Inquiry on Skippy's Mum


Garde à l'eau!
The questions sent by the AG to my client have been forwarded to me. We will not be answering any questions before a trial and reserve the right to change this position at any point. We request that these charges be dismissed by the AG or brought before the Court immediately.
A dismissal may indeed be requires as it has come to our attention that Skippy's Mum, who was the only witness to Skippy's untimely demise, has been found deceased in Flemingovia's garden with Flemingovia's fingerprints on or about here neck and pouch (which, of course, makes him the prime suspect).


TNP Crime Scene Investigation image.

It may be necessary to enquire as to Flemingovia's whereabouts at the time of Skippy's Mum's demise and possible charges of witness tampering be brought against Flemingovia as his fingerprints were found on the deceased.

Be aware, that I have been informed by A consulting detective for TNP that something is afoot.


"Do not concern yourself with the chicken that did cross the road; the answer lies with the chicken that did not cross the road." ------- Consulting Detective Sherlock Chicken of 221B Baker-Frier Street.
In effort to keep complaints seperate and the complaint docket neat and organized I have split this seperate inquiry from the original Flemingovia complaint.
I am assigning Romanoffia as Lead investigator in the apparent homocide of Skippy's Mum. HuAt please assist Romanoffia in any capacity as the lead investigator sees fit.

I will finish up looking into the flemingovia complaint.
MR. AAG Romanoffia send me those files for review forthwith. I will leave no roos pouch untouched in the search for the truth.
Investigators are digging through the roos pouch as we talk.

We have found a set of car keys which may belong to Democratic Donkeys (Hey! That rhymes! I'm a poet and don't know it!) or possibly JAL.

Then again, our detectives turned up this picture of Mall on a Twitter feed...


Mall possibly engaged in Kitty Porn? :horror:

I object to Romanoffia's involvement in this case. Romanoffia is likely to be called as a witness because of his well-known knowledge in pouchy (marsupial) hunting.
I object to Romanoffia's involvement in this case. Romanoffia is likely to be called as a witness because of his well-known knowledge in pouchy (marsupial) hunting.
I don't hunt marsupials, I only scoop them off the road after they get flattened by cattle trains and only after they are properly baked in the sun for a week or three.

However, my expertise in fine road-side dining ( I am the author of Bubba's Guide to Fine Roadside Dining or How to Identify Road Kill at 100 Miles per Hour) will only help in the prosecution of epicurean mayhem.

Now, excuse me, I have a Drop Bear cooking on the exhaust manifold as I am driving down the road.
Denied. He is our top investagator. Infact our only investigator. HuAT is busy gathering my starbucks order.

I could not appoint Punk D as investigator cause of some pesky words in the legal code about "government officals" and mere citizen-admins cannot be govt officals.

Romanoffia shall continue his assigned duty unless/until he is subpoenaed as a witness. Romanoffia is the most professional TNPer I have met. I am sure he can fulfil multiples rolls with integrity and more balance then a one legged clown on a unicycle.
Roman engages in multiple roles in TNP:


Roman can do anything and everything
at the same time.
If the Attorney General wishes to ignore the concerns of the citizens he is sworn to serve - so be it. Duly noted, Mr Attorney General. The voters will remember.
If the Attorney General wishes to ignore the concerns of the citizens he is sworn to serve - so be it. Duly noted, Mr Attorney General. The voters will remember.
You wanna be deputized?

It has come to my attention that certian music within TNP suggests I am out to deputize all of the RA.
Mall: would you and your client like to be deputized? We can settle this right now. And look into skippys mums death together and prosecute the offending offenders.
If the Attorney General wishes to ignore the concerns of the citizens he is sworn to serve - so be it. Duly noted, Mr Attorney General. The voters will remember.

The only thing the voters remember is the intoxicating effects of a properly prepared dish of Kangaroo Tail Curry.

Maybe Roman is Mall?

Whoa conflict of intrests there.

Now that would be truly frightening on many levels.

If the Attorney General wishes to ignore the concerns of the citizens he is sworn to serve - so be it. Duly noted, Mr Attorney General. The voters will remember.
You wanna be deputized?

It has come to my attention that certian music within TNP suggests I am out to deputize all of the RA.

Bagpipe music should be the official music of TNP! But only if the air bladders of the bagpipes are made from Kangaroo pouches.
Mall: would you and your client like to be deputized? We can settle this right now. And look into skippys mums death together and prosecute the offending offenders.

Your tone is noted. We're not asking to be deputised. We are only asking that you prosecute this case fairly..
It's a classy department you are running here, paulwall. We have had different styles of attorney generals office before but never one quite this slapstick.
Chapter 1: Criminal Code

1. No criminal case may be brought before the Court of the North Pacific against any citizen for any crime not listed in the Criminal Code.

Kangaroo Murder is not an offense listed in the Criminal code, therefore the AGs office determines this complaint closed.

The AGs office suggests if people wish to have more criminal offenses in TNP that people can be charged with that they propose legislation within the Regional Assembly to overhaul and add other offenses to the Criminal Code of The North Pacific
Since it has been passed 30 days since the AGs office declined this case, and the complaintant had not sought to manage the prosecution theirself. We view this matter as closed and therefor will be locking the topic.