The Endorsement Exchange Program

I'd welcome comments on this revised list of all TNP WAs.

In order to avoid prejudicing responses, I'm giving it with the same information it'll be given in the dispatch.

On a separate note, r3n, if we're pulling the list of citizens directly into the dispatch, I'd recommend writing an automated dispatch updater to automatically update that segment. It might be better however to link to some page that draws from the RA/Citizens spreadsheet automatically.

Forcing someone to manually update the dispatch every time a citizen is added or removed sounds imprudent to me.

Edit: here's a piece of ruby code for my old automated dispatch updater from 2012 you might find relevant.
Something else I hadn't been aware of while I was LoA, and haven't had time yet to review more carefully.

Bear with me, I've still got a few RL things to catch up on, now that I've caught up on endotarting, and I have an opinion to write for the Court.

But I'll get back to this, I promise. Remind me if you have to.
I have applied the revision to the official "endorse" page. The next step with it will be incorporating the nation information if possible to cut down on how many nations it shows. (Only showing nations that they haven't endorsed yet).

I've set up graphs with redirect points as below:




As currently constituted, all three graphs will update nightly. r3n has offered his earlier endorsement saturation statistics for inclusion and I will be looking into that tonight.

Suggestions to make them look nicer are welcome, and I'll try to apply them sensibly.


set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set format x "%D"
set term svg size 600,256 mouse jsdir ""

set output "tnp_was.svg"
plot "tnp_stats.txt" using 1:3 smooth csplines title "TNP WA Count"

set format y "%g %%"
set output "tnp_wa_ratio.svg"
plot "tnp_stats.txt" using 1:(($3/$2)*100) smooth csplines title "WA Ratio"

set output "tnp_endosat.svg"
plot "tnp_stats.txt" using 1:($4*100) smooth csplines title "Endorsement Saturation"
In the endorsement saturation graph, I think the y-axis labels should be in #.# %, rather than 0.0## %. Other than that, it looks lovely. Great work!

EDIT: Also, each date is listed twice on the saturation graph (one for each update, I presume). Once would probably be prettier.
Crushing Our Enemies:
In the endorsement saturation graph, I think the y-axis labels should be in #.# %, rather than 0.0## %. Other than that, it looks lovely. Great work!

EDIT: Also, each date is listed twice on the saturation graph (one for each update, I presume). Once would probably be prettier.
After I add in the promised earlier data to the saturation graph, it'll be more like the others and label more sparsely, I imagine.

Edit: and thanks for catching the percentage scale problem! :tb1:
Thanks to the many of you who are already advertising the program in your signatures. This is a reminder for the rest:

You can also use this icon to promote the program in your signatures:


Edit: Closed tags
I've sent out telegrams for the 11th awards volume, reaching all (not just WA) nations in the region.

r3n and I have discussed some ideas for making the telegramming process for awards easier, so that future delegates will find it practical without needing to execute assorted code manually.
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