How much of what has been accomplished over your term is due to your ministers and their ideas and their drive, and how much of it has been your ideas and your pushing them to succeed?
I think it's a healthy mix. If you look at my two campaigns, I think most of my targets, both in terms of general objectives and itemized promises, have been implemented (there are some exceptions, discussed below). That's a sign that my ideas are strongly present in the Cabinet's overall direction.
At the same time, there are quite a few initiatives that have come up during the term that were not present in my campaign. And in other cases, the implementation of campaign items has been quite different than what I originally expected. These are all the Ministers', and also the Executive Staff's, individual drive.
If you were not delegate, which ministry would you want to be minister of? If you could not be a minister of any ministry, what would you want to do?
Hmm, hard question. As I said in another answer, the thing I enjoy the most as delegate is that I can contribute everywhere. I think I would select the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From executive areas, FA is the one that I've consistently enjoyed the most throughout my nine years in the game. Moreover, because of the nature of the job, it is a Ministry where the Minister plays a very dominant role.
Outside the Cabinet, I'd like to serve as Vice Delegate at some point. This is primarily because I believe the SC is currently underutilized - we can make a lot more out of the institution and its members.
I won't answer this question, because I'd like to reserve it this critique for my end-of-term speech. I already promised one above.
What is your vision for the future of TNP?
I like to think of TNP as the region of good superlatives. We have a decent collection of indisputable ones in terms of game stats - largest population, most WA nations, largest endorsement count, largest endorsement rate. I believe we have a few in terms of forum community aspects (or if not
the superlative, we have the "one of the" versions): most active legislature, most active forum, most democratic, strongest military, most diplomatically credible, most open.
What I want to see TNP have is the overwhelmingly largest collection of good superlatives among all NS regions. And I think we're making steady progress towards that point.
punk d:
What was the most unexpected bit of gossip you've heard over your career? Something that made you just say, "wow I never saw that coming" Names and dates can be changed to protect the guilty!
There was a certain past delegate-hopeful/delegate-elect (not 100% which off the top of my head) in another region who I later learned was a plant from an enemy region. That person eventually became inactive before assuming the delegacy, so nothing happened publicly. But it was quite surprising to hear, based on my own knowledge of that person.
I'm sorry, I know that's the generic scenario of like every second gossip, but I can't get into more details

Acoustic Siberia:
Given you hold the single largest vote in the WA, what are your policy priorities for the coming term?
I am not going to drastically change how the Ministry operates in the remaining of the term (not the
coming term, as I cannot run for another). My focus is going to remain on making sure that the impact of TNP's vote is maximized by voting early and rallying the NP national vote, and by providing venues for discussion, analysis, and voting on the forum.
There is another area that I want to focus on in the remaining month, which I discuss in your next question.
Acoustic Siberia:
On a scale of extremely successful to superbly outstanding, how would you rate the achievements of WALL so far?
I am not sure if the scale is an accident or an attempt at sarcasm. Regardless, I would call it mediocre. The WALL has been useful for bringing WA discussion and expertise to the forum. This includes yours and Mousebumples' contributions, and of course the WA 101 course. It has also been very useful for coordinating voting and campaigning on items where there is agreement between member regions.
Some other important aspects of the WALL, such as public advertising and recommendation drafting, have not happened successfully. This is in part because of what seem to be fundamental disagreements between ambassadors on several of these aspects; and in part because other policy items, unrelated to the WALL or WA in general, have been taking away the ambassadors' time. There is still a month in the term, and I am going to focus on addressing these issues, so that these aspects of the WALL are implemented successfully.
What particular shade of beige is your favorite beige? Names are preferred, but hexcodes accepted.
I like the more white-ish ones. From those listed in the
Wikipedia article, "cosmic latte" is my favorite.
What color is actually your favorite color?
Didn't I answer this above? In any event, it's blue.
If you could snap your fingers and be delegate of any other region for a day, what region would you choose?
10KI. I know, what an unsurprising answer (unless you were expecting me to say NPO

). It's not just the number of endorsements. For me the main attraction is the very unique culture of 10KI that I have never had any contact with. Being delegate would help me explore that (though in the scenario you describe, I'd probably be forcibly and immediately removed

Also I have a question JUST for WA Minister r3n: What is the worst part about working for Delegate r3n? Is he terrible to you?
Delegate r3n is such a meanie to me

. He forces me to write everything for him and never gives me any credit.
Why were you at Toys R' Us instead of Delegating and doin' your job?
Woops, you caught me. I swear, I was there for very srs bsns

I wrote him a full letter, two whole handwritten pages! You still need details?
Lord Nwahs:
1) Which office that you have yet to hold in TNP would you like to dabble with?
I mentioned above that I'd like to serve as VD at some point, to do some development (not software development) work in the SC.
Lord Nwahs:
2) Which is the best piece of legislation you think you have passed in TNP?
Lord Nwahs:
3) Anything in your Delegacy so far that you've regretted?
Not changing the format of TNL sooner. I think the rebranding and content refocus of the newspaper have both been successful. But we have failed in terms of frequency. In my second campaign, I mentioned that I believe this is because of the long-issue format, and that I would be addressing this by changing the format to single-article publications. I believe I have correctly identifyed the cause, but I have yet to implement the change. At this point, I do not think it is going to happen before the end of the term, so that campaign promise won't be delivered upon.