Mäng?stä Funk'del'a



The Empire of Funkadelia is, at the time of publication, the only remaining absolute monarchy in the world. Despite the extreme stigmas surrounding absolute monarchy, since the 1970s Funkadelia has made intense efforts at modernization, and successful efforts at that. The current Emperor is HIM Menelik II, who despite his age has been regarded as one of the more forward thinking rulers in Funkadelic history. At the same time, he is also reserved, and is respected for only speaking when things need to be said.

Funkadelia has a population that had otherwise been steadily increasing, but has held at around 101 million for the past few years. While Funkadelia is not a poor nation by any stretch of the imagination, it would also not be considered an economic powerhouse. Funkadelia has some problems with finding housing for all of its citizens, but in general abject poverty is on the decline in the nation. Militarily, Funkadelia prides itself on its large navy and its competent army. It has, however, struggled in the past to keep its air force up to date.

Funkadelia welcomes requests to open embassies in Amhrat, the nation's capital. Please fill out the form below.

Nation name, full (and short):
Government style:
Head of State:
Head of Government:
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent:
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia:
Capital city:
National language:
National religion:

Nation name, full (and short): The Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti (Kialga-Lourti)
Demonym: Kialgan / Lourtian
Government style: Federal Republic
Head of State: President William Snyders
Head of Government: President William Snyders
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Minister Michael Talley
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Miss Bethanie Stafford
Capital city: Nigh Citta
Population: 262,491,006 (10,359,440 in the North Pacific)
National language: English
National religion: N/A


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kialga-Lourti
Nation Name, full (and short): The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno (Territorio di Nessuno)
Demonym: Disperso/a (singular), Dispersi/e (plural)
Government style: We have no idea
Head of State: Kaspar Hauser
Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Phileas Fogg (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Nute Gunray
Capital City: Ehm
Population: About 791 million
National Language: All, but preferably English or Italian
National Religion: What you belive, but no human sacrifices

Nation name, full (and short): The Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti (Kialga-Lourti)
Demonym: Kialgan / Lourtian
Government style: Federal Republic
Head of State: President William Snyders
Head of Government: President William Snyders
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Minister Michael Talley
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Miss Bethanie Stafford
Capital city: Nigh Citta
Population: 262,491,006 (10,359,440 in the North Pacific)
National language: English
National religion: N/A


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kialga-Lourti
Nation Name, full (and short): The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno (Territorio di Nessuno)
Demonym: Disperso/a (singular), Dispersi/e (plural)
Government style: We have no idea
Head of State: Kaspar Hauser
Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Phileas Fogg (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Nute Gunray
Capital City: Ehm
Population: About 791 million
National Language: All, but preferably English or Italian
National Religion: What you belive, but no human sacrifices
Since I don't feel like writing some official response to it. You both have embassies in Funkadelia. :P
Nation name, full (and short): The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia (or just Syrixia)
Demonym: Syrixian
Government style: Parliamentary Representative Democracy
Head of Government: Alfred Nursson
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Shaw Atlas
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: N'chir Vanele
Capital city: Balamb
Population: 750,000,000
National language: American English
National religion: Church of Syrixia
Nation name, full (and short): Republic of Floresque/Floregasque Republic - Floresque (short)
Demonym: Floregasque
Government style: Oligarchic republic
Head of State: Gonfaloniere Alessandro de' Avelocci
Head of Government: Gonfaloniere Alessandro de' Avelocci
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Piero de' Avelocci, member of the Signoria
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Vincenzo Landolfi
Capital city: Floresque (nation is city-state)
Population: Around two million
National language: Floregasque
National religion: No official religion
Again, I don't feel like writing an official response but Funkadelia accepts both Ambassadors.
OOC: I keep a copy of mine saved in a text file, and paste the relevant names in to it. Makes it a heck of a lot easier.

Nation name, full (and short): The Kingdom of Plembobria (Plembobria)
Demonym: Plembobrian
Government style: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State: HM King Tozian I
Head of Government: The Right Hon. Ivan Nelson
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: The Hon. Patrice Hossam
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Robyn Mitchel
Capital city: Rethel, CD
Population: 24,486,156
National language: Plembobrian English
National religion: Discordianism (de facto)

Signed and certified by the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Nation name, full (and short): The Allied Cities of Andulus (The Andulan Union/Andulus)
Demonym: Andulan
Government style: Hybrid Direct-Delegative-Representative Democracy
Head of State: Director Dakara
Head of Government: (See Above)
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Director Odina
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Administrator Telia
Capital city: Ciano City, Union of Ciano, Western Andulus
Population: 75,240,650
National language: Andulan, Trader (English)
National religion: The Andulan Way
Nation name, full (and short): The United States of New Sekai.
Demonym: Jumin No Kushos.
Government style: Dictatorship.
Head of State: Sens? Ky?ki.
Head of Government: Sens? Ky?ki.
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Sens? Ky?ki.
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Sens? Ky?ki.
Capital city: Shuto.
Population: 2,414,000,000.
National language: Gengo.
National religion: Atheism.
Nation name, full (and short): Contitutional Monarchy of Nasania or Nasania
Government style: Parliamentary Monarchy administered by Military junta
Head of State: King Niilo Saikkonen
Head of Government: Prime Minister Rami Kosonen
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Hayato Yamada
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Kiyo Shobo
Capital city: Kitoshi
Population: 91 Million
National language: Nasanian, English International, Oscarian, Nicolan
National religion: Folk Religion
Nation name: Kingdom Republic of Ceretis (Ceretis)
Demonym: Ceretian
Government style: Kingdom Republic
Head of State: Harold Francis Callahan
Head of Government: Harold Francis Callahan
Foreign Affairs Minister or equivalent: Secretary of State: Raymond Reddington
Chosen Ambassador to Funkadelia: Jimmy Ellis
Capital city: Sion
Population: 13 Million
National language: Engliish, Latin, French
National religion: Catholicism (+ freedom of religion)

Other: We invite your nation to open an embassy in Ceretis to strengthen diplomatic relations. Application