Stories of The North Pacific feature: A Brief History of Dalies
For the seventh volume of Stories of The North Pacific, the Executive Staff of the Ministry of Culture has chosen to feature: A Brief History of Dalies Congratulations to its author, Dalies!
The factbook will remain pinned in the WFE and linked in the News Box until October 25th. It is also reproduced below for your convenience. Note that because of coding incompatibilities between the NationStates game and our forum, the reproduction is only partial. You are encouraged to read the factbook in its original form, as linked above. You are also encouraged to check out Dalies' excellent and extensive collection of factbooks and dispatches.
You can nominate factbooks to be featured in Stories of The North Pacific here. And you can join the team selecting the features by applying for the Executive Staff here.
A Brief History of Dalies
When the first nomads arrived from large expanses of wide open plains and treacherous mountains, they found themselves in where present-day Dalies is located. Weary, the ancient elders decided to settle along the banks of what they called the Anima Rivera or the River of Life. Within the first few years, they were undisturbed, as no one from foreign tribes or older countries dared to explore farther than the mapped land. Nearly 200 years before the creation of Dalies, the original settlement grew from a population of 43 to 3,200. Makeshift wooden walls were put into place around the town in order to protect it from the wildlife that has claimed lives before. Unbeknownst to the village's population, a rival tribe from the west approached the settlement with eyes filled with opportunity. Alas, the Gelts stormed the village, burning many buildings and crushing the population. The village had fallen to the barbarians of the time. The Gelts had little knowledge of science, reading, language, commerce, trading, and government. The surviving members of the village left the area to search for a safe place, where they found sanctuary along the sea. They settled down again where the capital city of Kalrid is located.
It was a few years later until the newly founded town of Kalrid where able to rebuild what they did in the old village. They built a strong wall out of stone and wood, improved their military, and improved living conditions for the average people. They were ruled by a man who would soon become the founding father of Kalrid. In 1848, Patual Falis ordered for the army of Kalrid to attack the Gelts and retake the lost town, now named as Zaqolm. Like the Gelts did many years before, the Kalridians attack the town at night, slowly gaining ground until the Gelts were forced to retreat. From now until the formation of the Federal Republic, the small land that Falis controlled was always under threat of a full Gelt invasion.
Around 1861, the people of Kalrid and Zaqolm wanted change. They called for a full government ruled by the people where they could elect local leaders to voice their opinions. Patual listened to these demands and, going against his advisers, he ordered a draft of a new government to be created. Along side of that, he reached out to other successful nations in order to help found his. Falis knew that change was needed to protect his land from attacks, to protect his people, and to protect the country. In 1864, the new government draft was completed. It was decided that local leaders would take care of local issues, such as infrastructure and laws, while the federal government would take care of larger issues and federal laws. This made local leaders powerful but still had the ability for the federal government to maintain peace.
The first official year of Dalies was in 1865, where Patual Falis was unanimously elected by the people of the nation. Elections would be held every 5 years, as it said in the newly drafted constitution. The nation was built, the people were as safe as ever, and local leaders delivered on their duty, but the people were still unhappy. Patual could see that people were being mistreated, and as it was is duty, Falis drafted, himself, a Code of Ethics. This properly addressed the people's rights and what would constitute as infringing on them. Not only did this solve the humanitarian crisis, but also it made larger powerful nations recognize and respect Dalies.
With the creation of the standing army by Godrich Ferman Sr. in 1872, Dalies was set for success. There were little to no domestic or foreign problems in the nation, until 1876 when a rebellion led by Kal Polanski threatened the well being of a small town and the northern frontier. Upset about recent laws set by a local legislator, a violent demonstration called for an upheaval of the federal republic. Nicholas Brown Sr. led the 1st Battalion towards the town and after months of fighting, Polanski surrendered and the surviving 226 members were arrested for treason and sentenced for life in prison. This stood as an example for those wishing to hold a violent rebellion against the government or people of Dalies. In total, the rebels lost a total of 406 lives and the Dalies Army lost 239 soldiers. Brown was later assassinated in 1877 by an anti-government extremist.
When the Navy was formed by Timothy Ferman Jr. in 1877, Dalies focused on providing safe waters for the many ships involved in trade around the region. Using the new ships, Ferman approved of the expansion of borders around the coast of the nation, nearly doubling it in size. The Gelts were few near the ocean, so the loose of life for Dalies was low. By 1900, Dalies incorporated education in every child's life, trade was on the rise, scenic views were being preserved by the national park service, and the economy was booming with lower prices for oil. The recent discovery of gold and other precious metals in the Ironrock Mountains led for a massive migration toward the western plains where the Gelts lived, causing tensions to rise between the miners and the tribesmen. Small skirmishes led to the Dalies government taking military action.
Hector Brown Jr. fought the Gelts when he ordered for the expansion of Dalies as the population was rising and land was not cheap. In order to earn some extra Dals, the government decided to takeover the eastern face of the Ironrock Mountains. By 1918 he did exactly that. After sending in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battalions of the Dalies Army, the Gelts retreated past the mountains and the land was won. In total, close to 3,000 Daliad soldiers lost their lives in the bloody war. According to some sources, the Gelts lost at least 5,000.
Since the formation of the nation, the government had a pure idea of democracy, where the people would vote and they would be heard, not suppressed. That was true until the election of Chancellor Alberti Petrich Jones in 1919. For the 1 year he was in office before getting assassinated, Petrich adopted the idea of pure authoritarianism dictatorship. He ordered the military to move soldiers into every town, in order to "...secure it from foreign threats, especially Libertarian Land." The people who challenged him were either killed or sent to prisons. He was notorious for destroying diplomatic ties between the Gelts, Libertarian Land, Olvern, Malvad, Legington, and Jagerton. He was killed in 1920 by the Director of War, Roan Withers. Roan was sent to prison for only 6 months.
Geroge Yolks, the 13th Chancellor, signed the "Petrich Bill". The bill outlawed dictatorship, authoritarianism, and the quartering of troops within a civilian's home when it is not wartime. In 1933, the military genius and former general Edwin Turbach approved the creation of the Air force and the Border and Homeland Security Departments. During the development of these, groups of people united under the leadership of Heoson Kleaten called themselves the Black Sun Confederation. They strove to unite a band of towns and villages together to form their own country with a religious monarchy as rulers, and Heoson somehow persuaded the people to follow him as he was "...sent from the god above". At first, Turbach thought this was a joke and he thought little of it. When there was news of deaths from the southern regions, then the army was sent out to destroy the confederacy.
The Dalies army now consisted of nearly 28,000 infantry soldiers, or 2 Divisions with 14,000 soldiers in each. Not wanting to lose the battles, Turbach sent 2 Naval Destroyers and the 1st Division. When the army arrived there, they were supervised to see that the rebels' numbers were close to 10,000, where as their intelligence told them to expect 8,000 at most. When Turbach heard of this, he ordered the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Battalions of the 2nd Division to sweep around and flank the Black Suns. This was worrying for Heoson, as he knew there would be a major lose of life for the Black Sun Confederation. In an act of insanity, he ordered all 10,000 troops to charge the 1st Battalion while he escaped beyond the borders of Dalies. In that charge, there were 8,000 reported causalities for the confederacy while only 12 for the Dalies army. Heoson Kleaten successfully escaped to the wide, unclaimed land south of Dalies and was never seen again.
Konner Smith, seeing the devastation of the Black Sun Confederacy, wanted to create a branch for armored vehicles and other mechanical units. Although he approved it, Kenny Howard was the true mastermind behind it. With increased military spending from the 17th Chancellor, Alexander Mintim, the armor branch flourished into a massive department. Rolando Dodson increased police budget to try to bring down the massive crime rate in Dalies. In 1955, Lionel Mortelli made a huge move to end segregation within Dalies between the majority natives and the immigrant Gelts. Mortelli also established the first Dalies Space Agency, which launched scientific satellites for research purposes.
Undoing Lionel Mortelli's work for greater unification, Sam Inged repealed the Anti-Segregation Act and and also legalized it, in doing so legalizing hate crimes and freeing those convicted of it. He was impeached in a close vote in 1962. Joey Jacobs outlawed segregation and hate crimes, resigned the Anti-Segregation Act, and improved on women's rights. After his term, civil rights were at an all time high.
In the last land expansion, Vincent Goodis expanded past the Ironrock Mountains and to the south, creating the modern-day borders. In 1976, he also improved the Navy and approved the International Freeway between Dalies and the land of the Zombie Bikers. In 1978, Bona Mare Inc. was founded, boosting the economy and making Dalies a name in every port within the North Pacific. Amanda Grey, the first woman Chancellor improved women's rights in 1982. Women now had the same exact rights as men at the time. In 1983, the first space shuttle was launched by the Dalies Space Agency, bringing 4 astronauts supplies while they were within the Dalies Space Station.
In 2007, Louis Becuhmin legalized gay marriage and increased the welfare budget. She also negotiated trade terms with the nation Abacathea and Stovilium. Finally, the current Chancellor, Evan Lyons, increased diplomatic ties with many nations, joined the North Pacific Union and the North Pacific Democratic Union. Lyons also improved marine trade, brought Dalies to its golden age, and allied Dalies with strong nations.