Discussion: R4R on court ruling 1.1

As I have noted elsewhere - increase the number of justices so that at least three are always available at any given time. Of course, that's such a simple and efficient solution no one will ever even consider it.
Or we could let the Court work at it's own pace (glacial as it may be in some instances). If the armchair Justices want speedy decisions, then run in the next election. Show us all how to render fair, legally sound, and timely decisions.

Increasing the number of Justices may seem like a simple solution, but only in theory. Constant public pressure (and downright disrespect in some cases.. imo) could have a chilling effect on those who aspire to the position. It may get to the point where it'll be hard to fill the Court chairs with anyone that isn't Silly String. :P

Anyway, it seems a decision on this matter is on the horizon (from what the CJ posted in the Court thread).
Anyone that has spent any length of time in this region would understand the turmoil associated with taking on the Justice role prior to running, or at least should.

If hurt feelings are the issue, I am not sure an apologist for the Court will help alleviate matters.
Constant public pressure (and downright disrespect in some cases.. imo) could have a chilling effect on those who aspire to the position.
Heh. In fact, I would suspect that constant public pressure and the associated abuse Justices are prone to receive would probably result in the situation where no sane person would want to be a Justice. Cor, blimey.
Gracius Maximus:
Anyone that has spent any length of time in this region would understand the turmoil associated with taking on the Justice role prior to running, or at least should.
If you say so.

Gracius Maximus:
If hurt feelings are the issue, I am not sure an apologist for the Court will help alleviate matters.
Hurt feelings are irrelevant. As for being an apologist, that's ridiculous. I'm waiting for some action from the Court too, I'm just not complaining about how long it takes.
Gracius Maximus:
Anyone that has spent any length of time in this region would understand the turmoil associated with taking on the Justice role prior to running, or at least should.
If you say so.

Gracius Maximus:
If hurt feelings are the issue, I am not sure an apologist for the Court will help alleviate matters.
Hurt feelings are irrelevant. As for being an apologist, that's ridiculous. I'm waiting for some action from the Court too, I'm just not complaining about how long it takes.
I do say so. Which makes it correct by definition.

Also, you have been one of the first trumpeters against anyone that has spoken out against the Court on nearly every issue, not just the timeframe for responses in this instance. I am not sure what dictionary you are using...
Crushing Our Enemies:
Roman, I'm not sure you're the most qualified person to speculate on what sane people would want to do.

I will consider the source when evaluating that statement. :fish:

Well, at least I'm not a snot. ;)