Commentary Re: Flemingovia's Criminal Complaint


Garde à l'eau!
Crushing Our Enemies:
Maybe it's not my place to post here, but I'd like to comment that Skippy was the prime suspect in the robbery of a convenience store earlier that day.
:lol: That was good.

And I suppose they found the pinched goods in Skippy's pouch? :P

It is well good that I am never left speechless, but this complaint came damned close to doing it. And then I would have had to file a complaint of denial of free speech due to this complaint leaving me speechless. :D

At any rate, eating roos is not illegal in TNP and besides, they are quite tasty if properly cooked. I have a wonderful recipe, or should I say roocipe for Kango Tail Curry (and which will only leave you speechless if you add too much curry powder):


Goes good with a Shiraz or fine Jamaican Rum.
Bring it on. I have the might of the Attorney General and the Assistant Atorney generals on my side.

The assistant Attorney Generals, who can withstand them? Their name is legion, for they are many. They are as numberless as the stars in the sky, as grains of sand on the seashore.

Numberless as the sands of the seashore!
Numberless as the sands of the shore!
Oh, what a sight ’twill be,
When the AAGs we see,
As numberless as the sands of the seashore!
I have split general commentary from the Original flem complaint in effort to keep the complaint docket neat clean and organized.

In the future: please keep the complaint docket c
For submitting the complaint/supporting evidence and answering any follow up posts from the AG.

If you feel a need to make general commentary on a complaint please make a seperate post where acceptable - the Main AGs office forum will be acceptable.
It is interesting that you have had to do two splits on this matter, both prompted by posts from one of your deputies.

Perhaps a bit better discipline from the AGs over his deputy is called for?
It is interesting that you have had to do two splits on this matter, both prompted by posts from one of your deputies.

Perhaps a bit better discipline from the AGs over his deputy is called for?
Oh, please, the asshattery of your unfounded complaint involving being left speechless as a violation of your right to free speech? :lol:

While I appreciate the humour if said complaint and the levity it invoked in everyone who partook, and the fact that it is a pity that your 'speechlessness' was not of longer duration, I do find that such inane complaints clutter the docket with asshattery, however entertaining such complaints are.

You should have tried for something more conventional like trying to indict a ham sandwich.