EmmaKai hopping aboard!


So, a bit about me/my Nation... I'm set to be 23 come December, I'm an anarchist/syndicalist and a member of the Industrial Workers of the World. I spend most of my time in the union hall or doing work to bring to it. I live with my partner of a year and a half and our pitbull Bebop in the south side of Chicago and travel about four times a year out-of-state and once every few years out-of-country. Really excited to get back into NationStates and am glad to be on board at TNP! I plan to run my Nation about the same way I'd vote if these issues came up IRL, so expect my record to be very far left.

Nickname(s)?: Emma or Kai, either or
Main Nation?: EmmaKai
RL Country?: USA, Chicago Illinois
Favourite Colour(s)?: Orange, Green
Do you use IRC?: From time to time. Installing a client now that I see ya'll have one!
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Anarchist/Syndicalist, to the tune of Emma Goldman, Joe Hill, "Big Bill" Haywood, Phil Ochs
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I haven't participated in one in years, but I have fond memories.
Welcome to The North Pacific!
I am sure you will have tons of fun here!
We have some really intense legislature at times, which you can enjoy if you like that sort of thing.
In addition to that we also have some thrilling Role Play threads that you can contribute to!
And if you are looking for experience and work to do here, well we do have our Executive Staff, Regional Assembly, and the North Pacific Army.
It is always great to have another personality and character on the team :)
Once again, welcome to TNP!

~ Tomb