[GA] At Vote: Marine Debris Accord [Complete]


Marine Debris Accord

Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses | Proposed by: Wilorin | Resolution link | World Assembly forum thread

Description: Description: Defines marine debris as being any material unable of rapid degradation having been intentionally or unintentionally disposed of or discarded in any marine environment;

States that intentional debris discharge is the result of deplorable environmental apathy;

States that unintentional debris abandonment is the result of preventable negligence;

Recognizes the threat that marine debris poses to aquatic species, primarily through reduced body weight, clogging of gizzards (in seabirds), increased risk of disease, starvation by digestive tract blockage, gut ulceration, perforation by sharp debris, and death;

Recognizes the threat that marine debris poses to the marine ecosystem, through the elimination of key species, the interference with natural processes, and the general disturbance of the health of the seas;

Recognizes the threat of marine debris on human safety and health through the transportation of bio-hazards, or the ingestion, entrapment, or physical injury caused by dangerous substances;

Notes the longevity of plastic, microplastics, polystyrene, rubber, sanitary and sewage-related materials, metal, cigarette filters, glass, ceramics, wood, cloth, cardboard, and fishing gear or equipment;

Notes that marine debris can travel many thousands of miles and spread to every local region, regardless of any amount of environmental protection that that local area may employ;

Suggests that marine debris is a global issue that requires a coordinated global effort;

Hereby requires that member nations implement the following policies for the betterment of the health of the marine ecosystems:

Member nations must require of all private and public industries minimal waste disposal procedures, so as to ensure that debris does not intentionally or unintentionally enter the marine ecosystem.

Member nations must enact minimal legislation barring citizens from littering or otherwise leaving debris in coastal areas--primarily beaches.

Member nations must enact legislation to deter the loss of fishing nets, lines, and other hazardous fishing-related equipment.

Member nations must maintain basic sewage and waste-water management facilities which do not allow for discharge of untreated waste into oceans or waterways.

Member nations must enforce a ban on all intentional discharges of debris from ships, save for the discharge of properly treated sewage.

Member nations must take appropriate steps to avoid the escape of debris and waste from coastal landfills.

Hereby forms the International Marine Debris Management Commission (IMDMC), and tasks it with the following duties:

Analysis of the current state of the marine environment, and quantification of the current status of the oceans, specifically relating to marine debris.

Provide available consultation to member nations for implementation of required policies.

Establish basic outreach programs to inform the global public of the dangers of marine debris.

Encourage member nations to collaborate and coordinate efforts in the prevention of intentionally and unintentionally discharged marine debris.

Implement comprehensive and continually adaptive action plans to protect the marine environment from marine debris.
This thread is for both discussion and voting.

When voting, please use one of the following options: For | Against | Abstain

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Posts which do not include an explicit and unambiguous vote are not counted in the tally.
This went to vote a few hours ago.

This seems like a reasonable and well-written resolution, which I am inclined to support. I vote for.
Totally Against. This was incredibly short in drafting and fails to deal with necessary exceptions, such as the expenditure of military ordinance, or fuel dumping for those craft in imminent danger of catastrophically failing.

This needed a lot more time in the drafting phase, and should not be allowed to pass as currently written.
(Not voting)

If I thought for a second that the people on the WA forum would have helped draft this I would be opposed. As it is I'm looking forward to its passing.
Most definitely for. As Dalies is a major maritime nation, it makes only sense that preserving the seas are in the best interest of the nation. I highly recommend to fellow nations to look over it again and vote for this proposal.
I'm for this proposal. Alta Italia always has and always will make its living on the waves. Even our beaches have recently become a source of income. However, this could all go away if any nearby nation has lax dumping laws. I'd like to point out a couple things here:
If only one nation has lax marine debris laws, any corporation can register their ships under that nation's flag (the so-called "flag of convenience") and will be able to bypass any marine debris laws that other nations might have. As this proposal correctly states, marine debris can travel pretty much anywhere in the world. If debris is regularly dumped in one area - say, in international waters, from a ship flying a flag of convenience that allows them to do such - then all the world will suffer for it. If we, individual nations, are to take action, it will simply scare away business, and lead ships to register under countries that border us. We will have no way to stop them, and they will be able to keep on doing their business. Meanwhile, that debris will still get into our waters, even though it's illegal to actually dump those materials into our waters. How is that fair, to anybody? It's the tragedy of the commons. In my opinion, that's why we have this present environmental crisis. However, that's another day, and another debate. The point I was trying to make?
Alta Italia has voted FOR the proposed Marine Debris Accord.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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