney General's office, or by any individual officially acting on the behalf of any of the preceding parties.
10. The Regional Assembly may force any Justice to recuse themselves by a majority vote.
And you don't need to specify anything about renumbering - the Speaker's Office is empowered to do that automatically, and arguably it's illegal to try.
Like you, I'm torn between simple and 2/3 majority, so no further input there. I think condensing these makes the most sense - THOs are closely related to recusals and CoIs, so it's reasonable to keep them together. Additionally, this lets us get rid of some of the more problematic language in the current law - for example, clause 7 currently says that THOs will be "automatically" removed if they have a CoI without ever clarifying what a CoI is or who is empowered to determine if they have it, and it additionally prevents SC members from being THOs because of the blanket restriction on
all government offices. I've changed that language to calling them judicial government officials, which already has a solid definition in the constitution and is much more sensible about restrictions.
Other than that, I changed "themself" into "themselves", since "themself" is a more informal version and I'm partial to formality in written laws, and I simplified a couple other minor things. Style edits, really.