Via Giulia de' Avelocci, Floresque

Pauline Bonaparte

Her Worshipfulness
TNP Nation

The Floregasque Republic is a city-state consisting of the city of Floresque and its immediate environs. The city-state is governed by the eighteen-member Signoria of the Floregasque Republic, members of the city's elite who are chosen by (usually pre-determined) lot. The country's head of state is the Gonfaloniere of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic, who serves as the presiding officer of the Signoria and is likewise chosen among their own members by (usually pre-determined) lot. The Gonfaloniere serves a term lasting their entire life, and the de' Avelocci clan has controlled this office for over a hundred years.

The Floregasque Republic has a population of about two million. Lacking large swaths of land dedicated to agriculture, the city gains most of its wealth via its port, its financial centers, and its cultural exports - mostly fashion, art, and film. Despite the country's financial wealth, there are large disparities in wealth distribution - the richest citizens make considerably more than the poorest, and hold most of the nation's political power.

The Floregasque Republic, in an attempt to reform its political image, has recently decided to pursue a policy of embassy creation. The Signoria has bought a section of the Via Giulia de' Avelocci, named after the mother of the current Gonfaloniere, Alessandro. With its wide lanes and Renaissance architecture, it is the jewel of the city. The area of the street closest to the Palazzo de Signoria, the building housing Floresque's legislature, shall be the city's new embassy row.

Applicants for an embassy with the Floregasque Republic should fill out the small form below. The Signoria of the Floregasque Republic will decide on the application and respond with due haste.

Nation Name, including title (e.g., "The Republic of Exampleland"):
Demonym (e.g., "Floregasque", "Examplelander"):
Government type (e.g., presidential republic, constitutional monarchy):
Head of State:
Head of Government, if applicable:
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable:
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic:
Capital city:
National religion, if applicable:
National language, if applicable:

The Floregasque Republic is, for the time being, not able to approve embassies with nations unwilling to allow a Floregasque ambassador in their own country. As a city-state, we are well-acquainted with how tight space can be, and at this time the Signoria cannot afford to use space that might go to a country willing to reciprocate embassies on a country that is not willing to do so.

The Signoria of the Floregasque Republic, as well as its Gonfaloniere, thank you for your time.
Nation Name, including title: The Andulan Union (The Allied Cities of Andulus)
Demonym: Andulan
Government type: Mixed Direct-Representative Democracy
Head of State: Director Dakara of the First Circle (de facto)
Head of Government, if applicable: (see above)
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Director Odina of the Second Circle
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Administrator Es Narel of the Second Circle
Capital city: The Cilesia District, City of Ciano, State of Ciano
Population: 75,240,650
National religion, if applicable: N/A
National language, if applicable: Andulan, Trader (English)
Nation Name, including title (e.g., "The Republic of Exampleland"): The Most Serene Republic of Kalti
Demonym (e.g., "Floregasque", "Examplelander"): Kaltian
Government type (e.g., presidential republic, constitutional monarchy): Federal Republic
Head of State: Premier Solveig Nightsong
Head of Government, if applicable: Premier Solveig Nightsong
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Minister Issac Laux
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Celti
Capital city: Summerland
Population: Capital Population (20,000,00) / National Population (465,000,000)
National religion, if applicable: Wicca
National language, if applicable: Kaltian, English
Palace of the Signoria

Your Excellency, Director Dakara,

It is my pleasure to inform you that the Signoria, after a short deliberation, has accepted the application of the Andulan Union. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we, of course, understand if you would like to use your own furniture, equipment, or have any other needs to attend to before you begin work there. The Gonfaloniere, myself, and the entire Signoria look forward to working with the Andulan Union.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic

Palace of the Signoria

Your Excellency, Premier Nightsong,

It is my pleasure to inform you that the Signoria, after a short deliberation, has accepted the application of the Most Serene Republic of Kalti. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we, of course, understand if you would like to examine it firsthand before beginning work there. I believe I speak for the entire Signoria when I say we look forward to working with Ambassador Celti and wish you the very best.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic
Nation Name: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
Demonym: Disperso/a (singular), Dispersi/e (plural)
Government Type: We have no idea
Head of State: Kaspar Hauser
Head of Government, if applicable: Kaspar Hauser
Minister of Foreign Affairs, if applicable: Phileas Fogg
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Mrs. Belmont
Capital City: Ehm
Population: About 715,000,000
National religion, if applicable: What you belive, but no human sacrifices
National language, if applicable: All, but preferably english or italian
Palace of the Signoria

Your Excellency, Mr. Hauser,

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy with the Floregasque Republic has been approved by a meeting of the Signoria. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we of course understand if you wish to examine it firsthand before beginning work there. The Signoria, myself, and the Foreign Ministry all look forward to working with Madam-Ambassador Belmont.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic
Nation Name: The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia
Demonym: Syrixian
Government Type: Representative Parliamentary Democracy (Republic)
Head of Government, if applicable: Prime Minister Alfred Nursson
Minister of Foreign Affairs, if applicable: Shaw Atlas
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Bjorn Zanaq
Capital City: Balamb
Population: 675 million
National religion, if applicable: Church of Syrixia
National language, if applicable: American English
Palace of the Signoria

Your Excellency, Mr. Nursson,

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy with the Floregasque Republic has been approved by a meeting of the Signoria. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we of course understand if you wish to examine it firsthand before beginning work there. The Signoria, myself, and the Foreign Ministry all look forward to working with Mr. Zanaq.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic

Nation Name, including title (e.g., "The Republic of Exampleland"): The Kingdom of Plembobria
Demonym (e.g., "Floregasque", "Examplelander"): Plembobrian
Government type (e.g., presidential republic, constitutional monarchy): Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State: HM King Tozian I
Head of Government, if applicable: The Right Hon. PM Ivan Nelson
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: The Hon. Patrice Hossam
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Angela Weismann
Capital city: Rethel
Population: 24,486,156
National religion, if applicable: Discordianism (de facto)
National language, if applicable: Plembobrian English


Patrice Hossam, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Nation Name, including title: The Kingdom of Tronkandal
Demonym: Tronkandal
Government type: constitutional monarchy
Head of State: King Fredrik I
Head of Government, if applicable: Per Hagen
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Grete Karlsen
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Johannes Trytingen
Capital city: Bellingstad
Population: 63,000,000
National religion, if applicable: N/A
National language, if applicable: Norwegian

Grete Karlsen
Foreign Minister
Nation Name, including title (e.g., "The Republic of Exampleland"): Empire of Funkadelia
Demonym (e.g., "Floregasque", "Examplelander"): Funkadelic
Government type (e.g., presidential republic, constitutional monarchy): Absolute Monarchy
Head of State: Emperor Menelik II
Head of Government, if applicable: Menelik II
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Minster Mulugeta Ephraim
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Dame Martha Essayas
Capital city: Amhrat
Population: ~101,000,000
National religion, if applicable: Funkadelic Pantheon
National language, if applicable: Funkadelic
Palace of the Signoria

Your Majesty, King Tozian,

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy with the Floregasque Republic has been approved by a meeting of the Signoria. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we of course understand if you wish to examine it firsthand before beginning work there. The Signoria, myself, and the Foreign Ministry all look forward to working with Madam Ambassador Weismann.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic

Palace of the Signoria

Your Majesty, King Frederik,

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy with the Floregasque Republic has been approved by a meeting of the Signoria. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we of course understand if you wish to examine it firsthand before beginning work there. The Signoria, myself, and the Foreign Ministry all look forward to working with Madam Ambassador Karlsen.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic

Palace of the Signoria

Your Imperial Majesty, Emperor Menelik,

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy with the Floregasque Republic has been approved by a meeting of the Signoria. Your embassy is available for use immediately, though we of course understand if you wish to examine it firsthand before beginning work there. The Signoria, myself, and the Foreign Ministry all look forward to working with Dame Martha.

This is has been an official communication from the Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic
Nation Name, including title (e.g., "The Republic of Exampleland"): The United States of New Sekai.
Demonym (e.g., "Floregasque", "Examplelander"): Jumin No Kushos.
Government type (e.g., presidential republic, constitutional monarchy): Dictatorship.
Head of State: Sens? Ky?ki.
Head of Government, if applicable: Sens? Ky?ki.
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Sens? Ky?ki.
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Sens? Ky?ki.
Capital city: Shuto.
Population: 2,414,000,000.
National religion, if applicable: Atheism.
National language, if applicable: Gengo.
We have already agreed to an opening diplomatic relations. This is to make it official. HM will accompany the ambassador when he tours your country. If you don't mind. Could you provide the name and such for the ambassador to our nation? Thank You

Nation Name, including title (e.g., "The Republic of Exampleland"): The Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania
Demonym (e.g., "Floregasque", "Examplelander"): Nasanian
Government type (e.g., presidential republic, constitutional monarchy): parliamentary Monarchy administered by Military junta
Head of State: King Niilo Saikkonen
Head of Government, if applicable: Prime Minister Rami Kosonen
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Hayato Yamada
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Seika Matsumara
Capital city: Kitoshi
Population: 91 million
National religion, if applicable: Folk Religion
National language, if applicable: Nasanian, Oscarian, Nicolan, English International
Nation Name: Kingdom Republic of Ceretis
Short: Ceretis
Demonym: Ceretian
Government type: Kingdom Republic
Head of State: Harold Francis Callahan
Head of Government, if applicable: Harold Francis Callahan
Minister of Foreign Affiars, if applicable: Secretary of State: Raymond Reddington
Prospective ambassador to the Floregasque Republic: Leonardo Loredan
Capital city: Sion
Population: 13 Million
National religion, if applicable: Catholicism (+ freedom of religion)
National language, if applicable: English, Latin, French

Other: We invite your nation to open an embassy in Ceretis to strengthen diplomatic relations. Application