Seventh Foreign Update of The Kingdom of Ainur
24th of December, 2014
The Steward
Jack Dawkins
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Edward Leben
Minister of Internal Affairs
Klaus Mikaelson
Minister of Colonial Affairs
James Dawkins
Attorney General
Edward Leben
HM The King Augustus
HRH The Prince Consort Aubrey
Royal Chamberlain Mr. Jack Dawkins
The Speaker of the Senate Klaus Mikaelson
Senator Greyvendal
Senator Nikolas
The Lord President of the Assembly James Dawkins
From December the 13th to December the 15th, the Citizens of Ainur flocked to the polling stations to elect the next group of people who would serve in the Senate, as well as elect a new Steward to lead the executive. The results were as follows:
Greyvendal: 13
Klaus Mikaelson: 10
Nikolas: 6
All three were elected to the Senate
Jack Dawkins: 14
Re-open Applications: Nil
Jack Dawkins was elected as Steward of Ainur
The Senate have already been hard at work, with two large debates going on regarding both the formalisation of the powers and regulations which should govern Ainur’s Assembly (a lawmaking body which the general populace can be involved in) and the abilities of the King to amend legislation quickly and easily when the need arises.
Newly elected Steward Jack Dawkins appointed Klaus Mikaelson as Interior Minister, Edward Leben as Foreign Minister and Attorney General, and James Dawkins (formerly known as 94 Block) as Colonial Minister. He promised great things from his team, saying he will ensure the utmost activity from his Ministers and has big reforms in mind (including the managing of Ainur’s new Mentor Corps, the acquisition of new colonies, and reforms to Ainur’s Diplomatic Corps): to him, 2015 will be “Ainur’s year”.
- Congratulations on being elected Steward! What is it like being able to hold such a position?
Jack Dawkins: Thank you! It is a special job. I already knew what to expect going into the term and I wanted more out of it than what I've seen in past Stewards. Trust is hard to find here and to be trusted to do something on your own seemed to be a no no to some previous Stewards. This term I am going in with trust in my ministers. Let them do their own thing as long as they inform me. I trust the people I picked enough to get their jobs done. If I didn't I would not have given them the job. It is not the Steward's job to micromanage. The Steward is there to advise, help out and make sure all departments are working in well working order. Also on a side note I believe Skype or some form of instant message system is a necessary requirement for any executive government. Ministers are well informed and discussion is instant and everything just runs a lot smoother.
- Being Steward obviously puts a fair proportion of regional efforts under your control. What plans do you have for your term?
Jack Dawkins: Our FA Department was revamped a few terms back and now that most of the kinks are worked out I have tasked Edward Leben in finding new regions to present ourselves to. I want to see something special between us and other regions. I want our ambassadors to get to know their assigned regions and be able to promote Ainur's views and culture while being out going and active in whatever region they are in.
Internal Affairs is due for a reform. I have tasked Klaus Mikaelson with creating the mentor corps and starting some activities to promote a fun environment and activity. Together with Edward Leben of FA he will develop a festival in January in which we invite many of our allied regions for events and discussion. I have also pushed for an Ainurian Roast where we can poke fun at some of our own people.
Colonial Affairs has been a debated issue in Ainur under past terms. Legislation was created yet never implemented. I tasked James Dawkins (AKA 94 Block) with the task of implementing some of these laws. Creating forums and keeping our colonies protected. James is also the Lord Commander of the Knights of Ainur. I trust him to use his military knowledge to protect our colonies and to recruit for them.
- What made you choose these people in general?
Jack Dawkins: I see them all as competent people who are willing to contribute to Ainur. They all have different views, yet they are willing to debate, discuss and follow an organised procedure to get their views across. On top of that I trust them enough to do their jobs where I don't have to hound on them to get their duties done. A Steward takes responsibility for his minister's actions. If they fail then I fail and therefore I only pick the citizens I know will do Ainur well.
- You speak of 2015 being "Ainur's year". Why do you think this will be the case?
Jack Dawkins: When I came here during the summer the government was held together by string from Emrys Mercer and King Augustus. After Emrys' term it went all to hell and things barely got done. As we gained more and more people who were willing to turn Ainur around we started developing laws including the Minister Resolution, Colonial Affairs, Assembly Resolution and so on. All these have laid out the ground work for a well run, interesting region. Now that they are in place it is time to actually implement them. Clean off the cobwebs of the government's gears, oil them up and get them moving again. This term will be far from perfect, but it is a new step in having a well functioning government. We get to test out these laws and see the flaws and are able to make it work for us. Makes it a fun challenge from my point of view. I get to lead the executive into this trial and error of a term. I look forward to it.
- Are you excited for Christmas? Doing anything nice?
Jack Dawkins: Very much! It is a very hectic, yet enjoyable time of year. I have family flying in from the UK and we are just going to enjoy ourselves at my home, pass around gifts and eat some good food.

Having been revamped recently under the leadership of Lord Commander James Sebastian Dawkins, the Knights of Ainur have been going from strength to strength, and look set to continue to do so into the future. Both zz 9 Plural z Alpha and The Land of Amani were tagged by the Knights, with them also providing assistance to The Black Hawks in their occupation of Equestria.
We will certainly be seeing further increased activities of the Knights in future updates!
Excitement has been brewing in Ainur as planning for a Winter Festival in January gets well underway. Since November, there has been discussion on from what theme to choose to what games to include. Word from the Cultural and Foreign Affairs Departments is that there will be fun ranging from a game of Whodunnit, to role plays. People from regions across NationStates will be welcome and more information will be on its way soon!
Also booming are the region’s role plays, under the watchful guidance of Ashton Mercer. The options available for the average Ainurian range from NationStates based role plays with one’s own nation, to Ainur’s most recent role play hit: Legacy. Players play mutants who live in a society where there are hated and stigmatised.
“Will you be a hero, uniting humans and mutants under a banner of justice and prosperity? Or will you be a villian, murdering thousands and wreaking havoc for greed, religion, revenge, or just plain insanity? You decide!”
We are sure the vast majority of you out there in NationStates are looking forward to Christmas, and we here in Ainur all wish you well! To finish off, the Steward of Ainur has a message for you all:
“I would like to wish our friends in regions around Nation States a happy holiday season. I hope you all can find time to enjoy your real life family and friends as well as your virtual ones here in game. This wonderful game of ours is very special and I hope we all can help advance it positively in the upcoming New Year.
Happy Holidays!
Jack Dawkins”