Justice for all Act

JFA Act:
Chapter 1, Clauses 2-24 of the North Pacific Legal Code shall be renumbered to 3 -25.

Chapter 1, Clause 2 of the North Pacific Legal Code shall be amended and thus read as follows:

2. No citizen of the North Pacific shall be pardoned from charges of any crime listed in the Legal Code due to their social status or profession.
Why is this nessicary? How have people previously been "pardoned"?
I don't know of any instance of where this is happened, YET.

I can see this as being very helpful.
I agree with COE. If there is no authority mandated to issue pardons, I do not see the use of this Bill.
umm. We have no law against people having their toenails coloured green with little daisies painted on them. We have no law against lots of things.

Of course none of them have happened ... yet.

But passing a law to prevent something that cannot legally happen is a bit unnecessary, no?
I think being able to pass pardons is pretty important; regardless of if there are cases or not. It's better to be prepared.

Though I don't get the name of the act. The Justice for All Act is a bit too generalized.

Perhaps the "Pardoning Act"?
Except he's not creating the power to pardon, he's saying that people can't be pardoned for specific listed reasons.

Not necessary, in my opinion, when nobody can be pardoned for any reason under current law.
Maybe JJ ought to redraft a law allowing for pardons to be given, and ensuring that they are given without favour or prejudice?

I would oppose this, but it would make more sense than having a law regulating something that does nto exist.
Crushing Our Enemies:
No one in TNP has the power to issue a pardon. There is no value in explicitly outlawing what is already illegal.
Or that which is currently beyond the scope of the Constitution and Legal Code.