Re: Ambassador giving an Oath of Office


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Alta Italia:
I, Alta Italia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Ambassador to Australia, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible, and unbiased manner, not abusing my power, committing misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, in any gross or excessive manner. I will act only in the best interests of The North Pacific, not influenced by personal gain or any outside force, and within the restraints of my legally granted power. As such, I hereby take up the office of Ambassador to Australia, with all the powers, rights, and responsibilities held therein.
This gave me a great idea.

1. All Ambassadors should post Oaths of Office

2. We should have a different Oath for Ambassadors.
Alta Italia:
I, Alta Italia, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Ambassador to Australia, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible, and unbiased manner, not abusing my power, committing misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, in any gross or excessive manner. I will act only in the best interests of The North Pacific, not influenced by personal gain or any outside force, and within the restraints of my legally granted power. As such, I hereby take up the office of Ambassador to Australia, with all the powers, rights, and responsibilities held therein.
This gave me a great idea.

1. All Ambassadors should post Oaths of Office

2. We should have a different Oath for Ambassadors.
I was not aware that ambassadors were not required to do so. I fully support ambassadors taking the oath. However, I'm not sure we would require a separate one. What were you thinking?
That was a very good link, Eluvatar. What positions did TNP have before the current ones? (I saw that we had a Prime Minister)
That was a very good link, Eluvatar. What positions did TNP have before the current ones? (I saw that we had a Prime Minister)

The 2005 constitution which was in effect in 2006 and (nearly all of) 2007 also had elected Ministers of Immigration and Internal Affairs, External Affairs, Defense, Justice (titled Attorney General), Communications, Arts and Entertainment, and Culture and Education. There was also an elected Security Council (which had no onsite role) of RA members chaired by the Speaker and tasked with reviewing actions taken regarding regional security and making formal determinations on an urgent basis, including authorizing any and all ejections for security reasons. Court Justices were nominated by the Prime Minister and confirmed by the Regional Assembly.
Thank you, Eluvatar. I just saw this thread today. Eluvatar, Bootsie - would you be in favor of a RA bill requiring ambassadors to take an oath of office, similar or identical to the current one required for government officials?
I believe we were talking about this recently- if you author such a bill officially, I will extend my full support. But I recommend that NOT ALL Executive Staff members take oaths, as the thread will quickly become overrun with such oaths. Only the important ones specified currently in the constitution, along with the addition of ambassadors via such a bill if you decide to author it, are needed.
At first I thought every Executive Staff member, but now I realize that it might be excessive. I think ambassadors and members of the NPA definitely should, though.
Agreed, except the NPA already has one in the military sign up thread :P
Yes, but it isn't required by law. Gladio just does it because he can, and because they should.
Ah. Well then we should probably make it required by law, because if it isn't then that means NPA enlists can legally opt out of taking the oath and still be eligible to get in. But we should keep the saying of the oath in the NPA sign up thread.
If the Minister had made it part of the workings of the NPA to have members take an oath, why does it need to be in the law?
Yes but he has made it part of NPA protocol. Which means it's part of the military's rules. And a minister is very unlikely to remove it.
I'm pretty sure that NPA members swearing an oath has been required since the adoption of the NPA Code in 2012 while McMasterdonia was Defense Minister.
Alta Italia:
Thank you, Eluvatar. I just saw this thread today. Eluvatar, Bootsie - would you be in favor of a RA bill requiring ambassadors to take an oath of office, similar or identical to the current one required for government officials?
I think this is a step in the wrong direction. I am personally in favor of abolishing the oath of office for all offices, and intend to introduce legislation on this once my RL circumstances allow for more NS time.
Alta Italia:
Thank you, Eluvatar. I just saw this thread today. Eluvatar, Bootsie - would you be in favor of a RA bill requiring ambassadors to take an oath of office, similar or identical to the current one required for government officials?
I think this is a step in the wrong direction. I am personally in favor of abolishing the oath of office for all offices, and intend to introduce legislation on this once my RL circumstances allow for more NS time.

I disagree with this. Strongly.
I think we should have loyalty oaths for everything, just like they did in Catch 22. Only a pinko commie-loving liberal would object to such a thing.
I think we should have loyalty oaths for everything, just like they did in Catch 22. Only a pinko commie-loving liberal would object to such a thing.

By the way, have you sworn your oath as flemingovia?
I disagree with this. Strongly.
We already take one oath when we apply for citizenship. And we enforce both oaths through the gross misconduct offense.

Any elements of the office oath that are not in the citizenship oath can be incorporated to the latter. And if there are some that are not appropriate for the citizenship oath, they can be turned into a separate offense on their own.

There is no reason, as far as I can see, for maintaining a process that has only resulted in confusion and additional bureaucracy, when we can have all of its benefits without any of its downsides in a more direct way.