Island Chain Competition Yo

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
So I'm not actually around today until about 6 GMT, but I just wanted to make a quick announcement regarding how I think we can solve the lack of islands on the map.

We're going to be having a competition, open from Friday, where you guys can submit island chains to the cartography team, the 5 or the 10 we like best will go on the map and 3 we like most will get a prize. Dunno what it is yet, but you'll get a prize.

Now, some quick rules:

1. The Island Chains must be done in the style of the Political/Claims Map[/i], that'll make it easier for everybody and we can adapt it for the physical map. That means the sea/background has to be a dark blue with the HTML notation of 849bcb. The islands themselves should be drawn in with a 1 pixel wide pencil and brush tool, and coloured in with a grey/white with the HTML of cbcdd3.

2. Images should be larger than 400x400 but smaller than 1000x1000, and uploaded as a png to a stable image site like puush or imgur or similar to that. Not photobucket or imageshack

3. Contest will close at the end of February and entries must be PMed to me on the forum by then. There's no limit on the number of entries you can do but we expect quality work.

This is supposed to be a fun little thing that also helps us solve a map problem, so don't take it too seriously. Remember that having fun is the most important part of RPing, and this is no different. Enjoy yourselves.

Kalti, Nessuno, this would solve your island problems. Figured I'd post so you both can see it.

That said, good luck to those who enter! I'm not doe :D
Btw just poping in to qualify that this contest is NOT for personal claims, this is for the sake of adding more islands to the map. Coming up with an island chain does not guarantee that your nation will control them unless you can satisfy the "pretty damn good reason" rule.
Can I submit an island chain proposal across the strait my nation will control (it's been confirmed)? If I make them small, I'm likely to get them if there right next to me, right?

It's just, there are only two visible islands in my nation, and its title is 'Archipelegian Kingdom'. Indeed.
Kalti, Nessuno, this would solve your island problems. Figured I'd post so you both can see it.

That said, good luck to those who enter! I'm not doe :D
My island problem was already solved last night...

However, I will see what I can do in coming up with some more island chains that work for the map.
I use Gimp, which is a free vector image program. I think the other cartographers use
I use; there are positives are negatives to both vector and pixel based graphics programs, and it's largely a question of personal preference. I don't have access to a decent graphics pad anymore, and I hate using vector programs with a mouse, which is the main reason for my choice. Of the various free graphics programs is the best pixel based one, and has a particularly intuitive and simple interface making it good for beginners.

I tend to keep msPaint open in another window as well when working, as it's good for a couple of very minor jobs; you wouldn't want to use it as a primary graphics program though. It's lack of layers alone counts it out.