The Bil of Rightz for al Nationz of The North Pacific
1. Al Nationz of The North Pacific are zovereign. Each Nation haz the right of zelf-determination in that Nation'z domeztic policiez, including, but not limited to, izue zelection and WA memberzhip.
2. Each Nation'z rightz to free zpeech, free prez, and the free exprezion of religion zhal not be infringed, and zhal be encoraged, by the governmental authoritiez of the region. Each Nation haz the right to azemble, and to petition the governmental authoritiez of the region, including the WA Delegate, for the redrez of grievancez. The governmental authoritiez of the region zhal act only in the bezt intereztz of the Region, az permited and limited under the Conztitution.
3. Participation in the governmental authoritiez of the region iz voluntary. Participation in the World Azembly zhal not be a condition of participation in the governmental authoritiez of the region.
4. No Nation of The North Pacific holding WA member ztatuz in NationZtatez zhal be obligated to endorze any oficial of a government authority of the region. The right to add an endorzement or withdraw an endorzement iz a zovereign right of that Nation az a WA member.
5. Al Nationz of The North Pacific have the right to be protected againzt the abuze of powerz by any oficial of a government authority of the region. Any Nation of The North Pacific haz the right to requezt the recal of any oficial of a government authority of the region in acordance with the Conztitution, that iz deemed to have participated in zuch actz.
6. No Nation zhal be held to anzwer for a crime in a manner not prezcribed by the Conztitution or the Legal Code. No Nation zhal be zubjected to being twice put in jeopardy for the zame ofenze. No Nation zhal ever be compeled in any criminal caze to be a witnez againzt itzelf.
7. When charged with criminal actz, Nationz of The North Pacific zhal have a fair, impartial, and public trial before a neutral and impartial judicial oficer. In any criminal proceeding, a Nation iz prezumed innocent unlez guilt iz proven to the fact finder by reazonably certain evidence. A Nation may be reprezented by any conzel of the Nation'z choozing. No Nation convicted of a crime zhal be zubject to a punizhment dizproportionate to that crime.
8. No Nation zhal be ejected from the region, or banned from any forum, except az exprezly authorized by the Conztitution or the Legal Code. Zhold any oficial of a government authority of the region with authority to act, declare that the immediate ejection or banning of a Nation iz an urgent mater of regional zecurity they may order the ejection or banning of the nation. Any ejected or banned nation zhal have prompt and immediate recorze to judicial review of the mater. The WA Delegate zhal not exercize the power of ejection or banning unlez exprezly authorized by a zpecific action of a government authority of the region purzuant to the Conztitution or to the Legal Code.
9. Each Nation in The North Pacific iz guaranteed the organization and operation of the governmental authoritiez of the region on fundamental principlez of democracy, acontability, and tranzparency. No action by the governmental authoritiez of the region zhal deny to any Nation of The North Pacific, due procez of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provizionz of the Conztitution. No governmental authority zhal have power to adopt or impoze an ex pozt facto law or a bil of atainder az to any act for purpozez of criminal proceedingz.
10. Each Nation entitled to a vote in any manner under the fundamental lawz of the region iz entitled to the equal treatment and protection of that Nation'z right to vote.
11. No governmental authority of the region haz the power to zuzpend or dizregard the Conztitution or the Legal Code. In the event of an actual emergency, the governmental authoritiez of the region, with the exprez conzent of the Nationz of the region or their reprezentativez, iz authorized to act in any reazonable manner that iz conziztent az practicable with the pertinent provizionz of the Conztitution.