Decorations Act:The following shall be appended to Section 7 of the Legal Code:
Section 7.4: Decorations
- Delegate's Civilian Service Medal
The Delegate may award a citizen in the North Pacific the Delegate's Civilian Service Medal for commendable service to the region and its nations.
- Regional Assembly Recognition Medal
The Regional Assembly may vote to award the Regional Assembly Recognition to a nation in the region for commendable service to the region and its nations, or any other honor which the Regional Assembly shall think proper to recognize.
- NPA Distinguished service medal
The Minister of Defense may award a member of the North Pacific Army for exceptional service to the North Pacific army in wartime.
- Other medals
The Delegate may create and award decorations not mentioned in this section at their discretion.
The head of each executive ministry may create and award decorations not mentioned in this section to members of their respective ministries at their discretion.