When I saw what this kitten could do i nearly fell off my chair (VIDEO)


Now that i have your attention:

I would like to propose the introduction of the following into the RA procedures in section 1 after point 3, with associated renumbering:

once a proposal has been in informal debate for 60 days or more, if the proposer has not moved for formal debate the Speaker may move the proposal to formal debate or vote, or dismiss the motion.

The wording may need tidying up, but you get the gist.

Why is this nessicary? The speaker archives at least has been the past practices of any RA proposal after 30 days of inactivity. Also as the rules are written anyone may submit an idea to the RA for discussion. Depending on a topic and various issues and subpoints that may arrise discussion could go on for awhile. And a proposer may wish to hash out the details and get a consensus and not rush something to vote. Formal debate only lasts for 5 days. So if something is rushed to formal debate. 5 days isnt alot of time to address a complex issue before its put into a vote.

I feel it is best to hammer out the details and get a final version going. Before formal debate and formal debate be used to tweek minor errors and to voice any opposition to the final bill language. Formal debste imo is simply a formality before voting anyway. Most discussion is usually hammered out in the introductory discussion phase.

Also I am not pleased how you tricked the RA with your topic title. I did not see any kittens :(
It allows the Speaker to stop trolling.

As things stand, a troll could bring a trollish proposal before the RA and keep it there indefinitely in informal debate by just posting every couple of weeks.

60 days ought to be long enough for any proposal to have the details thrashed out. If you think 90 days would be better, I am open to revision.

But this proposal allows the Speaker to clear the books of proposals that are not going anywhere.
For those looking for kittens, can I just point out that there are no kittens and no video. It is just that this is likely to be quite a boring thread and I just wanted to bring a few moments of excitement into your sad, empty little lives.
It was my policy as Speaker, and I think that policy has been continued, to archive threads that have not been posted in for 30 days. I think that's probably sufficient.

I would not support anything that allows a legislative bill to be brought to vote without the permission of the member who proposed the bill. As for dismissing the proposal, the Speaker is already allowed to do that at any time.
I agree with COE and Paul. I do not see how this proposal is necessary as what we already have is sufficient. And I do not support that the Speaker will be able to bring a bill to vote without the proposers consent. But I am open to be convinced otherwise
Crushing Our Enemies:
It was my policy as Speaker, and I think that policy has been continued, to archive threads that have not been posted in for 30 days. I think that's probably sufficient.

I would not support anything that allows a legislative bill to be brought to vote without the permission of the member who proposed the bill. As for dismissing the proposal, the Speaker is already allowed to do that at any time.
lol I should keep up with the archiving >.> <.<
For those looking for kittens, can I just point out that there are no kittens and no video. It is just that this is likely to be quite a boring thread and I just wanted to bring a few moments of excitement into your sad, empty little lives.
Damn. And I was actually expecting a cute kitty video. You're a meanie just like McM. :cry:

You should have tried puppies (as they taste better than kittens and don't climb out of the pot like kittens do).

Actually, though, I like the idea you put forth (the proposed amendment/idea, not the kittens).

How about we simply archive any threads that are older than 60-90 days and which have been inactive for at least 30 (grave digging not withstanding)?
As things stand, a troll could bring a trollish proposal before the RA and keep it there indefinitely in informal debate by just posting every couple of weeks.
Or a troll could continually repropose an idea that has been voted down or rejected before, or they could bring up any number of stupid ideas, or they could push their bill into formal debate and out of it again, or or or.

I think we ought to have faith in the ability of the Speaker and their chosen Deputies to maintain decorum. They've done just fine so far.
Maybe you are right. I just wanted to give the Speaker, formally, some ability to move on things that were stalled in debate.
60 days is like, what, 2 internet years?

Man, ain't that a long time in informal debate.
We could always just do away with any debate because debate is usually meaningless because no one ever actually debates anything, they just troll legislative threads or simply run it off subject.

I say, just propose a bill, no debate, on up or down votes. The bill goes up for one week, no debate, then someone dictates the results like a sheep herder.

That simple.