Invitation from TSP


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

The Coalition of the South Pacific
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dear Minister McMasterdonia (Howdy Hyacinth!),

As you may be aware, The South Pacific has recently elected a new Chief Executive, one who is interested in opening communication with the various aspects of the NationStates Community far and wide in a new outlook of regional foreign policy.

We would like to cordially invite you to attend a formal Meet & Greet Session with the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive of the South Pacific, on either a specially designed IRC Channel or Skype Room for the event.

We believe that flexibility is important when it comes to making the first introductions between two governments, so this event may be held as a personal meeting, with your staff meeting a selection of our staff, or it may (at your choice), be a group event with your delegation joining a larger gathering of all available attendees (group lists will be formalised as necessary).

As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I feel that a staggered approach is advisable. Therefore I have decided to begin scheduling these events between the dates of the 20th December 2014 and the 1st February 2015. (No events will be scheduled from 23.12 to 27.12 due to Christmas or from 29.12 to 06.01 due to New Years.)

Please feel free to get in contact with myself if you would like to arrange an introduction between our communities.

I hope to hear from you soon, and thank you in advance for your time.

Yours sincerely,


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the South Pacific

I sent back that we would be interested in this (as I think that is a natural response) and that I will be in contact shortly to discuss more details.
I would love to meet with the South Pacific government and so it also fines to me.

~ Tomb
Just looked and it's Tsunamy who is the delegate. Nice. Tsunamy is the most level headed person in TSP and has the influence to get things done. He's been an admin on their boards since I started playing and iirc, actually set up the original boards.

He has a good chance to make TSP relevant again if anyone can.
Does holding the meeting between December 20 and 23 work for you guys? I have already gone ahead and asked Raven to see whether it'd be possible to have something then and he said it'd be OK with them, but I wanted to check with our Cabinet as well before making a final appointment.
Does holding the meeting between December 20 and 23 work for you guys? I have already gone ahead and asked Raven to see whether it'd be possible to have something then and he said it'd be OK with them, but I wanted to check with our Cabinet as well before making a final appointment.
It sounds great to me, r3n.

~ Tomb
Tsu has asked about this weekend.

They are looking for the Delegate, Vice Delegate, MoFA, and MoD specifically to come along.

Are we all likely to be available this weekend?
I will be unavailable for most of Sunday (until around 1900 EST, I imagine), and may be unavailable Saturday evening (1500-2100 EST, let's say).
I've got work at 0600 EST until 1200, but my sleep schedule reflects this, so if it could not go to midnight, that'd be great.
I can make myself available anytime between (time=1422118800) and (time=1422136800), or between (time=1422205200) and (time=1422237600).
I've sent Tsu another telegram. I think he has been really caught up with internal issues, but I should hopefully hear back in the next day.