Results: January 2015 General Election

Results: January 2015 General Election


The Election Commission has counted the votes in this General Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Elected[c]Eluvatar[c]14[c]no[c] mcmasterdonia [c] 52 [c] yes [c]Romanoffia[c]2[c]no[c]abstain[c]4[c]-[c]reopen nominations[c]1[c]nominations not reopened

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Elected[c] SillyString [c] 41 [c] yes [c]The Democratic Republic of Tomb[c]28[c]no[c]abstain[c]3[c]-[c]reopen nominations[c]3[c]nominations not reopened

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Elected[c]Bootsie[c]19[c]no[c]JhonsJoe[c]3[c]no[c] Lord Nwahs [c] 38 [c] yes [c]abstain[c]12[c]-[c]reopen nominations[c]2[c]nominations not reopened

A detailed breakdown of votes and results will be published shortly.

Election Commissioners: Crushing Our Enemies, r3naissanc3r
Congratulations to the winners!

I am also elated to report that we have had 73 valid votes in this election. We have smashed the historical vote record of 53, achieved in the November 2014 Judicial Election. This is an excellent sign for the prosperity of our community and democracy.
Congratulations to McMasterdonia, SillyString, and Lord Nwahs on their well-deserved victories! You all worked really hard for your positions and you wholeheartedly deserved it. To Eluvatar, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be your running mate. I learned so much from you during our time working together and I do look forward to working with you in the future. To Asta, congrats and thank you for the good competition. This is my first election in TNP ever and to have ran against you is an honor. To McMasterdonia, I am truly happy for you, my friend. You know you are one of my best role models, and I am sure it’s going to be a great term! To my supporters and voters, thank you for your trust! I may not have won it this time, but there is always next time and room for improvement! And saving the best for last, I thank our voters! You are the heart and core of our democracy and I thank you for each and every one of your votes! You make our elections enjoyable and enhance our community with your voice and views! Thanks and congrats to everyone that participated!

~ Tomb
Tomb- You're welcome. You were my first ally and my first mentor in TNP, and you helped me get out of the noob/godmodding days of my NS career. For all that is Syrixia and all that will ever be Syrixia, huge thanks go to you for basically making it happen.

MCM- Congrats MCM! You are a sound leader and a good mentor. I will be happy to be in a TNP under McMasterdonian administration.

SillyString- While I was voting for Tomb, I must congratulate you as well. Particularly your concern to the Aurora Alliance treaty is why I am impressed; our new Vice Delegate is definitely a sound debater! I can expect legislations to be much more interesting now.

Bootsie- While you didn't win this time, I am keeping your badge in my signature. Guslantis is first and foremost a close ally of Syrixia and that mutual alliance and friendship will stay so in my eyes. For all future elections in which you run, I will definitely be voting EASY next time, just as I did this time.

Lord Nwahs- Congrats! As a member of the New Party and a full citizen of TNP, (even though I voted for Bootsie) I welcome another term of office from the Meerkat! You had a few...odd bits here and there,(You know what I mean ;) but I think you'll do just fine as you have been doing overall. Everyone needs room for improvement, right? :D Again, congratulations and here's to another term for you as speaker!

And lastly, r3n- You were the Delegate when I founded my nation. The first telegram I ever received was from "The Cthulhu of HMS Unicorn". Oh, those were the days. Congratulations on a fantastic term, especially the Voting Rights Act, which pretty much changed TNP. I'm going to miss your friendly automated telegrams and your cheery demeanor. You helped me solve the Ixelonia issue on an accounts level and I watched as you attained the record for most endorsements. EVER.

So, I shall close by saying this:

Congratulations to all the winners, better luck next time to those who weren't elected, and of course:

May the HMS Unicorn sail smoothly for the rest of her days on the shining North Pacifican seas, and happy trails to Royal Penguin r3n!

-His Highness, Rex Camelopardis Syrixia
I congratulate mcmasterdonia on a well prepared and ultimately successful campaign.

I only wish I could have made things a better contest. :P
Congratulations to McMasterdonia, Asta, and Lord Nwahs on your wins!

To Syrixia: I do hope that you will be involved in my next campaign, and help IGNITE the hearts of the Citizens of The North Pacific. You can view my EASY thread for the closing ceremony of this magnificent election.
Congratulations to McMasterdonia, SillyString and Lord Nwahs. I hope your terms go exceptionally well.

No how are we going to get McM to be the in-game delegate? He's already the second most endorsed nation in the region. All r3n has to do is resign...
We should send out a telegram to all TNP nations and put it on our WFE as well.
I am waiting for mcm to come online, so that we can coordinate the transition. Hence the holdup in updating the WFE etc.
Thank you! And congratulations to McM and Nwahs as well. :)

Tomb, it was a pleasure to run against you. Your campaign was very strong, and the actual vote was close for a while! I definitely hope you run again in the future.
I have an exam this morning and will be on after that to make a more formal statement and to coordinate with r3n on the transition.
Congratulations to all the victors, and to the challengers for making it a great election cycle. I am impressed at the turnout and glad to see that the community is prospering.

I am sad to see my Associate Attorney General depart, the absence in the AG's Office will be noticed.
Thanks to all my supporters and well-wishers, and to my opponents for making this election a clean fight.

Congratulations to McMasterdonia and SillyString for winning their elections as well.