Greetings and Salutations from Brunsk
Nickname(s)?: Brunsk is fine, and Cato/Cicero/Qzot/"That guy over there" also works.
Main Nation?: Brunsk
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour(s)?: No favorite color, but I usually say green.
Do you use IRC?: Yes, but not very well.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Epistemological Paleo-Conservative / Ontological Live-and-Let-Live Right-Leaning Libertarian with lapses into Pragmatic Objectivism who believes that everyone has a right to speak their mind.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Yes, very much so.
I joined up this month and look forward to getting involved.
Nickname(s)?: Brunsk is fine, and Cato/Cicero/Qzot/"That guy over there" also works.
Main Nation?: Brunsk
RL Country?: USA
Favourite Colour(s)?: No favorite color, but I usually say green.
Do you use IRC?: Yes, but not very well.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Epistemological Paleo-Conservative / Ontological Live-and-Let-Live Right-Leaning Libertarian with lapses into Pragmatic Objectivism who believes that everyone has a right to speak their mind.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Yes, very much so.
I joined up this month and look forward to getting involved.