Andulus; Project Outreach (Outdated; Invalid)

Just a Lore

Eldritch Horror that Plagues Eras Cartography
TNP Nation

-Memo from the Andulan Circle of Foreign Interest-​

After a long debate and the destruction of half a floor of the Grand Forum during a brawl followed by a quick vote. The Circle of Foreign Interest has decided to open up a row of public buildings along with a skyscraper in Central Ciano. Below is a description of the two areas open for embassies.

  • [*]Port Pleasent Row: The central street of the Cilesia District of Ciano City. It is famed as one of the most affluent districts of the City of Ciano, hosting the National Headquarters of the largest worker guilds and private companies, including the Shipping Union, Cian Banking Clan and Gelisha Manufacturing. The most prominent features of this location is the fact its located half way between the epicenter and edge of the distinct allowing for ease of access to both the Grand Forum and the surrounding Districts.

    [*]Cian-Central Tower: Build nearly 150 years prior as one of the three Forum Sister Towers, three identical towers build in a triangle around the Grand Forum in the Cilesia District. This skyscraper has switched hands more then its sister towers originally owned by the Party of Genetic Identity, one of the more radical political parties of Andulus. After the Party was banned from operating in Andulus the tower switched hands between several individuals, the Cian Banking Clan and a handful of other Guilds before the Logistics Operations Circle purchased it for government programs.

Edit: Due to the popularity of the Cian-Central Tower, the second half of the building has now become available for embassy locations.

List of Available Embassy Locations:
2001-2003 & 2008-2023 Port Pleasant Row
5-8, 36-39, 40-43, 44-47, & 48-51 Floors of the Cian-Central Tower

Port Pleasant Row
2000: New Sekai
2004: Mx. Simon A. Wills, representing David Land
2005: Mx. Jaan Atanasou, representing Sadokayama
2006: Mx. Catherine Kunkel, representing Kingdom of Plembobria
2007: Mx. Sierra Vantas, representing Kannex
2024: Territorio di Nessuno (Suspended)
2025: The Free People of Neirr and Ghist Town

Ciano-Central Tower
Floors 9-12: Norway XXVIII
Floors 13-16: Nasania
Floors 20-23: Mx. Bronwyn Llywellyn, representing SillyString
Floors 24-27: The Russian Republic
Floors 28-31: Mx. Cristoforo Bardi of Floregasque Republic
Floors 32-35: Mx. Anslee Walters, representing Kialga-Lourti

- Official Nation Name:
- Conventional Nation Name:
- Government Type:
- Head of State:
- Head of Government:
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable):
- Ambassador to the AU:
- Capital City (If Applicable):
- National Population (RP not GP):
- National Language(s):
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus:

Where would you like your Embassy?

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay?

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus?

- Official Nation Name: The Russian Republic
- Conventional Nation Name: Zemnaya Svoboda
- Government Type: Parliamentary Federal Republic
- Head of State: President Minister Alexander Kerenskij
- Head of Government: same
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Nikolai Iosefich Braverman
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): same
- Capital City (If Applicable): Petrograd
- National Language(s): Russian
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Neutral

Where would you like your Embassy? 27th floor of the Cian-Central Tower

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Yes

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Yes
-Official Nation Name: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
-Conventional Nation Name: Territorio di Nessuno
-Government Type: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
-Head of State: Kaspar Hauser
-Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser
-Head of Foreign Affairs (if applicable): Phileas Fogg (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
-Head Ambassador (if applicable): Mr. Edwards (ambassador to Andulus)
-Capital City (if applicable): Ehm
-National Language(s): All, but preferably English or Italian
-Views of The Allied Cities of Andulus: It is a nice place

Where do you like your Embassy? Where do you prefere

Will you accept an Andulan Embassy? Sure

Would you consider entering into Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Sure
- Official Nation Name: The Eknorve State of Cronaal
- Conventional Nation Name: Cronaal
- Government Type: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
- Head of State: Vilsuun Jok'mey dos Kahn
- Head of Government: Vilsuun Jok'mey dos Kahn
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Ene'kal dos Wethr-los
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): Gompaar lan Velle
- Capital City (If Applicable): N/A - Formerly Ganjarius
- National Language(s): Eknorve, English, Latin.
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: None, Andulus and Cronaal are on opposite sides of a Landmass.

Where would you like your Embassy? 26th Floor of the Cian-Central Tower

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Yes. The embassy will not be in Cronaal however.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Possible, not considered.

- Official Nation Name: The Free People of Nierr and Ghis Town
- Conventional Nation Name: Nierr
- Government Type: Elective council of elders
- Head of State: Jen? Béla Durándi
- Head of Government: Karcsi Kis
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Zsuzsanna Mészáros
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable):
- Capital City (If Applicable): Ghis Town
- National Language(s): Nierrese
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Neutral

Where would you like your Embassy? 2025 Port Pleasant Row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Yes

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Undecided on the idea.
All embassies accepted. Cronaal and Zemnaya those floors are in groups for a reason you take one and you take the group it is in. Zemnaya you get 24-27 and Cronaal you get 20-23. Nessuno I am placing you next to Neir at 2024 PPR.
- Official Nation Name: Commonwealth of Scandigrad
- Conventional Nation Name: Scandigrad
- Government Type: Unitary Republic
- Head of State/Government: Prime Minister Gregory Mitchell
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Chad Gallagher
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): Rachel Gordon
- Capital City (If Applicable): Scandigrad City
- National Language(s): de facto English, no declared official language.
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: An experienced sea traversing nation with excellent international banking.

Where would you like your Embassy? Floors 5-8 of the Cian-Central tower

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Of course.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? We are hesitant to enter into a free trade pact, but a preferred trade program is not out of the question.
Lord Lore:
All embassies accepted. Cronaal and Zemnaya those floors are in groups for a reason you take one and you take the group it is in. Zemnaya you get 24-27 and Cronaal you get 20-23. Nessuno I am placing you next to Neir at 2024 PPR.
Thanks, I thought it was a general list of floors, sorry about that.
- Official Nation Name: Theocratic Empire of Norway XXVIII
- Conventional Nation Name: Norway XXVIII
- Government Type: Theocratic Empire
- Head of State/Government: Emperor Bjorn Lodbrok
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Bjorn Lodbrok
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): Torvold Lodbrok
- Capital City (If Applicable): Christiania
- National Language(s): English,Norwegian,Swedish,German,Danish,and Finnish
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Same as Cronaal

Where would you like your Embassy? Floors 13-16 of the Cian-Central tower

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Yes.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Sorry,No thanks
- Official Nation Name: Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania
- Conventional Nation Name: Nasania
- Government Type: Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy administered by Military Junta
- Head of State: His Royal Majesty King Niilo Saikkonen
- Head of Government: Prime Minister Rami Kosonen
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): His Excellency Hayato Yamada
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): Her Excellency Komachi Hama
- Capital City (If Applicable): Kitoshi
- National Language(s): Nasanian, English International, Nicolan, Oscarian
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Neutral

Where would you like your Embassy? Floors 5-8, 9-12, and 13-16 of the Cian-Central Tower
Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Yes

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Yes
- Official Nation Name:The United States of New Sekai.
- Conventional Nation Name: The United States of New Sekai.
- Government Type: Dictatorship.
- Head of State: Sens? Ky?ki.
- Head of Government: Sens? Ky?ki.
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Sens? Ky?ki.
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): Sens? Ky?ki.
- Capital City (If Applicable): Shuto.
- National Language(s): Gengo.
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: An peaceful and friendly nation.

Where would you like your Embassy?: 2000 Port Pleasant Row.

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay?: Yes.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus?: Yes.
All outstanding applications have been processed. Nasania you can not claim three separate locations and seeing as two of those were previously claimed by Scandigrad and Norway XXVII you shall receive Floors 9-12.

Edit: After careful consideration the Second Circle of the Andulan Legislature has decided to suspend the Cronaal Embassy on the grounds that by their standards we can not establish one with them, granting their citizens benefits in our territory but not granting the same benefits to our citizens while in their's.
Lord Lore:
All outstanding applications have been processed. Nasania you can not claim three separate locations and seeing as two of those were previously claimed by Scandigrad and Norway XXVII you shall receive Floors 9-12.

Edit: After careful consideration the Second Circle of the Andulan Legislature has decided to suspend the Cronaal Embassy on the grounds that by their standards we can not establish one with them, granting their citizens benefits in our territory but not granting the same benefits to our citizens while in their's.
Whilst we wish to withdraw all embassies from foreign nations, we wish to tell you that those are not required. Consulates shall be supplied for those who cannot meet the standards for an embassy.
Whilst we wish to withdraw all embassies from foreign nations, we wish to tell you that those are not required. Consulates shall be supplied for those who cannot meet the standards for an embassy.

(OOC: seeing as you add special privileges between Embassies and Consulates it is a de facto requirement that is based upon nothing but if you answer issues a certain way and the age of that account)
- Official Nation Name: SillyString
- Conventional Nation Name: SillyString
- Government Type: Referendum
- Head of State: Ms. Batari Eka
- Head of Government: Mr. Nahuel Wayra
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): N/A
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable): Ambassador to Andulus will be Ms. Bronwyn Llywellyn
- Capital City (If Applicable): N/A
- National Language(s): N/A
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Hopefully prosperous tourism partner? :)

Where would you like your Embassy? We have no strong feelings on embassy location. We leave the question up to the nation of Andulus, with the note that would like somwhere convenient and accessible with a generally high volume of foot traffic.

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Sure.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? That would depend on the details. SillyString is largely an importing country with exceedingly limited exports.
- Official Nation Name: The Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti
- Conventional Nation Name: Kialga-Lourti
- Government Type: Federal Republic
- Head of State: President William Snyders
- Head of Government: President William Snyders
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Minister Michael Talley
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable):
- Ambassador to the AU: Mrs. Ainslee Walters
- Capital City (If Applicable): Nigh Citta, Sagittarius, Kialga-Lourti
- National Population (RP not GP): 262,491,006
- National Language(s): English, German, Kialgan
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Neutral

Where would you like your Embassy? Floors 32-35 of the Cian-Central Tower

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Already accepted/established

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Dependent on the details of the pact.
- Official Nation Name: The Kingdom of McMasterdonia
- Conventional Nation Name: McMasterdonia
- Government Type: Constitutional monarchy
- Head of State: Queen Matilda II
- Head of Government: None
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Richard Narles
- Head Ambassador (If Applicable):
- Capital City (If Applicable): Intelligentsia
- National Language(s): McMasterdonian
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Positive.

Where would you like your Embassy? Anywhere is fine.

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? We already have.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Yes
All embassy applications have been processed. Also the application has changed, it will not be a retroactive change, if you do not wish to update an existing application that is alright.
- Official Nation Name: The Most Serene Republic of Kalti
- Conventional Nation Name: Kalti
- Government Type: Democratic Republic
- Head of State: Premier Solveig Nightsong
- Head of Government: Premier Solveig Nightsong
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Minister Issac Laux
- Ambassador to the AU: Consul Ciosa
- Capital City (If Applicable): Summerland
- National Population (RP not GP): 20,000,000
- National Language(s): Kaltian, English
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Positive

Where would you like your Embassy?
> 2002 Port Pleasant Row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay?
> Yes, information can be found here:

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus?
> Possible pending the terms and conditions

> None at this time

- Official Nation Name: The Constitutional Monarchy of the Kingdom of Plembobria
- Conventional Nation Name: Plembobria
- Government Type: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
- Head of State: HM Tozian I
- Head of Government: The Right Hon. Ivan Nelson
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Patrice Hossam
- Ambassador to the AU: Catherine Kunkel
- Capital City (If Applicable): Rethel, CD
- National Population (RP not GP): 24,486,156
- National Language(s): Plembobrian English
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Positive

Where would you like your Embassy? Port Pleasent Row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassy? Yes

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Perhaps.

Questions/Comments: None.


Patrice Hossam, Minister of Foreign Affairs
(Sorry for the delay, I have been a little busy recently)

Kalti has been denied for discrepancies in population statistics

Plembobria has been accepted with an embassy location of 2006 Point Pleasent Row.
Lord Lore:
(Sorry for the delay, I have been a little busy recently)

Kalti has been denied for discrepancies in population statistics

Plembobria has been accepted with an embassy location of 2006 Point Pleasent Row.
I'm confused as to what you mean by discrepancies in population statistics...
Lord Lore:
(Sorry for the delay, I have been a little busy recently)

Kalti has been denied for discrepancies in population statistics

Plembobria has been accepted with an embassy location of 2006 Point Pleasent Row.
I'm confused as to what you mean by discrepancies in population statistics...
You list the population of a city as 20,000,000 but then in here you say the entire population of your nation is 20,000,000 but at the same time your factbooks and etc claim you have way more then one city.
Lord Lore:
Lord Lore:
(Sorry for the delay, I have been a little busy recently)

Kalti has been denied for discrepancies in population statistics

Plembobria has been accepted with an embassy location of 2006 Point Pleasent Row.
I'm confused as to what you mean by discrepancies in population statistics...
You list the population of a city as 20,000,000 but then in here you say the entire population of your nation is 20,000,000 but at the same time your factbooks and etc claim you have way more then one city.
Hmm? Summerland's population is 20 million. I can't recall any instance where I listed that as my nation's population... if I did then that is a mistake.
Lord Lore:
- National Population (RP not GP): 20,000,000
Ah, well then I am mistaken. I just was doing a few applications and others had the city population. Also, I don't know what RP and GP mean in that particular context.
RP - Roleplay, the statistic that you use for RP

GP - Gameplay, the statistic that shows up as your population on NationStates
Official Nation Name: Kingdom of David_l_l_l_l
- Conventional Nation Name: Kingdom of David Land
- Government Type: Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy
- Head of State: King David the Great
- Head of Government: Prime Minister Albert Moore Smith
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Lance Brumsfeld
- Ambassador to the AU: Simon A. Wills
- Capital City (If Applicable): Ale City
- National Population (RP not GP): 48,450,000
- National Language(s): English, Davilian, West-Davilian, Braxtopian
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Supportive

Where would you like your Embassy? Port Pleasent Row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Already Accepted

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Yes

Questions/Comments: Ensure the building has enough space for "corporate interests."
To correct the population discrepancy.
- The population of Summerland (capital) is 20,000,000
- The population of Kalti (nation) is 453,000,000
- Official Nation Name: Sadakoyama
- Conventional Nation Name: Sadakoyama
- Government Type: Sociocratic Republic
- Head of State: Council of Sciencemasters
- Head of Government: Council of Sciencemasters
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Council of Sciencemasters
- Ambassador to the AU: Jaan Atanasov
- Capital City (If Applicable): Ys
- National Population (RP not GP): ~45 Million
- National Language(s): None official, English and Japanese prevalent. We will assign personnel that speak or will learn to speak yours.
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Positive. We are eager to learn about your culture.

Where would you like your Embassy? Port Pleasant Row. We would appreciate being granted simple and modest--yet secure--accommodations typical of your country, to better learn your ways. We do request permission to erect a small satellite uplink dish on or near the building. A flat-roofed building would be ideal, if such is appropriate to your culture and climate, as Sadakhan are accustomed to tending aquaponic gardens on ours, for food and relaxation.

Will you accept an Andulan Embassy? Yes

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? We will of course consider such an agreement.
- Official Nation Name: Floregasque Republic
- Conventional Nation Name: Floresque
- Government Type: Oligarchic republic
- Head of State: Alessandro de' Avelocci, Gonfaloniere of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic
- Head of Government: Alessandro de' Avelocci
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Piero de' Avelocci, member of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic
- Ambassador to the AU: Cristoforo Bardi
- Capital City (If Applicable): Floresque (nation is a city-state)
- National Population (RP not GP): About two million
- National Language(s): No official language; majority speak Floregasque.
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: The Floregasque Republic feels neutrally to most nations.

Where would you like your Embassy? You may place our embassy wherever is most convenient for you, so long as we have the space to function adequately.

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Yes.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pactwith Andulus? The Floregasque Republic welcomes free trade pacts whenever offered.

The Second Circle of Andulus has decided on the following regarding embassies.

The established embassy with Nessuno is to be suspended & The application from Kalti shall be rejected due to issues with their national population. (The map is simply too small for populations that ridiculously high without a ridiculous amount of territory)

The applications from Floregasque, David Land, and Sadokayama are accepted.
I honestly do not know anymore what to say or change so the application for a Kaltian embassy within Andulus has been rescinded and cancelled.
I honestly do not know anymore what to say or change so the application for a Kaltian embassy within Andulus has been rescinded and cancelled.
The entire TNP map is quite small (about 2/3rds the size of the Pacific Ocean on Earth) Populations of 400 Million+ are ridiculous unless you control a vast swath of the map. The entire landmass of the TNP map is about the size of Russia + Iran.
- Official Nation Name: The Allied States of Darcania
- Conventional Nation Name: Darcania
- Government Type: Federal presidential sociocracy
- Head of State: Scian kul Kroning
- Head of Government: Scian kul Kroning
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Ulus kul Leiter
- Ambassador to the AU: Matthew Samuelson
- Capital City (If Applicable): Klarliert
- National Population (RP not GP): 4.89 million
- National Language(s): German, English
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: A social, sensible people with a level government

Where would you like your Embassy? Port Pleasant Row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? Already have

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? Yes

Questions/Comments: Leave room outside for up to two dragons to land and hold meetings.

- Official Nation Name: The Allied States of Bustos
- Conventional Nation Name: The Allied States
- Government Type: Megacorporation
- Head of State: Duke Valerio Alosiso, the First, of the Bustos, Governor of Valorium, Chairperson of the Allied States of Bustos
- Head of Government: Duke Valerio Alosiso, the First, of the Bustos, Governor of Valorium, Chairperson of the Allied States of Bustos
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Patrica Belkin, Director of the Office of Public Relations, CEO of Regional Consulting, The Allied States of Bustos
- Ambassador to the AU: Prince Gerhold Reinhold, the Ninth, of the Bustos
- Capital City (If Applicable): Twenty-One
- National Population (RP not GP): 80+ million
- National Language(s): Eruvite
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Indifferent.

Where would you like your Embassy? Port Pleasant Row.

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? We have, hence our application.

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? We would love such a treaty.

Questions/Comments: None.
- Official Nation Name: The Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea
- Conventional Nation Name: Wolfsea
- Government Type: Corrupt Dictatorship
- Head of State: Khan Sebt II
- Head of Government: as above
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Grand Legate Markus Vinter
- Ambassador to the AU: Major Grigori Brevin
- Capital City (If Applicable): Crescentmaw
- National Population (RP not GP): 850 Million
- National Language(s): English, Erebean (Used for religious services)
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: Obscured by Saucistan

Where would you like your Embassy?
2001 port pleasant row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay?
Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus?
Indeed. We will also seek an alliance in the future.
Lord Lore:
All outstanding applications have been processed. Nasania you can not claim three separate locations and seeing as two of those were previously claimed by Scandigrad and Norway XXVII you shall receive Floors 9-12.

Edit: After careful consideration the Second Circle of the Andulan Legislature has decided to suspend the Cronaal Embassy on the grounds that by their standards we can not establish one with them, granting their citizens benefits in our territory but not granting the same benefits to our citizens while in their's.
Do you want your nation have an embassy in The United States of New Sekai? .
- Official Nation Name: Kaiserreich Kannex (Empire of Kannex)
- Conventional Nation Name: Kannex
- Government Type: democratic empire
- Head of State: Kaiser Franz, House of Niemza
- Head of Government: Chancellor (Kanzler) Hans Kreutzer
- Head of Foreign Affairs (If Applicable): Aussenminister Jurgen Reina
- Ambassador to the AU: Botschafterin Sierra Vantas
- Capital City (If Applicable): Weiterburg
- National Population (RP not GP): ~200 million
- National Language(s): Deutsch (German)
- Views of the Allied Cites of Andulus: trade partner

Where would you like your Embassy?
Port Pleasant Row

Will you accept an Andulan Embassay? yes

Would you consider entering into a Free Trade Pact with Andulus? nein, danke

Questions/Comments: n/a