Section 1.
The following shall be added to Section 3.3 of the legal code:
Section 2.
The following shall be added to Chapter 1 of the legal code:
Section 3.
The following shall be added to Chapter 2 of the legal code:
The following shall be added to Section 3.3 of the legal code:
- Any nation testifying before the Court shall swear the following oath:
"I, [username], do solemnly swear that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, under pains and penalties of perjury."
Section 2.
The following shall be added to Chapter 1 of the legal code:
- "Perjury" shall be defined as willfully deceiving the Court, after taking an oath or affirmation before an authorized judicial officer.
Section 3.
The following shall be added to Chapter 2 of the legal code:
- Perjury will be punished by the suspension of voting rights for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.