Invitation from Wintreath to Werewolf III
I know nothing of Yu-Gi-Oh, so you get this generic image from Google! -Wintermoot
On behalf of the Frozen Realm, I'm happy to be able to extend this invitation from our region to yours for our next Werewolf event, which will be Yu-Gi-Oh! themed! We're hoping to build on the success of the last game so that this one is even more fun and active, so it should be an absolute blast! Please check out the invitation below, written by our Acting Jarl of Culture, Pengu, for more information on the event, including the sign-up link.
I know nothing of Yu-Gi-Oh, so you get this generic image from Google! -Wintermoot
Most sincerely yours,It's time to duel in Wintreath's 3rd game of Werewolf!
If you're getting this message, it means that you've been chosen as a finalist in the Battle City Tournament, sponsored by Kaiba Corp. By this time you should have already obtained your 6 locator cards used to find the location of the finals, as well as the rare cards you've gotten from every duelist that you've beaten so far. If you put the locator cards on your DUEL DISK SYSTEM! (trademark), it will show you the location of the battle city finals. Strong opponents are recommended, while weak duelists (like Joey Wheeler) are required to stay out of the way and stay at home. All contestants are asked to follow the rules, unless you're me...since I have money, so screw the rules. And if anyone can tell me if they've seen Mokuba, that'd be great. He gets himself kidnapped at least once a day to where I've practically lost count. And if you're a certain person claiming to be a Pharaoh, then don't get too comfortable with Sleifer the Executive Producer – It'll be mine soon enough.
I'd wish you all luck in the finals, but I'll be the one to win this and become the #1 duelist in the world, so watch out.
Hey everyone, Pengu here!
If you haven't guessed, Werewolf 3 will be centered around the events of the 2nd season of Yu Gi Oh! But it gets better: It's not centered around the 2nd season of the actual show...but the 2nd season of the Abridged series created by Littlekuriboh, and found here. If you've ever watched the original anime, I'd highly recommend this amusing abidged series that continues to be updated today. If you've never seen the cartoon, fear not! This game does not require any type of knowledge of the anime, but only the knowledge of a typical game of Werewolf. Like the previous Werewolf, this one is promised to be full of suspsense, tension, and lots of humor to help defuse the tension, and I strongly recommend people who are considering it to give it a shot – you won't be disappointed. Signups can be found in the link provided in the opening paragraph (where it says location), and they'll close on Sunday, February 22nd. I look forward to seeing new faces as well as hopefully some returning faces from previous games.

Inric Nordrim Kestar (Wintermoot I of Wintreath)
Monarch and Founder of Wintreath
Ambassador to The North Pacific